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Data Structures Abstraction and Design Using Java 2nd Edition

Course administration


This is the course information for CPSC 223: Data Structures and Programming Techniques for the Spring 2022 semester. This document is available in two formats, both of which should contain the same information:

  • HTML
  • PDF

Code examples can be downloaded from links in the text, or can be found in the examples directory.

The links above point to In case this machine is down, a backup copy of these files can be found at

This document is a work in progress, and is likely to change frequently as the semester progresses.


Copyright © 2001–2021 by James Aspnes. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license:


  • Schedule: list of lectures and events. Includes reading assignments and pointers to lecture notes.
  • Calendar: shows office hours, lectures, and assignment deadlines.
  • Assignments: list of homeworks and exams.
  • Notes: notes on various topics relevant to the course.
  • Syllabus.
  • Data structure visualizations. Much better than the ASCII art (at best) illustrations you will find in this document.1


  • How to use the Zoo
  • Zoo help
  • Coding hints
  • GNU Online Documentation,
    • gcc
    • gdb
    • ddd
    • emacs
  • Frequently-asked questions (FAQ) for
    • C
    • C (abridged)
    • Unix
    • Emacs
  • Programming in C
  • Valgrind documentation
  • UNIXhelp for Users

Questions and comments

Please feel free to send questions or comments on the class or anything connected to it to

Lecture schedule

K&R refers to the Kernighan and Ritchie book. Examples from lecture can be found in the examples directory under 2022/lecture if the links below have not been updated yet.



Computer Science 223b, Data Structures and Programming Techniques.

Instructor: James Aspnes.

On-line course information

On-line information about the course, including the lecture schedule, lecture notes, and information about assignments, can be found at This document will be updated frequently during the semester, and is also available in PDF format.

Meeting times

Lectures are MW 13:00–14:15 in TBA

The lecture schedule can be found in the course notes. A calendar is also available.

Synopsis of the course

Topics include programming in C; data structures (arrays, stacks, queues, lists, trees, heaps, graphs); sorting and searching; storage allocation and management; data abstraction; programming style; testing and debugging; writing efficient programs.


CPSC 201, or equivalent background. See me if you aren't sure.


The textbook for this course is:

  • The C Programming Language (2nd Edition), by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. Prentice Hall, 1988. ISBN 0131103628. The definitive introduction to C. You should memorize this book.

If you are on the Yale campus or are using VPN to get to Yale's network, you can access this book at You do not need to buy a physical copy of this book unless you want to.

Course requirements

Ten homework assignments and two in-class exams. The assignments will together count for 80% of the semester grade, and the exams will count for 10% each. There will be no final exam.


See the calendar for open office hours.

You can spam everybody on the course staff using the email address


James Aspnes (, Office hours are listed in the calendar on my home page. If my open office hours don't work for you, please send email to make an appointment.

Course manager


Teaching Fellow


Undergraduate Learning Assistants


See for office hours for ULAs and TFs.

Use of outside help

Students are free to discuss homework problems and course material with each other, and to consult with the instructor or a TA. Solutions handed in, however, should be the student's own work.

As a practical guide to applying this policy, you should not look at other student's solutions or show them your own. Any code that is directly copied (even with trivial modifications) will result in sanctions on both the provider and the recipient. To avoid the appearance of impropriety, it is recommended that if you discuss your assignment with another student, that you take some time performing some unrelated activity before generating your own code, so that you can be confident that what you are doing reflects your own understanding and not someone else's remembered suggestions.

Clarifications for homework assignments

From time to time, ambiguities and errors may creep into homework assignments. Questions about the interpretation of homework assignments should be sent to the instructor at Clarifications will appear in the on-line version of the assignment.

Late assignments

Assignments submitted after the deadline without a Dean's Excuse are automatically assessed a 2%/hour penalty.


There are two purposes to this course: to teach you to program in the C programming language, and to teach you how to choose, implement, and use data structures and standard programming techniques.

Why should you learn to program in C?

  • It is the de facto substandard of programming languages.
    • C runs on everything.
    • C lets you write programs that use very few resources.
    • C gives you near-total control over the system, down to the level of pushing around individual bits with your bare hands.
    • C imposes very few constraints on programming style: unlike higher-level languages, C doesn't have much of an ideology. There are very few programs you can't write in C.
    • Many of the programming languages people actually use (Visual Basic, perl, python, ruby, PHP, etc.) are executed by interpreters written in C (or C++, an extension to C).
  • You will learn discipline.
    • C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot.
    • You can learn to avoid this by being careful about where you point it.
    • Pain is a powerful teacher of caution.
  • You will fail CPSC 323 if you don't learn C really well in CPSC 223 (CS majors only).

On the other hand, there are many reasons why you might not want to use C later in life. It's missing a lot of features of modern program languages, including:

  • A garbage collector.
  • Minimal programmer-protection features like array bounds-checking or a strong type system.
  • Non-trivial built-in data structures.
  • Language support for exceptions, namespaces, object-oriented programming, etc.

For most problems where minimizing programmer time and maximizing robustness are more important than minimizing runtime, other languages are a better choice. But for this class, we'll be using C.

If you want to read a lot of flaming about what C is or is not good for, see

Why should you learn about data structures and programming techniques?

For small programs, you don't need much in the way of data structures. But as soon as you are representing reasonably complicated data, you need some place to store it. Thinking about how you want to store and organize this data can be a good framework for organizing the rest of your program.

Many programming environments will give you a rich collection of built-in data structures as part of their standard library. C does not: unless you use third-party libraries, any data structure you want in C you will have to build yourself. For most data structures this will require an understanding of pointers and storage allocation, mechanisms often hidden in other languages. Understanding these concepts will give you a deeper understanding of how computers actually work, and will both let you function in minimalist environments where you don't have a lot of support and let you understand what more convenient environments are doing under their abstraction barriers.

The same applies to the various programming techniques we will discuss in this class. While some of the issues that come up are specific to C and similar low-level languages (particular issues involving disciplined management of storage), some techniques will apply no matter what kinds of programs you are writing and all will help in understanding what your computer systems are doing even if some of the details are hidden.

The Zoo

The main undergraduate computing facility for Computer Science is the Zoo, located on the third floor of AKW. The Zoo contains a large number of Linux workstations.

You don't need to do your work for this class in the Zoo, but that is where your assignments will be submitted and tested, so if you do development elsewhere, you will need to copy your files over and make sure that they work there as well.

The best place for information about the Zoo is at Below are some points that are of particular relevance for CS223 students.

Getting an account

You should already have an account for the Zoo if you have registered for the class. You login is your NetID. If this doesn't work, you will need to contact ITS at to figure out what went wrong.

If you have a Zoo account but do not have a directory under /c/cs223/class (required to submit assignments), create this directory with the command sudo register cs223.

Getting into the room

The Zoo is located on the third floor of Arthur K Watson Hall, toward the front of the building. If you are a Yale student, your ID should get you into the building and the room. If you are not a student, you will need to get your ID validated in AKW 008a to get in after hours.

Remote use

There are several options for remote use of the Zoo. The simplest is to use ssh as described in the following section. This will give you a terminal session, which is enough to run anything you need to if you are not trying to do anything fancy. The related program scp can be used to upload and download files.

Terminal access

The best part of Unix is that nothing ever changes. The instructions below still work, and will get you a terminal window in the Zoo:

        Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 14:34:19 -0500 (EST) From: Jim Faulkner <> Subject: Accessing the Zoo  Hello all,  I've been asked to write up a quick guide on how to access the Linux  computers in the Zoo.  For those who need this information, please read  on.  There are 2 ways of accessing the Zoo nodes, by walking up to one and  logging in on the console (the computers are located on the 3rd floor of  AKW), or by connecting remotely via SSH.  Telnet access is not allowed.  SSH clients for various operating systems are available here:  Mac OSX comes with an SSH client by default.  A good choice for an SSH  client if you run Microsoft Windows is PuTTY:  With the exception of a few legacy accounts, the Zoo uses your campus-wide  NetID and password for login access.  However, you must sign up for a Zoo account before access is allowed.  To sign up for a Zoo account, go to  this web page:  Then login with your campus-wide NetID and password.  You may choose a  different shell, or set up your account to be enrolled in a class if that  is appropriate for you, but neither is necessary.  Just click "Submit".   Within an hour, your Zoo account will be created, and you will receive  more information via e-mail about how to access the Zoo.  Users cannot log into (the central file server) directly,  they must log into one of the Zoo nodes.  Following is the list of Zoo  nodes:                                                                      If you have already created an account, you can SSH directly to one of  the above computers and log in with your campus-wide NetID and  password.  You can also SSH to, which will connect  you to a random Zoo node.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the Zoo.  thanks, Jim Faulkner Zoo Systems Administrator      

GUI access

If for some reason you really want to replicate the full Zoo experience on your own remote machine, you can try running an X server and forwarding your connection.

The first step is to get an X server on your local machine.

        - If you are running Linux, you probably already have an X server running. - For OSX, you will probably need to install [XQuartz]( - For Windows, some options are [XMing]( or XWin-32, which is available through the Yale Software Library.      

The second step is to use ssh to forward an X connection. Typing "ssh -X" to a Linux, OSX, or WSL terminal window should forward an X connection, allowing you to run X clients from the command line on the Zoo and have the windows show up on your local machine. But I've only had limited success with this myself, so no promises.

Developing on your own machine

Because C is highly portable, there is a good chance you can develop assignment solutions on your own machine and just upload to the Zoo for final testing and submission. Because there are many different kinds of machines out there, I can only offer very general advice about how to do this.2

You will need a text editor. I like Vim, which will run on pretty much anything, but you should use whatever you are comfortable with.

You will also need a C compiler that can handle C99. Ideally you will have an environment that looks enough like Linux that you can also run other command-line tools like gdb, make, and possibly git. How you get this depends on your underlying OS.


Pretty much any Linux distribution will give you this out of the box. You may need to run your package manager to install missing utilities like the gcc C compiler.


OSX is not Linux, but it is Unix under the hood. You will need a terminal emulator (the built-in Terminal program works, but I like iTerm2. You will also need to set up XCode to get command-line developer tools. The method for doing this seems to vary depending on which version of XCode you have.

You may end up with c99 pointing at clang instead of gcc. Most likely the only difference you will see is the details of the error messages. Remember to test with gcc on the Zoo.

Other packages can be installed using Homebrew. If you are a Mac person you probably already know more about this than I do.


What you can do here depends on your version of Windows.

  • For Windows 10, you can install Windows Subsystem for Linux. This gives you the ability to type bash in a console window and get a full-blown Linux installation. You will need to choose a Linux distribution: if you don't have a preference, I recommend Ubuntu.
    • You will need to use the apt program to install things like gcc. If you use Ubuntu, it will suggest which packages to install if you type a command it doesn't recognize.
    • You can also run ubuntu.exe from Windows to get a nicer terminal emulator than the default console window.
  • For other versions of Windows, you can install a virtualization program like VirtualBox or VMware and run Linux inside it.
  • You may also be able to develop natively in Windows using Cygwin, but this is probably harder than the other options and may produce surprising portability issues when moving your code to Linux.

How to compile and run programs

See the chapter on how to use the Zoo for details of particular commands. The basic steps are

  • Creating the program with a text editor of your choosing. (I like vim for long programs and cat for very short ones.)
  • Compiling it with gcc.
  • Running it.

If any of these steps fail, the next step is debugging. We'll talk about debugging elsewhere.

Creating the program

Use your favorite text editor. The program file should have a name of the form foo.c; the .c at the end tells the C compiler the contents are C source code. Here is a typical C program:

Compiling and running a program

Here's what happens when I compile and run it on the Zoo:

        $ c99 -g3 -o count count.c $ ./count Now I will count from 1 to 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 $      

The first line is the command to compile the program. The dollar sign is my prompt, which is printed by the system to tell me it is waiting for a command. The command calls gcc as c99 with arguments -g3 (enable maximum debugging info), -o (specify executable file name, otherwise defaults to a.out), count (the actual executable file name), and count.c (the source file to compile). This tells gcc that we should compile count.c to count in C99 mode with maximum debugging info included in the executable file.

The second line runs the output file count. Calling it ./count is necessary because by default the shell (the program that interprets what you type) only looks for programs in certain standard system directories. To make it run a program in the current directory, we have to include the directory name.

Some notes on what the program does

Noteworthy features of this program include:

  • The #include <stdio.h> in line 1. This is standard C boilerplate, and will appear in any program you see that does input or output. The meaning is to tell the compiler to include the text of the file /usr/include/stdio.h in your program as if you had typed it there yourself. This particular file contains declarations for the standard I/O library functions like puts (put string) and printf (print formatted), as used in the program. If you don't put it in, your program may or may not still compile. Do it anyway.

  • Line 3 is a comment; its beginning and end is marked by the /* and */ characters. Comments are ignored by the compiler but can be helpful for other programmers looking at your code (including yourself, after you've forgotten why you wrote something).

  • Lines 5 and 6 declare the main function. Every C program has to have a main function declared in exactly this way—it's what the operating system calls when you execute the program. The int on Line 3 says that main returns a value of type int (we'll describe this in more detail later in the chapter on functions), and that it takes two arguments: argc of type int, the number of arguments passed to the program from the command line, and argv, of a pointer type that we will get to eventually, which is an array of the arguments (essentially all the words on the command line, including the program name). Note that it would also work to do this as one line (as K&R typically does); the C compiler doesn't care about whitespace, so you can format things however you like, subject to the constraint that consistency will make it easier for people to read your code.

  • Everything inside the curly braces is the body of the main function. This includes

    • The declaration int i;, which says that i will be a variable that holds an int (see the chapter on Integer Types).
    • Line 10, which prints an informative message using puts (discussed in the chapter on input and output).
    • The for loop on Lines 11–13, which executes its body for each value of i from 1 to 10. We'll explain how for loops work later. Note that the body of the loop is enclosed in curly braces just like the body of the main function. The only statement in the body is the call to printf on Line 12; this includes a format string that specifies that we want a decimal-formatted integer followed by a newline (the \n).
    • The return 0; on Line 15 tells the operating system that the program worked (the convention in Unix is that 0 means success). If the program didn't work for some reason, we could have returned something else to signal an error.

The Linux programming environment

The Zoo runs a Unix-like operating system called Linux. Most people run Unix with a command-line interface provided by a shell. Each line typed to the shell tells it what program to run (the first word in the line) and what arguments to give it (remaining words). The interpretation of the arguments is up to the program.

The shell

When you sign up for an account in the Zoo, you are offered a choice of possible shell programs. The examples below assume you have chosen bash, the Bourne-again shell written by the GNU project. Other shells behave similarly for basic commands.

Getting a shell prompt in the Zoo

When you log in to a Zoo node directly, you may not automatically get a shell window. If you use the default login environment (which puts you into the KDE window manager), you need to click on the picture of the display with a shell in from of it in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen. If you run Gnome instead (you can change your startup environment using the popup menu in the login box), you can click on the foot in the middle of the toolbar. Either approach will pop up a terminal emulator from which you can run emacs, gcc, and so forth.

The default login shell in the Zoo is bash, and all examples of shell command lines given in these notes will assume bash. You can choose a different login shell on the account sign-up page if you want to, but you are probably best off just learning to like bash.

The Unix filesystem

Most of what one does with Unix programs is manipulate the filesystem. Unix files are unstructured blobs of data whose names are given by paths consisting of a sequence of directory names separated by slashes: for example /home/accts/some-user/cs223/hw1.c. At any time you are in a current working directory (type pwd to find out what it is and cd new-directory to change it). You can specify a file below the current working directory by giving just the last part of the pathname. The special directory names . and .. can also be used to refer to the current directory and its parent. So /home/accts/some-user/cs223/hw1.c is just hw1.c or ./hw1.c if your current working directory is /home/accts/some-user/cs223, cs223/hw1.c if your current working directory is /home/accts/some-user, and ../cs223/hw1.c if your current working directory is /home/accts/some-user/illegal-downloads.

All Zoo machines share a common filesystem, so any files you create or change on one Zoo machine will show up in the same place on all the others.

Unix command-line programs

Here are some handy Unix commands:


manprogram will show you the on-line documentation (the man page) for a program (e.g., try man man or man ls). Handy if you want to know what a program does. On Linux machines like the ones in the Zoo you can also get information using info program, which has an Emacs-like interface.

You can also use man function to see documentation for standard library functions. The command man -k string will search for man pages whose titles contain string.

Sometimes there is more than one man page with the same name. In this case man -k will distingiush them by different manual section numbers, e.g., printf (1) (a shell command) vs.printf (3) (a library routine). To get a man page from a specific section, use man section name, 3 printf.


ls lists all the files in the current directory. Some useful variants:

  • ls /some/other/dir; list files in that directory instead.
  • ls -l; long output format showing modification dates and owners.
mkdir dir will create a new directory in the current directory named dir.
rmdir dir deletes a directory. It only works on directories that contain no files.
cd dir changes the current working directory. With no arguments, cd changes back to your home directory.
pwd ("print working directory") shows what your current directory is.
mv old-name new-name changes the name of a file. You can also use this to move files between directories.
cp old-name new-name makes a copy of a file.
rm file deletes a file. Deleted files cannot be recovered. Use this command carefully.

chmod changes the permissions on a file or directory. See the man page for the full details of how this works. Here are some common chmod's:

  • chmod 644 file; owner can read or write the file, others can only read it.
  • chmod 600 file; owner can read or write the file, others can't do anything with it.
  • chmod 755 file; owner can read, write, or execute the file, others can read or execute it. This is typically used for programs or for directories (where the execute bit has the special meaning of letting somebody find files in the directory).
  • chmod 700 file; owner can read, write, or execute the file, others can't do anything with it.
emacs, gcc, make, gdb, git
See corresponding sections.

Stopping and interrupting programs

Sometimes you may have a running program that won't die. Aside from costing you the use of your terminal window, this may be annoying to other Zoo users, especially if the process won't die even if you close the terminal window or log out.

There are various control-key combinations you can type at a terminal window to interrupt or stop a running program.

Interrupt the process. Many processes (including any program you write unless you trap SIGINT using the sigaction system call) will die instantly when you do this. Some won't.
Suspend the process. This will leave a stopped process lying around. Type jobs to list all your stopped processes, fg to restart the last process (or fg %1 to start process %1 etc.), bg to keep running the stopped process in the background, kill %1 to attempt to end process %1 politely, kill -KILL %1 to end process %1 even if it is intercepting normal kills.
Send end-of-file to the process. Useful if you are typing test input to a process that expects to get EOF eventually or writing programs using cat > program.c (not really recommmended). For test input, you are often better putting it into a file and using input redirection (./program < test-input-file); this way you can redo the test after you fix the bugs it reveals.
Quit the process. Sends a SIGQUIT, which asks a process to quit and dump core. Mostly useful if ctrl-C and ctrl-Z don't work.

If you have a runaway process that you can't get rid of otherwise, you can use ps g to get a list of all your processes and their process ids. The kill command can then be used on the offending process, e.g.kill -KILL 6666 if your evil process has process id 6666. Sometimes the killall command can simplify this procedure, e.g.killall -KILL evil halts all process with command name evil.

Running your own programs

If you compile your own program, you will need to prefix it with ./ on the command line to tell the shell that you want to run a program in the current directory (called '.') instead of one of the standard system directories. So for example, if I've just built a program called count, I can run it by typing

        $ ./count      

Here the "$" is standing in for whatever your prompt looks like; you should not type it.

Any words after the program name (separated by whitespace—spaces and/or tabs) are passed in as arguments to the program. Sometimes you may wish to pass more than one word as a single argument. You can do so by wrapping the argument in single quotes, as in

        $ ./count 'this is the first argument' 'this is the second argument'      

Redirecting input and output

Some programs take input from standard input (typically the terminal). If you are doing a lot of testing, you will quickly become tired of typing test input at your program. You can tell the shell to redirect standard input from a file by putting the file name after a < symbol, like this:

        $ ./count < huge-input-file      

A '>' symbol is used to redirect standard output, in case you don't want to read it as it flies by on your screen:

        $ ./count < huge-input-file > huger-output-file      

A useful file for both input and output is the special file /dev/null. As input, it looks like an empty file. As output, it eats any characters sent to it:

        $ ./sensory-deprivation-experiment < /dev/null > /dev/null      

You can also pipe programs together, connecting the output of one to the input of the next. Good programs to put at the end of a pipe are head (eats all but the first ten lines), tail (eats all but the last ten lines), more (lets you page through the output by hitting the space bar, and tee (shows you the output but also saves a copy to a file). A typical command might be something like ./spew | more or ./slow-but-boring | tee boring-output. Pipes can consist of a long train of programs, each of which processes the output of the previous one and supplies the input to the next. A typical case might be:

        $ ./do-many-experiments | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr      

which, if ./do-many-experiments gives the output of one experiment on each line, produces a list of distinct experimental outputs sorted by decreasing frequency. Pipes like this can often substitute for hours of real programming.

Text editors

To write your programs, you will need to use a text editor, preferably one that knows enough about C to provide tools like automatic indentation and syntax highlighting. There are two reasonable choices for this in the Zoo: emacs, and vim (which can also be run as vi). Emacs and Vi have been the two contenders for the One True Editor since the 1970s—if you learn one (or both) you will be able to use the resulting skills everywhere. My personal preference is to use Vi, but Emacs has the advantage of using the same editing commands as the shell and gdb command-line interfaces.

If you are not editing directly on the Zoo machines, you have more options. Some other popular text editors that work well with C are VS Code, Atom, and Sublime Text. The main downside to these editors is that they are relatively new, and so they don't necessarily show up everywhere the way Emacs or Vi will. The other downside is that their relative novelty means that they won't necessarily have the same longevity as your grandfather's text editor: by the time you read this, there is a reasonably good chance that one or more of these popular editors is no longer very popular. But you should feel free to use whatever you are comfortable with as long as it works.

Writing C programs with Emacs

To start Emacs, type emacs at the command line. If you are actually sitting at a Zoo node it should put up a new window. If not, Emacs will take over the current window. If you have never used Emacs before, you should immediately type C-h t (this means hold down the Control key, type h, then type t without holding down the Control key). This will pop you into the Emacs built-in tutorial.

My favorite Emacs commands

General note: C-x means hold down Control and press x; M-x means hold down Alt (Emacs calls it "Meta") and press x. For M-x you can also hit Esc and then x.

Get help. Everything you could possibly want to know about Emacs is available through this command. Some common versions: C-h t puts up the tutorial, C-h b lists every command available in the current mode, C-h k tells you what a particular sequence of keystrokes does, and C-h l tells you what the last 50 or so characters you typed were (handy if Emacs just garbled your file and you want to know what command to avoid in the future).
C-x u
Undo. Undoes the last change you made to the current buffer. Type it again to undo more things. A lifesaver. Note that it can only undo back to the time you first loaded the file into Emacs—if you want to be able to back out of bigger changes, use git (described below).
C-x C-s
Save. Saves changes to the current buffer out to its file on disk.
C-x C-f
Edit a different file.
C-x C-c
Quit out of Emacs. This will ask you if you want to save any buffers that have been modified. You probably want to answer yes (y) for each one, but you can answer no (n) if you changed some file inside Emacs but want to throw the changes away.
Go forward one character.
Go back one character.
Go to the next line.
Go to the previous line.
Go to the beginning of the line.
Delete the rest of the line starting with the current position. Useful Emacs idiom: C-a C-k.
"Yank." Get back what you just deleted.
Re-indent the current line. In C mode this will indent the line according to Emacs's notion of how C should be indented.
M-x compile
Compile a program. This will ask you if you want to save out any unsaved buffers and then run a compile command of your choice (see the section on compiling programs below). The exciting thing about M-x compile is that if your program has errors in it, you can type C-x ` to jump to the next error, or at least where gcc thinks the next error is.

Using Vi instead of Emacs

If you don't find yourself liking Emacs very much, you might want to try Vim instead. Vim is a vastly enhanced reimplementation of the classic vi editor, which I personally find easier to use than Emacs. Type vimtutor to run the tutorial.

One annoying feature of Vim is that it is hard to figure out how to quit. If you don't mind losing all of your changes, you can always get out by hitting the Escape key a few times and then typing ~~~\\\ :qa!\\\ ~~~

To run Vim, type vim or vim filename from the command line. Or you can use the graphical version gvim, which pops up its own window.

Vim is a modal editor, meaning that at any time you are in one of several modes (normal mode, insert mode, replace mode, operator-pending mode, etc.), and the interpretation of keystrokes depends on which mode you are in. So typing jjjj in normal mode moves the cursor down four lines, while typing jjjj in insert mode inserts the string jjjj at the current position. Most of the time you will be in either normal mode or insert mode. There is also a command mode entered by hitting : that lets you type longer commands, similar to the Unix command-line or M-x in Emacs.

My favorite Vim commands

Normal mode
Get help. (Hit Enter at the end of any command that starts with a colon.) Escape
Get out of whatever strange mode you are in and go back to normal mode. You will need to use this whenever you are done typing code and want to get back to typing commands.
Enter insert mode. You will need to do this to type anything. The command a also enters insert mode, but puts new text after the current cursor position instead of before it.
Undo. Undoes the last change you made to the current buffer. Type it again to undo more things. If you undid something by mistake, c-R (control R) will redo the last undo (and can also be repeated).
Write the current file to disk. Use :w filename to write it to filename. Use :wa to write all files that you have modified. The command ZZ does the same thing without having to hit Enter at the end.
:e filename
Edit a different file.
Quit. Vi will refuse to do this if you have unwritten files. See :wa for how to fix this, or use :q! if you want to throw away your changes and quit anyway. The shortcuts :x and :wq do a write of the current file followed by quitting.
h, j, k, l
Move the cursor left, down, up, or right. You can also use the arrow keys (in both normal mode and insert mode).
Delete the current character.
Delete to end of line.
Delete all of the current line. This is a special case of a more general d command. If you precede it with a number, you can delete multiple lines: 5dd deletes the next 5 lines. If you replace the second d with a motion command, you delete until wherever you land: d$ deletes to end of line (D is faster), dj deletes this line and the line after it, d% deletes the next matching group of parentheses/braces/brackets and whatever is between them, dG deletes to end of file—there are many possibilities. All of these save what you deleted into register "" so you can get them back with p.
Like dd, but only saves the line to register "" and doesn't delete it. (Think copy). All the variants of dd work with yy: 5yy, y$, yj, y%, etc.
Pull whatever is in register "". (Think paste).
<< and >>
Outdent or indent the current line one tab stop.
Run make in the current directory. You can also give it arguments, e.g., :make myprog, :make test. Use :cn to go to the next error if you get errors.
Run a command, e.g., :! echo hello world or :! gdb myprogram. Returns to Vim when the command exits (control-C can sometimes be helpful if your command isn't exiting when it should). This works best if you ran Vim from a shell window; it doesn't work very well if Vim is running in its own window.
Insert mode
control-P and control-N
These are completion commands that attempt to expand a partial word to something it matches elsewhere in the buffer. So if you are a good person and have named a variable informativeVariableName instead of ivn, you can avoid having to type the entire word by typing inf<control-P> if it's the only word in your buffer that starts with inf.
control-O and control-I
Jump to the last cursor position before a big move / back to the place you jumped from.
Get out of insert mode!


Unlike Emacs, Vim's default settings are not very good for editing C programs. You can fix this by creating a file called .vimrc in your home directory with the following commands:

          set shiftwidth=4 set autoindent set backup set cindent set hlsearch set incsearch set showmatch set number syntax on filetype plugin on filetype indent on                  


(You can download this file by clicking on the link.)

In Vim, you can type e.g.:help backup to find out what each setting does. Note that because .vimrc starts with a ., it won't be visible to ls unless you use ls -a or ls -A.

The GNU C compiler gcc

A C program will typically consist of one or more files whose names end with .c. To compile foo.c, you can type gcc foo.c. Assuming foo.c contains no errors egregious enough to be detected by the extremely forgiving C compiler, this will produce a file named a.out that you can then execute by typing ./a.out.

If you want to debug your program using gdb or give it a different name, you will need to use a longer command line. Here's one that compiles foo.c to foo (run it using ./foo) and includes the information that gdb needs: gcc -g3 -o foo foo.c

If you want to use C99 features, you will need to tell gcc to use C99 instead of its own default dialect of C. You can do this either by adding the argument -std=c99 as in gcc -std=c99 -o foo foo.c or by calling gcc as c99 as in c99 -o foo foo.c.

By default, gcc doesn't check everything that might be wrong with your program. But if you give it a few extra arguments, it will warn you about many (but not all) potential problems: c99 -g3 -Wall -pedantic -o foo foo.c.


For complicated programs involving multiple source files, you are probably better off using make than calling gcc directly. Make is a "rule-based expert system" that figures out how to compile programs given a little bit of information about their components.

For example, if you have a file called foo.c, try typing make foo and see what happens.

In general you will probably want to write a Makefile, which is named Makefile or makefile and tells make how to compile programs in the same directory. Here's a typical Makefile:

Given a Makefile, make looks at each dependency line and asks: (a) does the target on the left hand side exist, and (b) is it older than the files it depends on. If so, it looks for a set of commands for rebuilding the target, after first rebuilding any of the files it depends on; the commands it runs will be underneath some dependency line where the target appears on the left-hand side. It has built-in rules for doing common tasks like building .o files (which contain machine code) from .c files (which contain C source code). If you have a fake target like all above, it will try to rebuild everything all depends on because there is no file named all (one hopes).

Make gotchas

Make really really cares that the command lines start with a TAB character. TAB looks like eight spaces in Emacs and other editors, but it isn't the same thing. If you put eight spaces in (or a space and a TAB), Make will get horribly confused and give you an incomprehensible error message about a "missing separator". This misfeature is so scary that I avoided using make for years because I didn't understand what was going on. Don't fall into that trap—make really is good for you, especially if you ever need to recompile a huge program when only a few source files have changed.

If you use GNU Make (on a zoo node), note that beginning with version 3.78, GNU Make prints a message that hints at a possible SPACEs-vs-TAB problem, like this:

        $ make Makefile:23:*** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?).  Stop.      

If you need to repair a Makefile that uses spaces, one way of converting leading spaces into TABs is to use the unexpand program:

        $ mv Makefile Makefile.old $ unexpand Makefile.old > Makefile      

Debugging tools

The standard debugger on the Zoo is gdb. Also useful is the memory error checker valgrind. Below are some notes on debugging in general and using these programs in particular.

Debugging in general

Basic method of all debugging:

  1. Know what your program is supposed to do.
  2. Detect when it doesn't.
  3. Fix it.

A tempting mistake is to skip step 1, and just try randomly tweaking things until the program works. Better is to see what the program is doing internally, so you can see exactly where and when it is going wrong. A second temptation is to attempt to intuit where things are going wrong by staring at the code or the program's output. Avoid this temptation as well: let the computer tell you what it is really doing inside your program instead of guessing.


Every non-trivial C program should include <assert.h>, which gives you the assert macro (see Appendix B6 of K&R). The assert macro tests if a condition is true and halts your program with an error message if it isn't:

Compiling and running this program produces the following output:

        $ gcc -o no no.c $ ./no no: no.c:6: main: Assertion `2+2 == 5' failed.      

Line numbers and everything, even if you compile with the optimizer turned on. Much nicer than a mere segmentation fault, and if you run it under the debugger, the debugger will stop exactly on the line where the assert failed so you can poke around and see why.

The GNU debugger gdb

The standard debugger on Linux is called gdb. This lets you run your program under remote control, so that you can stop it and see what is going on inside.

You can also use ddd, which is a graphical front-end for gdb. There is an extensive tutorial available for ddd, so we will concentrate on the command-line interface to gdb here.

Warning: Though gdb is rock-solid when running on an actual Linux kernel, if you are running on a different underlying operating system like Windows (including Windows Subsystem for Linux) or OS X, it may not work as well, either missing errors that it should catch or in some cases not starting at all. In either case you can try debugging on the Zoo machines instead. For OS X, you might also have better results using the standard OS X debugger lldb, which is similar enough to gdb to do everything gdb can do while being different enough that you will need to learn its own set of commands. Most IDEs that support C also include debugging tools.

Getting back to gdb, we'll look at a contrived example. Suppose you have the following program bogus.c:

Let's compile and run it and see what happens. Note that we include the flag -g3 to tell the compiler to include debugging information. This allows gdb to translate machine addresses back into identifiers and line numbers in the original program for us.

        $ c99 -g3 -o bogus bogus.c $ ./bogus -34394132 $      

That doesn't look like the sum of 1 to 1000. So what went wrong? If we were clever, we might notice that the test in the for loop is using the mysterious -= operator instead of the <= operator that we probably want. But let's suppose we're not so clever right now—it's four in the morning, we've been working on bogus.c for twenty-nine straight hours, and there's a -= up there because in our befuddled condition we know in our bones that it's the right operator to use. We need somebody else to tell us that we are deluding ourselves, but nobody is around this time of night. So we'll have to see what we can get the computer to tell us.

The first thing to do is fire up gdb, the debugger. This runs our program in stop-motion, letting us step through it a piece at a time and watch what it is actually doing. In the example below gdb is run from the command line. You can also run it directly from Emacs with M-x gdb, which lets Emacs track and show you where your program is in the source file with a little arrow, or (if you are logged in directly on a Zoo machine) by running ddd, which wraps gdb in a graphical user interface.

        $ gdb bogus GNU gdb with Linux/x86 hardware watchpoint and FPU support Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. Type "show copying" to see the conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "i386-redhat-linux"... (gdb) run Starting program: /home/accts/aspnes/tmp/bogus  -34394132  Program exited normally.      

So far we haven't learned anything. To see our program in action, we need to slow it down a bit. We'll stop it as soon as it enters main, and step through it one line at a time while having it print out the values of the variables.

        (gdb) break main Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048476: file bogus.c, line 9. (gdb) run Starting program: /home/accts/aspnes/tmp/bogus   Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff9ac) at bogus.c:9 9           sum = 0; (gdb) display sum 1: sum = 1 (gdb) n 10          for(i = 0; i -= 1000; i++) 1: sum = 0 (gdb) display i 2: i = 0 (gdb) n 11              sum += i; 2: i = -1000 1: sum = 0 (gdb) n 10          for(i = 0; i -= 1000; i++) 2: i = -1000 1: sum = -1000 (gdb) n 11              sum += i; 2: i = -1999 1: sum = -1000 (gdb) n 10          for(i = 0; i -= 1000; i++) 2: i = -1999 1: sum = -2999 (gdb) quit The program is running.  Exit anyway? (y or n) y $      

Here we are using break main to tell the program to stop as soon as it enters main, display to tell it to show us the value of the variables i and sum whenever it stops, and n (short for next) to execute the program one line at a time.

When stepping through a program, gdb displays the line it will execute next as well as any variables you've told it to display. This means that any changes you see in the variables are the result of the previous displayed line. Bearing this in mind, we see that i drops from 0 to -1000 the very first time we hit the top of the for loop and drops to -1999 the next time. So something bad is happening in the top of that for loop, and if we squint at it a while we might begin to suspect that i -= 1000 is not the nice simple test we might have hoped it was.

My favorite gdb commands

Get a description of gdb's commands.
Runs your program. You can give it arguments that get passed in to your program just as if you had typed them to the shell. Also used to restart your program from the beginning if it is already running.
Leave gdb, terminating your program if necessary.
Set a breakpoint, which is a place where gdb will automatically stop your program. Some examples: - break somefunction stops before executing the first line somefunction. - break 117 stops before executing line number 117.
Show part of your source file with line numbers (handy for figuring out where to put breakpoints). Examples: - list somefunc lists all lines of somefunc. - list 117-123 lists lines 117 through 123.
Execute the next line of the program, including completing any procedure calls in that line.
Execute the next step of the program, which is either the next line if it contains no procedure calls, or the entry into the called procedure.
Continue until you get out of the current procedure (or hit a breakpoint). Useful for getting out of something you stepped into that you didn't want to step into.
(Or continue). Continue until (a) the end of the program, (b) a fatal error like a Segmentation Fault or Bus Error, or (c) a breakpoint. If you give it a numeric argument (e.g., cont 1000) it will skip over that many breakpoints before stopping.
Print the value of some expression, e.g.print i.
Like print, but runs automatically every time the program stops. Useful for watching values that change often.
Show all the function calls on the stack, with arguments. Can be abbreviated as bt. Do bt full if you also want to see local variables in each function.
set disable-randomization off
Not something you will need every day, but you should try this before running your program if it is producing segmentation faults outside of gdb but not inside. Normally the Linux kernel randomizes the position of bits of your program before running it, to make its response to buffer overflow attacks less predictable. By default, gdb turns this off so that the behavior of your program is consistent from one execution to the next. But sometimes this means that a pointer that had been bad with address randomization (causing a segmentation fault) turns out not to be bad without. This option will restore the standard behavior outside gdb and give you some hope of finding what went wrong.

Debugging strategies

In general, the idea behind debugging is that a bad program starts out OK, but after executing for a while it gets confused and starts misbehaving. If you can find the exact moment in its execution where it first starts acting up, you can see exactly what piece of code is causing the problem and have a reasonably good chance of being able to fix it. So a typical debugging strategy is to put in a breakpoint (using break) somewhere before the confusion hits, "instrument" the program (using display) so that you can watch it getting confused, and step through it (using next, step, or breakpoints and cont) until you find the point of failure. Sometimes this process requires restarting the program (using run) if you skip over this point without noticing it immediately.

For large or long-running programs, it often makes sense to do binary search to find the point of failure. Put in a breakpoint somewhere (say, on a function that is called many times or at the top of a major loop) and see what the state of the program is after going through the breakpoint 1000 times (using something like cont 1000). If it hasn't gone bonkers yet, try restarting and going through 2000 times. Eventually you bracket the error as occurring (for example) somewhere between the 4000th and 8000th occurrence of the breakpoint. Now try stepping through 6000 times; if the program is looking good, you know the error occurs somewhere between the 6000th and 8000th breakpoint. A dozen or so more experiments should be enough isolate the bug to a specific line of code.

The key to all debugging is knowing what your code is supposed to do. If you don't know this, you can't tell the lunatic who thinks he's Napoleon from lunatic who really is Napoleon. If you're confused about what your code is supposed to be doing, you need to figure out what exactly you want it to do. If you can figure that out, often it will be obvious what is going wrong. If it isn't obvious, you can always go back to gdb.

Common applications of gdb

Here are some typical classes of bugs and how to squish them with gdb. (The same instructions usually work for ddd.)

Watching your program run
  1. Compile your program with the -g3 flag. You can still run gdb if you don't do this, but it won't be able to show you variable names or source lines.
  2. Run gdb with gdb programname.
  3. Type break main to stop at the start of the main routine.
  4. Run your program with run arguments. The run command stands in for the program name. You can also redirect input as in the shell with run arguments < filename.
  5. When the program stops, you can display variables in the current function or expressions involving these variables using display, as in display x, display a[i], display z+17. In ddd, double-clicking on a variable name will have the same effect. Use undisplay to get rid of any displays you don't want.
  6. To step through your program, use next (always goes to next line in the current function, not dropping down into function calls), step (go to the next executed line, even if it is inside a called function), finish (run until the current function returns), and cont (run until the end of the program or the next breakpoint).

This can be handy if you don't particularly know what is going on in your program and want to see.

Dealing with failed assertions

Run the program as described above. When you hit the bad assert, you will stop several functions deep from where it actually happened. Use up to get up to the function that has the call to assert then use print or display to figure out what is going on.

Example program:

With gdb in action:

        $ gcc -g3 -o assertFailed assertFailed.c  $ gdb assertFailed GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.7.1-0ubuntu5~14.04.2) 7.7.1 Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "i686-linux-gnu". Type "show configuration" for configuration details. For bug reporting instructions, please see: <>. Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at: <>. For help, type "help". Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"... Reading symbols from assertFailed...done. (gdb) run Starting program: /home/aspnes/g/classes/223/notes/examples/debugging/assertFailed  assertFailed: assertFailed.c:12: main: Assertion `x+x == 4' failed.  Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted. 0xb7fdd416 in __kernel_vsyscall () (gdb) up #1  0xb7e43577 in __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:56 56  ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c: No such file or directory. (gdb) up #2  0xb7e469a3 in __GI_abort () at abort.c:89 89  abort.c: No such file or directory. (gdb) up #3  0xb7e3c6c7 in __assert_fail_base (fmt=0xb7f7a8b4 "%s%s%s:%u: %s%sAssertion `%s' failed.\n%n",      assertion=assertion@entry=0x804850f "x+x == 4", file=file@entry=0x8048500 "assertFailed.c",      line=line@entry=12, function=function@entry=0x8048518 <__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.2355> "main") at assert.c:92 92  assert.c: No such file or directory. (gdb) up #4  0xb7e3c777 in __GI___assert_fail (assertion=0x804850f "x+x == 4", file=0x8048500 "assertFailed.c", line=12,      function=0x8048518 <__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.2355> "main") at assert.c:101 101 in assert.c (gdb) up #5  0x0804845d in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff434) at assertFailed.c:12 12      assert(x+x == 4); (gdb) print x $1 = 3      

Here we see that x has value 3, which may or may not be the right value, but certainly violates the assertion.

Dealing with segmentation faults

Very much like the previous case. Run gdb until the segmentation fault hits, then look around for something wrong.

        $ gcc -g3 -o segmentationFault segmentationFault.c  $ gdb segmentationFault GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.7.1-0ubuntu5~14.04.2) 7.7.1 [...] Reading symbols from segmentationFault...done. (gdb) run Starting program: /home/aspnes/g/classes/223/notes/examples/debugging/segmentationFault   Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x08048435 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff434) at segmentationFault.c:13 13      printf("%d\n", a[i]); (gdb) print a[i] $1 = 0 (gdb) print i $2 = -1771724      

Curiously, gdb has no problem coming up with a value for a[i]. But i looks pretty suspicious.

Dealing with infinite loops

Run gdb, wait a while, then hit control-C. This will stop gdb wherever it is. If you have an infinite loop, it's likely that you will be in it, and that the index variables will be doing something surprising. Use display to keep an eye on them and do next a few times.

                  $ gcc -g3 -o infiniteLoop infiniteLoop.c $ gdb infiniteLoop GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.7.1-0ubuntu5~14.04.2) 7.7.1 [...] Reading symbols from infiniteLoop...done. (gdb) run Starting program: /home/aspnes/g/classes/223/notes/examples/debugging/infiniteLoop  ^C Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt. main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff434) at infiniteLoop.c:11 11          i *= 37; (gdb) display i 1: i = 0 (gdb) n 10      for(i = 0; i < 10; i += 0) { 1: i = 0 (gdb) n 11          i *= 37; 1: i = 0 (gdb) n 10      for(i = 0; i < 10; i += 0) { 1: i = 0 (gdb) n 11          i *= 37; 1: i = 0 (gdb) n 10      for(i = 0; i < 10; i += 0) { 1: i = 0 (gdb) n 11          i *= 37; 1: i = 0      
Mysterious variable changes

Sometimes pointer botches don't manifest as good, honest segmentation faults but instead as mysterious changes to seemingly unrelated variables. You can catch these in the act using conditional breakpoints. The downside is that you can only put conditional breakpoints on particular lines.

Here's a program that violates array bounds (which C doesn't detect):

In the debugging session below, it takes a couple of attempts to catch the change in x before hitting the failed assertion.

        $ gcc -g3 -o mysteryChange mysteryChange.c  $ gdb mysteryChange GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.7.1-0ubuntu5~14.04.2) 7.7.1 [...] Reading symbols from mysteryChange...done. (gdb) run Starting program: /home/aspnes/g/classes/223/notes/examples/debugging/mysteryChange  mysteryChange: mysteryChange.c:18: main: Assertion `x == 5' failed.  Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted. 0xb7fdd416 in __kernel_vsyscall () (gdb) list main 2   #include <stdlib.h> 3   #include <assert.h> 4    5   int 6   main(int argc, char **argv) 7   { 8       int x; 9       int a[10]; 10      int i; 11   (gdb) list 12      x = 5; 13   14      for(i = -1; i < 11; i++) { 15          a[i] = 37; 16      } 17   18      assert(x == 5); 19   20      return 0; 21  } (gdb) break 14 if x != 5 Breakpoint 1 at 0x804842e: file mysteryChange.c, line 14. (gdb) run The program being debugged has been started already. Start it from the beginning? (y or n) y  Starting program: /home/aspnes/g/classes/223/notes/examples/debugging/mysteryChange  mysteryChange: mysteryChange.c:18: main: Assertion `x == 5' failed.  Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted. 0xb7fdd416 in __kernel_vsyscall () (gdb) break 15 if x != 5 Breakpoint 2 at 0x8048438: file mysteryChange.c, line 15. (gdb) run The program being debugged has been started already. Start it from the beginning? (y or n) y  Starting program: /home/aspnes/g/classes/223/notes/examples/debugging/mysteryChange   Breakpoint 2, main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff434) at mysteryChange.c:15 15          a[i] = 37; (gdb) print i $1 = 0 (gdb) print a[0] $2 = 134520832 (gdb) print a[-1] $3 = 37 (gdb) print x $4 = 37      

One thing to note is that a breakpoint stops before the line it is on executes. So when we hit the breakpoint on line 15 (gdb having observed that x != 5 is true), i has the value 0, but the damage happened in the previous interation when i was -1. If we want to see exactly what happened then, we'd need to go back in time. We can't do this, but we could set an earlier breakpoint and run the program again.


The valgrind program can be used to detect some (but not all) common errors in C programs that use pointers and dynamic storage allocation. On the Zoo, you can run valgrind on your program by putting valgrind at the start of the command line:

        valgrind ./my-program arg1 arg2 < test-input      

This will run your program and produce a report of any allocations and de-allocations it did. It will also warn you about common errors like using unitialized memory, dereferencing pointers to strange places, writing off the end of blocks allocated using malloc, or failing to free blocks.

You can suppress all of the output except errors using the -q option, like this:

        valgrind -q ./my-program arg1 arg2 < test-input      

You can also turn on more tests, e.g.

        valgrind -q --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes ./my-program arg1 arg2 < test-input      

See valgrind --help for more information about the (many) options, or look at the documentation at for detailed information about what the output means. For some common valgrind messages, see the examples section below.

If you want to run valgrind on your own machine, you may be able to find a version that works at Unfortunately, this is only likely to work if you are running a Unix-like operating system. This does include Linux (either on its own or inside Windows Subsystem for Linux) and OSX, but it does not include stock Windows.

Compilation flags

You can run valgrind on any program (try valgrind ls); it does not require special compilation. However, the output of valgrind will be more informative if you compile your program with debugging information turned on using the -g or -g3 flags (this is also useful if you plan to watch your program running using gdb, ).

Automated testing

Unless otherwise specified, automated testing of your program will be done using the script in /c/cs223/bin/vg; this runs /c/cs223/bin/valgrind with the --tool=memcheck, --leak-check=yes, and -q options, throws away your program's output, and replaces it with valgrind's output. If you have a program named ./prog, running /c/cs223/bin/vg ./prog should produce no output.

Examples of some common valgrind errors

Here are some examples of valgrind output. In each case the example program is compiled with -g3 so that valgrind can report line numbers from the source code.

You may also find it helpful to play with this demo program written by the Spring 2018 course staff.

Uninitialized values

Consider this unfortunate program, which attempts to compare two strings, one of which we forgot to ensure was null-terminated:

Run without valgrind, we see no errors, because we got lucky and it turned out our hand-built string was null-terminated anyway:

        $ ./uninitialized  a is "a"      

But valgrind is not fooled:

        $ valgrind -q ./uninitialized  ==4745== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) ==4745==    at 0x4026663: strcmp (mc_replace_strmem.c:426) ==4745==    by 0x8048435: main (uninitialized.c:10) ==4745==  ==4745== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) ==4745==    at 0x402666C: strcmp (mc_replace_strmem.c:426) ==4745==    by 0x8048435: main (uninitialized.c:10) ==4745==  ==4745== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) ==4745==    at 0x8048438: main (uninitialized.c:10) ==4745==              

Here we get a lot of errors, but they are all complaining about the same call to strcmp. Since it's unlikely that strcmp itself is buggy, we have to assume that we passed some uninitialized location into it that it is looking at. The fix is to add an assignment a[1] = '\0' so that no such location exists.

Bytes definitely lost

Here is a program that calls malloc but not free:

With no extra arguments, valgrind will not look for this error. But if we turn on --leak-check=yes, it will complain:

        $ valgrind -q --leak-check=yes ./missing_free ==4776== 26 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1 of 1 ==4776==    at 0x4024F20: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:236) ==4776==    by 0x80483F8: main (missing_free.c:9) ==4776==              

Here the stack trace in the output shows where the bad block was allocated: inside malloc (specifically the paranoid replacement malloc supplied by valgrind), which was in turn called by main in line 9 of missing_free.c. This lets us go back and look at what block was allocated in that line and try to trace forward to see why it wasn't freed. Sometimes this is as simple as forgetting to include a free statement anywhere, but in more complicated cases it may be because I somehow lose the pointer to the block by overwriting the last variable that points to it or by embedding it in some larger structure whose components I forget to free individually.

Invalid write or read operations

These are usually operations that you do off the end of a block from malloc or on a block that has already been freed.

An example of the first case:

        ==7141== Invalid write of size 1 ==7141==    at 0x804843B: main (invalid_operations.c:12) ==7141==  Address 0x419a029 is 0 bytes after a block of size 1 alloc'd ==7141==    at 0x4024F20: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:236) ==7141==    by 0x8048428: main (invalid_operations.c:10) ==7141==  ==7141== Invalid read of size 1 ==7141==    at 0x4026063: __GI_strlen (mc_replace_strmem.c:284) ==7141==    by 0x409BCE4: puts (ioputs.c:37) ==7141==    by 0x8048449: main (invalid_operations.c:14) ==7141==  Address 0x419a029 is 0 bytes after a block of size 1 alloc'd ==7141==    at 0x4024F20: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:236) ==7141==    by 0x8048428: main (invalid_operations.c:10) ==7141==              

An example of the second:

        ==7144== Invalid write of size 1 ==7144==    at 0x804846D: main (freed_block.c:13) ==7144==  Address 0x419a028 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 2 free'd ==7144==    at 0x4024B3A: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:366) ==7144==    by 0x8048468: main (freed_block.c:11) ==7144==  ==7144== Invalid write of size 1 ==7144==    at 0x8048477: main (freed_block.c:14) ==7144==  Address 0x419a029 is 1 bytes inside a block of size 2 free'd ==7144==    at 0x4024B3A: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:366) ==7144==    by 0x8048468: main (freed_block.c:11) ==7144==  ==7144== Invalid read of size 1 ==7144==    at 0x4026058: __GI_strlen (mc_replace_strmem.c:284) ==7144==    by 0x409BCE4: puts (ioputs.c:37) ==7144==    by 0x8048485: main (freed_block.c:16) [... more lines of errors deleted ...]      

In both cases the problem is that we are operating on memory that is not guaranteed to be allocated to us. For short programs like these, we might get lucky and have the program work anyway. But we still want to avoid bugs like this because we might not get lucky.

How do we know which case is which? If I write off the end of an existing block, I'll see something like Address 0x419a029 is 0 bytes after a block of size 1 alloc'd, telling me that I am working on an address after a block that is still allocated. When I try to write to a freed block, the message changes to Address 0x419a029 is 1 bytes inside a block of size 2 free'd, where the free'd part tells me I freed something I probably shouldn't have. Fixing the first class of bugs is usually just a matter of allocating a bigger block (but don't just do this without figuring out why you need a bigger block, or you'll just be introducing random mutations into your code that may cause other problems elsewhere). Fixing the second class of bugs usually involves figuring out why you freed this block prematurely. In some cases you may need to re-order what you are doing so that you don't free a block until you are completely done with it.

Not recommended: debugging output

A tempting but usually bad approach to debugging is to put lots of printf statements in your code to show what is going on. The problem with this compared to using assert is that there is no built-in test to see if the output is actually what you'd expect. The problem compared to gdb is that it's not flexible: you can't change your mind about what is getting printed out without editing the code. A third problem is that the output can be misleading: in particular, printf output is usually buffered, which means that if your program dies suddenly there may be output still in the buffer that is never flushed to stdout. This can be very confusing, and can lead you to believe that your program fails earlier than it actually does.

If you really need to use printf or something like it for debugging output, here are a few rules of thumb to follow to mitigate the worst effects:

  1. Use fprintf(stderr, ...) instead of printf(...); this allows you to redirect your program's regular output somewhere that keeps it separate from the debugging output (but beware of misleading interleaving of the two streams—buffering may mean that output to stdout and stderr appears to arrive out of order). It also helps that output to stderr is usually unbuffered, avoiding the problem of lost output.
  2. If you must output to stdout, put fflush(stdout) after any output operation you suspect is getting lost in the buffer. The fflush function forces any buffered output to be emitted immediately.
  3. Keep all arguments passed to printf as simple as possible and beware of faults in your debugging code itself. If you write printf("a[key] == %d\n", a[key]) and key is some bizarre value, you will never see the result of this printf because your program will segfault while evaluating a[key]. Naturally, this is more likely to occur if the argument is a[key]->size[LEFTOVERS].cleanupFunction(a[key]) than if it's just a[key], and if it happens it will be harder to figure out where in this complex chain of array indexing and pointer dereferencing the disaster happened. Better is to wait for your program to break in gdb, and use the print statement on increasingly large fragments of the offending expression to see where the bogus array index or surprising null pointer is hiding.
  4. Wrap your debugging output in an #ifdef so you can turn it on and off easily.

Bearing in mind that this is a bad idea, here is an example of how one might do it as well as possible:

Note that we get much more useful information if we run this under gdb (which will stop exactly on the bad line in init), but not seeing the result of the fputs at least tells us something.

Performance tuning

Chapter 7 of Kernighan and Pike, The Practice of Programming (Addison-Wesley, 1998) gives an excellent overview of performance tuning. This page will be limited to some Linux-specific details and an example.

Timing under Linux

Use time, e.g.

        $ time wc /usr/share/dict/words  45378  45378 408865 /usr/share/dict/words  real    0m0.010s user    0m0.006s sys     0m0.004s      

This measures "real time" (what it sounds like), "user time" (the amount of time the program runs), and "system time" (the amount of time the operating system spends supporting your program, e.g. by loading it from disk and doing I/O). Real time need not be equal to the sum of user time and system time, since the operating system may be simultaneously running other programs.

Particularly for fast programs, times can vary from one execution to the next, e.g.

        $ time wc /usr/share/dict/words  45378  45378 408865 /usr/share/dict/words  real    0m0.009s user    0m0.008s sys     0m0.001s $ time wc /usr/share/dict/words  45378  45378 408865 /usr/share/dict/words  real    0m0.009s user    0m0.007s sys     0m0.002s      

This arises because of measurement errors and variation in how long different operations take. But usually the variation will not be much.

Note also that time is often a builtin operation of your shell, so the output format may vary depending on what shell you use.

Profiling with valgrind

The problem with time is that it only tells you how much time your whole program took, but not where it spent its time. This is similar to looking at a program without a debugger: you can't see what's happening inside. If you want to see where your program is spending its time, you need to use a profiler.

The specific profiler we will use in this section is callgrind, a tool built into valgrind, which we've been using elsewhere to detect pointer disasters and storage leaks. Full documentation for callgrind can be found at, but we'll give an example of typical use here.

Here is an example of a program that is unreasonably slow for what it is doing.

                          #include                            <stdio.h>              #include                            <stdlib.h>              #include                            <assert.h>                            #include                            <string.h>                            /* concatenate n copies of src into dest */              /* returns dest */              /* caller is responsible for making dest large enough */              char              * replicate(char              *dest,              const              char              *src,              int              n) {               /* truncate dest */                  dest[0] = '\0              ';                /* BAD: each call to strcat requires walking across dest */                            for(int              i =              0; i < n; i++) {         strcat(dest, src);     }                return              dest; }               /* like strcpy, but only copies characters at indices 0, 2, 4, ...                              from src to dest */              char              * copyEvenCharacters(char              *dest,              const              char              *src) {               int              i;               int              j;                /* BAD: Calls strlen on every pass through the loop */                            for(i =              0, j =              0; i < strlen(src); i +=              2, j++) {         dest[j] = src[i];     }      dest[j] = '\0              ';                return              dest; }               /* like puts, but stops after maxChars characters */              void              putsRestricted(const              char              *s,              int              maxChars) {               for(int              i =              0; s[i]; i++) {               if(i >= maxChars) {             printf("[%zu more]              \n              ", strlen(s) - i);               return;         }              else              {             putchar(s[i]);         }     }      putchar('\n'); }               #define SMALL (10)              #define BIG (100000)              #define PATTERN "abcd"                            #define BUFFER_SIZE (BIG * strlen(PATTERN) + 1)                            /* how many characters to print at once */              #define MAX_CHARS (40)                            int              main(int              argc,              char              **argv) {               char              *buffer;               char              *half;      buffer = malloc(BUFFER_SIZE);     half = malloc(BUFFER_SIZE);      putsRestricted(replicate(buffer, PATTERN, SMALL), MAX_CHARS);     putsRestricted(copyEvenCharacters(half, buffer), MAX_CHARS);      putsRestricted(replicate(buffer, PATTERN, BIG), MAX_CHARS);     putsRestricted(copyEvenCharacters(half, buffer), MAX_CHARS);      free(half);     free(buffer);                return              0; }          


This program defines several functions for processing null-terminated strings: replicate, which concatenates many copies of some string together, and copyEvenCharacters, which copies every other character in a string to a given buffer. Unfortunately, both functions contain a hidden inefficiency arising from their use of the standard C library string functions.

The runtime of the program is not terrible, but not as sprightly as we might expect given that we are working on less than half a megabyte of text:

        $ time ./slow abcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcd acacacacacacacacacac abcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcd[399960 more] acacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacac[199960 more]  real    0m3.171s user    0m3.164s sys     0m0.001s      

So we'd like to make it faster.

In this particular case, the programmer was kind enough to identify the problems in the original code in comments, but we can't always count on that. But we can use the callgrind tool built into valgrind to find out where our program is spending most of its time.

To run callgrind, call valgrind with the --tool=callgrind option, like this:

        $ time valgrind --tool=callgrind ./slow ==5714== Callgrind, a call-graph generating cache profiler ==5714== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Josef Weidendorfer et al. ==5714== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==5714== Command: ./slow ==5714==  ==5714== For interactive control, run 'callgrind_control -h'. abcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcd acacacacacacacacacac abcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcd[399960 more] acacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacac[199960 more] ==5714==  ==5714== Events    : Ir ==5714== Collected : 15339385208 ==5714==  ==5714== I   refs:      15,339,385,208  real    1m31.965s user    1m31.515s sys 0m0.037s      

I've include time at the start of the command line to make it clear just how much of a slowdown you can expect from using valgrind for this purpose. Note that valgrind only prints a bit of summary data while executing. To get a full report, we use a separate program callgrind_annotate:

        $ callgrind_annotate --auto=yes --inclusive=yes > slow.callgrind      

Here I sent the output to a file slow.callgrind so I could look at it in more detail in my favorite text editor, since the actual report is pretty huge. The --auto=yes argument tells callgrind_annotate to show how many instructions were executed as part of each line of source code, and the --inclusive=yes argument tells use that in its report it should charge instructions executed in some function both to that function and to all functions responsible for calling it. This is usually what you want to figure out where things are going wrong.

The first thing to look at in slow.callgrind is the table showing which functions are doing most of the work:

        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------             Ir  file:function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15,339,385,208  ???:0x0000000000000dd0 [/usr/lib64/] 15,339,274,304  ???:_start [/home/accts/aspnes/g/classes/223/notes/examples/profiling/slow] 15,339,274,293  /usr/src/debug/glibc-2.25-123-gedcf13e25c/csu/../csu/libc-start.c:(below main) [/usr/lib64/] 15,339,273,103  slow.c:main [/home/accts/aspnes/g/classes/223/notes/examples/profiling/slow] 15,339,273,103  /home/accts/aspnes/g/classes/223/notes/examples/profiling/slow.c:main 11,264,058,263  slow.c:copyEvenCharacters [/home/accts/aspnes/g/classes/223/notes/examples/profiling/slow] 11,260,141,740  /usr/src/debug/glibc-2.25-123-gedcf13e25c/string/../sysdeps/x86_64/strlen.S:strlen [/usr/lib64/]  4,075,049,055  slow.c:replicate [/home/accts/aspnes/g/classes/223/notes/examples/profiling/slow]  4,074,048,083  /usr/src/debug/glibc-2.25-123-gedcf13e25c/string/../sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/strcat-ssse3.S:__strcat_ssse3 [/usr/lib64/]        108,795  /usr/src/debug/glibc-2.25-123-gedcf13e25c/elf/rtld.c:_dl_start [/usr/lib64/]      

Since each function is charge for work done by its children, the top of the list includes various setup functions included automatically by the C compiler, followed by main. Inside main, we see that the majority of the work is done in copyEvenCharacters, with a substantial chunk in replicate. The suspicious similarity in numbers suggests that most of these instructions in copyEvenCharacters are accounted for by calls to strlen and in replicate by calls to __strcat_sse3, which happens to be an assembly-language implementation of strcat (hence the .S in the source file name) that uses the special SSE instructions in the x86 instruction set to speed up copying.

We can confirm this suspicion by looking at later parts of the file, which annotate the source code with instruction counts.

The annotated version of slow.c includes this annotated version of replicate, showing roughly 4 billion instructions executed in __strcat_sse3:

                  .  char *         .  replicate(char *dest, const char *src, int n)        12  {         .      /* truncate dest */         4      dest[0] = '\0';         .           .      /* BAD: each call to strcat requires walking across dest */   400,050      for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {   600,064          strcat(dest, src);       836  => /usr/src/debug/glibc-2.25-123-gedcf13e25c/elf/../sysdeps/x86_64/dl-trampoline.h:_dl_runtime_resolve_xsave (1x) 4,074,048,083  => /usr/src/debug/glibc-2.25-123-gedcf13e25c/string/../sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/strcat-ssse3.S:__strcat_ssse3 (100009x)         .      }         .           2      return dest;         4  }      

Similarly, the annotated version of copyEvenCharacters shows that 11 billion instructions were executed in strlen:

                  .  char *         .  copyEvenCharacters(char *dest, const char *src)        12  {         .      int i;         .      int j;         .           .      /* BAD: Calls strlen on every pass through the loop */ 2,000,226      for(i = 0, j = 0; i < strlen(src); i += 2, j++) { 11,260,056,980  => /usr/src/debug/glibc-2.25-123-gedcf13e25c/string/../sysdeps/x86_64/strlen.S:strlen (200021x)       825  => /usr/src/debug/glibc-2.25-123-gedcf13e25c/elf/../sysdeps/x86_64/dl-trampoline.h:_dl_runtime_resolve_xsave (1x) 2,000,200          dest[j] = src[i];         .      }         .          10      dest[j] = '\0';         .           2      return dest;         8  }      

This gives a very strong hint for fixing the program: cut down on the cost of calling strlen and strcat.

Fixing copyEvenCharacters is trivial. Because the length of src doesn't change, we can call strlen once and save the value in a variable:

Fixing replicate is trickier. The trouble with using strcat is that every time we call strcat(dest, src), strcat has to scan down the entire dest string to find the end, which (a) gets more expensive as dest gets longer, and (b) involves passing over the same non-null initial characters over and over again each time we want to add a few more characters. The effect of this is that we turn what should be an O(n)-time process of generating a string of n characters into something that looks more like O(n 2). We can fix this by using pointer arithmetic to keep track of the end of dest ourselves, which also allows us to replace strcat with memcpy, which is likely to be faster since it doesn't have to check for nulls. Here's the improved version:

The result of applying both of these fixes can be found in fast.c. This runs much faster than slow:

        abcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcd acacacacacacacacacac abcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcd[399960 more] acacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacacac[199960 more]  real    0m0.003s user    0m0.001s sys     0m0.001s      

Profiling with gprof

If you can't use valgrind for profiling, don't like the output you get from it, or are annoyed by the huge slowdown when profiling your program, you may be able to get similar results from an older program gprof, which is closely tied to the gcc compiler. Unlike valgrind, which simulates an x86 CPU one machine-code instruction at a time, gprof works by having gcc add extra code to your program to track function calls and do sampling at runtime to see where your program is spending its time. The cost of this approach is that you get a bit less accuracy. I have also found gprof to be tricky to get working right on some operating systems.

Here's a short but slow program for calculating the number of primes less than some limit passed as argv[1]:

And now we'll time countPrimes 100000:

        $ c99 -g3 -o countPrimes countPrimes.c  $ time ./countPrimes 100000 9592  real    0m4.711s user    0m4.608s sys 0m0.004s      

This shows that the program took just under five seconds of real time, of which most was spent in user mode and a very small fraction was spent in kernel (sys) mode. The user-mode part corresponds to the code we wrote and any library routines we call that don't require special privileges from the operation system. The kernel-mode part will mostly be I/O (not much in this case). Real time is generally less useful than CPU time, because it depends on how loaded the CPU is. Also, none of these times are especially precise, because the program only gets charged for time on a context switch (when it switches between user and kernel mode or some other program takes over the CPU for a bit) or when the kernel decides to see what it is up to (typically every 10 milliseconds).

The overall cost is not too bad, but the reason I picked 100000 and not some bigger number was that it didn't finish fast enough for larger inputs. We'd like to see why it is taking so long, to have some idea what to try to speed up. So we'll compile it with the -pg option to gcc, which inserts profiling code that counts how many times each function is called and how long (on average) each call takes.

Because the profile is not very smart about shared libraries, we also including the --static option to force the resulting program to be statically linked. This means that all the code that is used by the program is baked into the executable instead of being linked in at run-time. (Normally we don't do this because it makes for big executables and big running programs, since statically-linked libraries can't be shared between more than one running program.)

        $ c99 -pg --static -g3 -o countPrimes countPrimes.c  $ time ./countPrimes 100000 9592  real    0m4.723s user    0m4.668s sys 0m0.000s      

Hooray! We've made the program slightly slower. But we also just produced a file gmon.out that we can read with gprof. Note that we have to pass the name of the program so that gprof can figure out which executable generated gmon.out.

        $ gprof countPrimes Flat profile:  Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.   %   cumulative   self              self     total             time   seconds   seconds    calls   s/call   s/call  name     100.00      4.66     4.66   100000     0.00     0.00  isPrime   0.00      4.66     0.00        1     0.00     4.66  countPrimes   0.00      4.66     0.00        1     0.00     4.66  main  [...much explanatory text deleted]      

It looks like we are spending all of our time in isPrime, at least if we read the columns on the left. The per-call columns are not too helpful because of granularity: isPrime is too fast for the profiler to wake up and detect how long it runs for. The total columns are less suspicious because they are obtained by sampling: from time to time, the profiler looks and sees what function it's in, and charges each function a fraction of the total CPU time proportional to how often it gets sampled. So we probable aren't really spending zero time in countPrimes and main, but the amount of time we do spend is small enough not to be detected.

This is handy because it means we don't need to bother trying to speed up the rest of the program. We have two things we can try:

  1. Call isPrime less.
  2. Make isPrime faster.

Let's start by seeing if we can make isPrime faster.

What isPrime is doing is testing if a number n is prime by the most direct way possible: dividing by all numbers less than n until it finds a factor. That's a lot of divisions: if n is indeed prime, it's linear in n. Since division is a relatively expensive operation, the first thing to try is to get rid of some.

Here's a revised version of isPrime:


The trick is to check first if n is divisible by 2, and only test odd potential factors thereafter. This requires some extra work to handle 2, but maybe the extra code complexity will be worth it.

Let's see how the timing goes:

        $ c99 -pg --static -g3 -o countPrimes ./countPrimesSkipEvenFactors.c  $ time ./countPrimes 100000 9592  real    0m2.608s user    0m2.400s sys 0m0.004s $ gprof countPrimes Flat profile:  Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.   %   cumulative   self              self     total             time   seconds   seconds    calls   s/call   s/call  name     100.00      2.29     2.29   100000     0.00     0.00  isPrime   0.00      2.29     0.00        1     0.00     2.29  countPrimes   0.00      2.29     0.00        1     0.00     2.29  main  [...]      

Twice as fast! And the answer is still the same, too—this is important.

Can we test even fewer factors? Suppose n has a non-trivial factor x. Then n equals x*y for some y which is also nontrivial. One of x or y will be no bigger than the square root of n. So perhaps we can stop when we reach the square root of n,

Let's try it:


I added +1 to the return value of sqrt both to allow for factor to be equal to the square root of n, and because the output of sqrt is not exact, and it would be embarrassing if I announced that 25 was prime because I stopped at 4.9999999997.

Using the math library not only requires including <math.h> but also requires compiling with the -lm flag after all .c or .o files, to link in the library routines:

        $ c99 -pg --static -g3 -o countPrimes ./countPrimesSqrt.c -lm $ time ./countPrimes 1000000 78498  real    0m1.008s user    0m0.976s sys 0m0.000s $ gprof countPrimes Flat profile:  Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.   %   cumulative   self              self     total             time   seconds   seconds    calls  ms/call  ms/call  name      50.00      0.02     0.02   100000     0.00     0.00  isPrime  50.00      0.04     0.02                             __sqrt_finite   0.00      0.04     0.00        1     0.00    20.00  countPrimes   0.00      0.04     0.00        1     0.00    20.00  main  [...]      


Can we optimize further? Let's see what happens on a bigger input:

        $ time ./countPrimes 1000000 78498  real    0m0.987s user    0m0.960s sys 0m0.000s $ gprof countPrimes Flat profile:  Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.   %   cumulative   self              self     total             time   seconds   seconds    calls  ms/call  ms/call  name      51.04      0.49     0.49                             __sqrt_finite  44.79      0.92     0.43  1000000     0.00     0.00  isPrime   3.65      0.96     0.04                             sqrt   0.52      0.96     0.01        1     5.00   435.00  main   0.00      0.96     0.00        1     0.00   430.00  countPrimes  [...]      

This is still very good, although we're spending a lot of time in sqrt (more specifically, its internal helper routine __sqrt_finite). Can we do better?

Maybe moving the sqrt out of the loop in isPrime will make a difference:


        $ c99 -pg --static -g3 -o countPrimes ./countPrimesSqrtOutsideLoop.c -lm $ time ./countPrimes 1000000 78498  real    0m0.413s user    0m0.392s sys 0m0.000s $ gprof countPrimes Flat profile:  Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.   %   cumulative   self              self     total             time   seconds   seconds    calls  ms/call  ms/call  name      97.44      0.38     0.38  1000000     0.00     0.00  isPrime   2.56      0.39     0.01        1    10.00   390.00  countPrimes   0.00      0.39     0.00        1     0.00   390.00  main  [...]      

This worked! We are now spending so little time in sqrt that the profiler doesn't notice it.

What if we get rid of the call to sqrt and test if factor * factor <= n instead? This way we could dump the math library:


        $ c99 -pg --static -g3 -o countPrimes ./countPrimesSquaring.c $ time ./countPrimes 1000000 78498  real    0m0.450s user    0m0.428s sys 0m0.000s      

This is slower, but not much slower. We might need to decide how much we care about avoiding floating-point computation in our program.

At this point we could decide that countPrimes is fast enough, or maybe we could look for further improvements, say, by testing out many small primes at the beginning instead of just 2, calling isPrime only on odd values of i, or reading a computational number theory textbook to find out how the cool kids do this.

Note that in some cases going all-out to improve performance may be more trouble than it's worth. A reasonable strategy for code for your own use might be to start running one version and make improvements on a separate copy while it's running. If the first version finishes before you are done writing new code, it's probably fast enough.

Effect of optimization during compilation

We didn't use any optimization flags for this example, because the optimizer can do a lot of rewriting that can make the output of the profiler confusing. For example, at high optimization levels, the compiler will often avoid function-call overhead by inserting the body of a helper function directly into its caller. But this can make a big difference in performance, so in real life you will want to compile with optimization turned on. Here's how the performance of countPrimes 100000 is affected by optimization level:

Version No optimization With -O1 With -O2 With -O3
countPrimes.c 4.600 4.060 3.928 3.944
countPrimesSkipEvenFactors.c 2.260 1.948 1.964 1.984
countPrimesSqrt.c 0.036 0.028 0.028 0.028
countPrimesSqrtOutsideLoop.c 0.012 0.012 0.008 0.008
countPrimesSquaring.c 0.012 0.012 0.008 0.012

In each case, the reported time is the sum of user and system time in seconds.3

For the smarter routines, more optimization doesn't necessarily help, although some of this may be experimental error since I was too lazy to get a lot of samples by running each program more than once, and the times for the faster programs are so small that granularity is going to be an issue.

Here's the same table using countPrimes 10000000 on the three fastest programs:

Version No optimization With -O1 With -O2 With -O3
countPrimesSqrt.c 24.236 18.840 18.720 18.564
countPrimesSqrtOutsideLoop.c 9.388 9.364 9.368 9.360
countPrimesSquaring.c 9.748 9.248 9.236 9.160

Again there are the usual caveats that I am a lazy person and should probably be doing more to deal with sampling and granularity issues, but if you believe these numbers, we actually win by going to countPrimesSquaring once the optimizer is turned on. I suspect that it is benefiting from strength reduction, which would generate the product factor*factor in isPrime incrementally using addition rather than multiplying from scratch each time.

It's also worth noting that the optimizer works better if we leave a lot of easy optimization lying around. For countPrimesSqrt.c, my guess is that most of the initial gains are from avoiding function call overhead on sqrt by compiling it in-line. But even the optimizer is not smart enough to recognize that we are computing the same value over and over again, so we still win by pulling sqrt out of the loop in countPrimesSqrtOutsideLoop.c.

If I wanted to see if my guesses about the optimizer were correct, I could use gcc -S and look at the assembler code. But see earlier comments about laziness.

Version control

When you are programming, you will make mistakes. If you program long enough, these will eventually include true acts of boneheadedness like accidentally deleting all of your source files. You are also likely to spend some of your time trying out things that don't work, at the end of which you'd like to go back to the last version of your program that did work. All these problems can be solved by using a version control system.

There are six respectable version control systems installed on the Zoo: rcs, cvs, svn, bzr, hg, and git. If you are familiar with any of them, you should use that. If you have to pick one from scratch, I recommend using git. A brief summary of git is given below. For more details, see the tutorials available at

Setting up Git

Typically you run git inside a directory that holds some project you are working on (say, hw1). Before you can do anything with git, you will need to create the repository, which is a hidden directory .git that records changes to your files:

        $ mkdir git-demo $ cd git-demo $ git init Initialized empty Git repository in /home/classes/cs223/class/aspnes.james.ja54/git-demo/.git/      

Now let's create a file and add it to the repository:

        $ echo 'int main(int argc, char **argv) { return 0; }' > tiny.c $ git add tiny.c      

The git status command will tell us that Git knows about tiny.c, but hasn't commited the changes to the repository yet:

        $ git status # On branch master # # Initial commit # # Changes to be committed: #   (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage) # #       new file:   tiny.c #      

The git commit command will commit the actual changes, along with a message saying what you did. For short messages, the easiest way to do this is to include the message on the command line:

        $ git commit -a -m"add very short C program" [master (root-commit) 5393616] add very short C program  Committer: James Aspnes <> Your name and email address were configured automatically based on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate. You can suppress this message by setting them explicitly:      git config --global "Your Name"     git config --global  If the identity used for this commit is wrong, you can fix it with:      git commit --amend --author='Your Name <>'   1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)  create mode 100644 tiny.c      

The -a argument tells Git to include any changes I made to files it already knows about. The -m argument sets the commit message.

Because this is the first time I ever did a commit, and because I didn't tell Git who I was before, it complains that its guess for my name and email address may be wrong. It also tells me what to do to get it to shut up about this next time:

        $ git config --global "James Aspnes" $ git config --global "" $ git commit --amend --author="James Aspnes <>" -m"add a very short C program" [master a44e1e1] add a very short C program  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)  create mode 100644 tiny.c      

Note that I repeated the -m business to git commit --amend; if I hadn't, it would have run the default editor (vim) to let me edit my commit message. If I don't like vim, I can change the default using git config --global core.editor, e.g.:

        $ git config --global core.editor "emacs -nw"      

I can see what commits I've done so far using git log:

        $ git log commit a44e1e195de4ce785cd95cae3b93c817d598a9ee Author: James Aspnes <> Date:   Thu Dec 29 20:21:21 2011 -0500      add a very short C program      

Editing files

Suppose I edit tiny.c using my favorite editor to turn it into the classic hello-world program:

I can see what files have changed using git status:

        $ git status # On branch master # Changed but not updated: #   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) # #       modified:   tiny.c # no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")      

Notice how Git reminds me to use git commit -a to include these changes in my next commit. I can also do git add tiny.c if I just want include the changes to tiny.c (maybe I made changes to a different file that I want to commit separately), but usually that's too much work.

If I want to know the details of the changes since my last commit, I can do git diff:

        $ git diff diff --git a/tiny.c b/tiny.c index 0314ff1..f8d9dcd 100644 --- a/tiny.c +++ b/tiny.c @@ -1 +1,8 @@ -int main(int argc, char **argv) { return 0; } +#include <stdio.h> + +int  +main(int argc, char **argv) +{ +    puts("hello, world"); +    return 0; +}      

Since I like these changes, I do a commit:

        $ git commit -a -m"expand previous program to hello world" [master 13a73be] expand previous program to hello world  1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)      

Now there are two commits in my log:

        $ git log | tee /dev/null commit 13a73bedd3a48c173898d1afec05bd6fa0d7079a Author: James Aspnes <> Date:   Thu Dec 29 20:34:06 2011 -0500      expand previous program to hello world  commit a44e1e195de4ce785cd95cae3b93c817d598a9ee Author: James Aspnes <> Date:   Thu Dec 29 20:21:21 2011 -0500      add a very short C program      

Renaming files

You can rename a file with git mv. This is just like regular mv, except that it tells Git what you are doing.

        $ git mv tiny.c hello.c $ git status # On branch master # Changes to be committed: #   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) # #       renamed:    tiny.c -> hello.c #      

These changes don't get written to the repository unless you do another git commit:

        $ git commit -a -m"give better name to hello program" [master 6d2116c] give better name to hello program  1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)  rename tiny.c => hello.c (100%)      

Adding and removing files

To add a file, create it and then call git add:

        $ cp hello.c goodbye.c $ git status # On branch master # Untracked files: #   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) # #       goodbye.c nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) $ git add goodbye.c $ git commit -a -m"we need a second program to say goodbye" [master 454b24c] we need a second program to say goodbye  1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)  create mode 100644 goodbye.c      

To remove a file, use git rm:

        $ git rm goodbye.c  $ git status # On branch master # Changed but not updated: #   (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed) #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) # #       deleted:    goodbye.c # no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") $ git commit -a -m"no, goodbye.c was a bad idea" [master defa0e0] no, goodbye.c was a bad idea  1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)  delete mode 100644 goodbye.c      

Recovering files from the repository

If you make a mistake, you can back out using the repository. Here I will delete my hello.c file and then get it back using git checkout -- hello.c:

        $ rm hello.c $ ls $ git checkout -- hello.c $ ls hello.c      

I can also get back old versions of files by putting the commit id before the --:

        $ git checkout a44e1 -- tiny.c $ ls hello.c  tiny.c      

The commit id can be any unique prefix of the ridiculously long hex name shown by git log.

Having recovered tiny.c, I will keep it around by adding it to a new commit:

        $ git commit -a -m"keep tiny.c around" [master 23d6219] keep tiny.c around  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)  create mode 100644 tiny.c      

Undoing bad commits

Suppose I commit a change that I didn't want to make. For example, let's suppose I decide to add some punctuation to the greeting in hello.c but botch my edit:

        $ vim hello.c $ git commit -a -m"add exclamation point" [master f40d8d3] add exclamation point  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)      

Only now does it occur to me to test my program:

        $ c99 -o hello hello.c $ ./hello hello, wolrd!      


I can use git diff to see what went wrong. The command below compares the current working directory to HEAD^, the commit before the most recent commit:4

        $ git diff HEAD^ | tee /dev/null diff --git a/hello.c b/hello.c index f8d9dcd..dc227a8 100644 --- a/hello.c +++ b/hello.c @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@  int   main(int argc, char **argv)  { -    puts("hello, world"); +    puts("hello, wolrd!");      return 0;  }      

And I see my mistake leaping out at me on the new line I added (which git diff puts a + in front of). But now what do I do? I already commited the change, which means that I can't get it out of the history.5

Instead, I use git revert on HEAD, the most recent commit:

        $ git revert HEAD [master fca3166] Revert "add exclamation point"  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)      

(Not shown here is where it popped up a vim session to let me edit the commit message; I just hit :x<ENTER> to get out of it without changing the default.)

Now everything is back to the way it was before the bad commit:

        $ ./hello hello, world      

Looking at old versions

Running git log will now show me the entire history of my project, newest commits first:

        fca3166a697c6d72fb9e8aec913bb8e36fb5fe4e Revert "add exclamation point" f40d8d386890103abacd0bf4142ecad62eed5aeb add exclamation point 23d6219c9380ba03d9be0672f0a7b25d18417731 keep tiny.c around defa0e0430293ca910f077d5dd19fccc47ab0521 no, goodbye.c was a bad idea 454b24c307121b5a597375a99a37a825b0dc7e81 we need a second program to say goodbye 6d2116c4c72a6ff92b8b276eb88ddb556d1b8fdd give better name to hello program 13a73bedd3a48c173898d1afec05bd6fa0d7079a expand previous program to hello world a44e1e195de4ce785cd95cae3b93c817d598a9ee add a very short C program      

If I want to look at an old version (say, after I created goodbye.c), I can go back to it using git checkout:

        $ git checkout 454b2 Note: checking out '454b2'.  You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.  If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:    git checkout -b new_branch_name  HEAD is now at 454b24c... we need a second program to say goodbye $ ls goodbye.c  hello  hello.c      

Now I have both goodbye.c and hello.c, as well as my compiled program hello, since I didn't tell Git about it. Note that I also got lots of horrendous warnings about the fact that I am living in the past and shouldn't expect to make any permanent changes here.

To go back to the last commit, use git checkout master:

        $ git checkout master Previous HEAD position was 454b24c... we need a second program to say goodbye Switched to branch 'master' $ ls hello  hello.c  tiny.c      

More information about Git

All Git commands take a --help argument that brings up their manual page. There is also extensive documentation at

Submitting assignments

The submit command is is found in /c/cs223/bin on the Zoo. Here is the documentation (adapted from comments in the script):

        submit    assignment-number file(s) unsubmit  assignment-number file(s) check     assignment-number makeit    assignment-number [file] protect   assignment-number file(s) unprotect assignment-number file(s) retrieve  assignment-number file(s) testit    assignment-number test diffit    assignment-number file(s) revert    assignment-number -r[version number] file(s) results   assignment-number  The submit program can be invoked in eleven different ways:      /c/cs223/bin/submit 1 Makefile tokenize.c unique.c time.log  submits the named source files as your solution to Homework #1;      /c/cs223/bin/check 2  lists the files that you have submitted for Homework #2;      /c/cs223/bin/unsubmit 3 error.submit bogus.solution  deletes the named files that you had submitted previously for Homework #3 (i.e., withdraws them from submission, which is useful if you accidentally submit the wrong file);      /c/cs223/bin/makeit 4 tokenize unique  runs "make" on the files that you submitted previously for Homework #4;      /c/cs223/bin/protect 5 tokenize.c time.log  protects the named files that you submitted previously for Homework #5 (so they cannot be deleted accidentally);      /c/cs223/bin/unprotect 6 unique.c time.log  unprotects the named files that you submitted previously for Homework #6 (so they can be deleted);       /c/cs223/bin/retrieve 7 Csquash.c  retrieves copies of the named files that you submitted previously for Homework #7;       /c/cs223/bin/testit 8 BigTest  runs the test script /c/cs223/Hwk8/test.BigTest on the submission directory;      /c/cs223/bin/diffit 9 erroneous.c  compares the submitted version of a file with the version in the local directory;      /c/cs223/bin/revert 10 -r1.1 overWritten.c  reverts a submitted file to a previous version 1.1; and      /c/cs223/bin/results 11  shows the grading results for Homework #11, once it has been graded.      

The retrieve command supports a -d argument that can be used to retrieve the version of a file as of a particular time, as in

                  /c/cs223/bin/retrieve 7 -d"2020/03/01 17:57" Csquash.c      

This will also display the version used by the internal RCS version control script for use with revert. Note that retrieve makes a copy of the file in the current working directory, while revert updates the copy in the submission directory (including restoring its modification time). This can be used to avoid late penalties if you forget to use protect and accidentally overwrite a file in your submission directory after the assignment deadline.

The submit program will only work if there is a directory with your name and login on it under /c/cs223/class.

The C programming language

The C programming language was developed at Bell Laboratories in the early 1970s as the system programming language for Unix, based on the earlier and even more primitive languages BCPL and B. When originally developed, it was targeted at machines that were extremely limited by modern standards: the first Unix implementation (and the B compiler that supported it) ran on a DEC PDP-7 with only 8192 18-bit words of memory (Dennis M. Ritchie, The development of the C language, in Thomas J. Bergin, Jr., and Richard G. Gibson, Jr., History of Programming Languages-II ed., ACM Press, 1996). So using as few resources as possible, both in the compiler and in the resulting code, was a priority.

This priority is reflected in the features (and lack of features) of C, and is partly responsible for its success. Programs written in C place almost no demands on the system they run on and give the programmer nearly complete control over their execution: this allows programs that were previously written in assembly language, like operating system kernels and device drivers, to be implemented in C. So C is often the first language ported to any new architecture, and many higher-level languages are either executed using interpreters written in C or use C as in intermediate language in the compilation process.

Since its initial development, C has gone through four major versions:

  • The original K&R C defined in the 1978 first edition of Kernighan and Ritchie's book The C Programming Language;
  • ANSI C, from 1988, which fixed some oddities in the syntax and which is documented in the 1988 second edition of The C Programming Language;
  • C99, from 1999, the ISO/IEC 9899:1999 standard for C, which added some features from C++ and many new features for high-performance numerical computing;
  • C11, from 2011, the ISO/IEC 9899:2011 standard for C, which relaxed some of the requirements of C99 that most compilers hadn't bothered implementing and which added a few extra features.

Unfortunately, C99 and C11 both exemplify the uselessness of standards committees in general and the ISO in particular. Because the ISO has no power to enforce standards on compiler writers, and because they will charge you CHF 198 just to look at the C11 standard, many compiler writers have ignored much of C99 and C11. In particular, Microsoft pretty much gave up on adding any features after ANSI C, and support for C99 and C11 is spotty in gcc and clang, the two dominant open source C compilers. So if you want to write portable C code, it is safest to limit yourself to features in ANSI C.

For this class, we will permit you to use any feature of C99 that gcc supports, which also includes all features of ANSI C. You can compile with C99 support by using gcc --std=c99 or by calling gcc as c99, as in c99 -o hello hello.c. Compiling with straight gcc will give you GNU's own peculiar dialect of C, which is basically ANSI C with some extras. For maximum portability when using gcc, it is safest to use gcc -ansi -pedantic, which expects straight ANSI C and will complain about any extensions.

Structure of a C program

A C program consists of one or more files (which act a little bit like modules in more structured programming languages, each of which typically contains definitions of functions, each of which consists of statements, which are either compound statements like if, while, etc. or expressions that typically perform some sort of arithmetic or call other functions. Files may also include declarations of global variables (not recommended), and functions will often contain declarations of local variables that can only be used inside that function.

Here is a typical small C program that sums a range of integers. Since this is our first real program, it's a little heavy on the comments (shown between /* and */).

                          #include                            <stdio.h>                                          /* This is needed to get the declarations of fprintf and printf */              #include                            <stdlib.h>                                          /* This is needed to get the declaration of atoi */                            /* Return the sum of all integers i                              * such that start <= i and i < end. */              int              sumRange(int              start,              int              end) {               int              i;              /* loop variable */                            int              sum;              /* sum of all values so far */                             /* a mathematician would use a formula for this,                              * but we are computer programmers! */                  sum =              0;                /* The three parts of the header for this loop mean:                              * 1. Set i to start initially.                              * 2. Keep doing the loop as long as i is less than end.                              * 3. After each iteration, add 1 to i.                              */                            for(i = start; i < end; i++) {         sum += i;              /* This adds i to sum */                  }                /* This exits the function immediately,                              * sending the value of sum back to the caller. */                            return              sum; }               int              main(int              argc,              char              **argv) {               int              start;              /* initial value in range */                            int              end;              /* one past the last value in the range */                             /* This tests for the wrong number of arguments.                              * The != operator returns true (1) if its arguments are not equal,                              * and false (0) otherwise.                              * Note that the program name itself counts as an argument                              * (which is why we want the argument count to be 3)                              * and appears in position 0 in the argument vector                              * (which means we can get it using argv[0]). */                            if(argc !=              3) {         fprintf(stderr,              "Usage: %s              \n                              start end", argv[0]);               return              1;     }                /* Convert start and end positions from strings to ints */                  start = atoi(argv[1]);     end = atoi(argv[2]);                /* Call sumRange and print the result */                  printf("sumRange(%d, %d) = %d              \n              ", start, end, sumRange(start, end));                return              0; }          


This is what the program does if we compile and run it:

        $ c99 -g -Wall -pedantic -o sumRange sumRange.c $ ./sumRange 1 100 sumRange(1, 100) = 4950      

The sumRange.c program contains two functions, sumRange and main. The sumRange function does the actual work, while main is the main routine of the program that gets called with the command-line arguments when the program is run. Every C program must have a routine named main with these particular arguments.

In addition, main may call three library functions, fprintf (which in this case is used to generate error messages), printf (which generates ordinary output), and atoi (which is used to translate the command-line arguments into numerical values). These functions must all be declared before they can be used. In the case of sumRange, putting the definition of sumRange before the definition of main is enough. For the library routines, the include files stdio.h and stdlib.h contain declarations of the functions that contain enough information about there return types and arguments that the compiler knows how to generate machine code to call them. These files are included in sumRange.c by the C preprocessor, which pastes in the contents of any file specified by the #include command, strips out any comments (delimited by /* and */, or by // and the end of the line if you are using C99), and does some other tricks that allow you to muck with the source code before the actual compiler sees it (see Macros). You can see what the output of the preprocessor looks like by calling the C compiler with the -E option, as in c99 -E sumRange.c.

The body of each function consists of some variable declarations followed by a sequence of statements that tell the computer what to do. Unlike some languages, every variable used in a C program must be declared. A declaration specifies the type of a variable, which tells the compiler how much space to allocate for it and how to interpret some operations on its value. Statements may be compound statements like the if statement in main that executes its body only if the program is called with the wrong number of command-line arguments or the for loop in sumRange that executes its body as long as the test in its header remains true; or they may be simple statements that consist of a single expression followed by a semicolon.

An expression is usually either a bare function call whose value is discarded (for example, the calls to fprintf and printf in main), or an arithmetic expression (which may include function calls, like the calls to atoi or in main) whose value is assigned to some variable using the assignment operator = or sometimes variants like += (which is shorthand for adding a value to an existing variable: x += y is equivalent to x = x+y).

When you compile a C program, after running the preprocessor, the compiler generates assembly language code that is a human-readable description of the ultimate machine code for your target CPU. Assembly language strips out all the human-friendly features of your program and reduces it to simple instructions usually involving moving things from one place to the other or performing a single arithmetic operation. For example, the C line

gets translated into x86 assembly as

These three operations copy the value of y into the CPU register %edi, add 1 to the %edi register, and then copy the value back into x. This corresponds directly to what you would have to do to evaluate x = y + 1 if you could only do one very basic operation at a time and couldn't do arithmetic operations on memory locations: fetch y, add 1, store x. Note that the CPU doesn't know about the names y and x; instead, it computes their addresses by adding -24 and -28 respectively to the base pointer register %rbp. This is why it can be hard to debug compiled code unless you tell the compiler to keep around extra information.

For an arbitrary C program, if you are using gcc, you can see what your code looks like in assembly language using the -S option. For example, c99 -S sumRange.c will create a file sumRange.s that looks like this:

                          .file              "sumRange.c"                            .text                            .globl              sumRange               .type              sumRange,              @function              sumRange:              .LFB0:              	.cfi_startproc 	pushl	%ebp 	.cfi_def_cfa_offset              8              	.cfi_offset              5,              -8              	movl	%esp, %ebp 	.cfi_def_cfa_register              5              	subl	$16, %esp 	movl	$0,              -4(%ebp) 	movl              8(%ebp), %eax 	movl	%eax,              -8(%ebp) 	jmp	.L2 .L3:              	movl              -8(%ebp), %eax 	addl	%eax,              -4(%ebp) 	addl	$1,              -8(%ebp) .L2:              	movl              -8(%ebp), %eax 	cmpl              12(%ebp), %eax 	jl	.L3 	movl              -4(%ebp), %eax 	leave 	.cfi_restore              5              	.cfi_def_cfa              4,              4              	ret 	.cfi_endproc .LFE0:                            .size              sumRange, .-sumRange               .section              .rodata              .LC0:                            .string              "Usage: %s              \n                              start end"              .LC1:                            .string              "sumRange(%d, %d) = %d              \n              "                            .text                            .globl              main               .type              main,              @function              main:              .LFB1:              	.cfi_startproc 	pushl	%ebp 	.cfi_def_cfa_offset              8              	.cfi_offset              5,              -8              	movl	%esp, %ebp 	.cfi_def_cfa_register              5              	andl	$-16, %esp 	subl	$32, %esp 	cmpl	$3,              8(%ebp) 	je	.L6 	movl              12(%ebp), %eax 	movl	(%eax), %edx 	movl	stderr, %eax 	movl	%edx,              8(%esp) 	movl	$.LC0,              4(%esp) 	movl	%eax, (%esp) 	call	fprintf 	movl	$1, %eax 	jmp	.L7 .L6:              	movl              12(%ebp), %eax 	addl	$4, %eax 	movl	(%eax), %eax 	movl	%eax, (%esp) 	call	atoi 	movl	%eax,              24(%esp) 	movl              12(%ebp), %eax 	addl	$8, %eax 	movl	(%eax), %eax 	movl	%eax, (%esp) 	call	atoi 	movl	%eax,              28(%esp) 	movl              28(%esp), %eax 	movl	%eax,              4(%esp) 	movl              24(%esp), %eax 	movl	%eax, (%esp) 	call	sumRange 	movl	%eax,              12(%esp) 	movl              28(%esp), %eax 	movl	%eax,              8(%esp) 	movl              24(%esp), %eax 	movl	%eax,              4(%esp) 	movl	$.LC1, (%esp) 	call	printf 	movl	$0, %eax .L7:              	leave 	.cfi_restore              5              	.cfi_def_cfa              4,              4              	ret 	.cfi_endproc .LFE1:                            .size              main, .-main               .ident              "GCC: (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) 4.8.2"                            .section              .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits                      


You usually don't need to look at assembly language, but it can sometimes be enlightening to see what the compiler is doing with your code. One thing that I find interesting about this particular code (which is for the x86 architecture) is that most of the instructions are movl, the x86 instruction for copying a 32-bit quantity from one location to another. So most of what this program is doing is copying data into the places expected by the library functions it is calling. Also noteworthy is that the beautiful compound statements like if and for that so eloquently express the intent of the programmer get turned into a pile of jump (jmp) and conditional jump (jl, je) instructions, the machine code versions of the often dangerous and confusing goto statement. This is because CPUs are dumb: they don't know how to carry out an if branch or a loop, and all they can do instead is be told to replace the value of their program counter register with some new value instead of just incrementing it as they usually do.

Assembly language is not the last stage in this process. The assembler (as) is a program that translates the assembly language in sumRange.s into machine code (which will be stored in sumRange.o if we aren't compiling a single program all at once). Machine code is not human-readable, and is close to the raw stream of bytes that gets stored in the computer's memory to represent a running program. The missing parts are that the addresses of each function and global variables are generally left unspecified, so that they can be moved around to make room for other functions and variables coming from other files and from system libraries. The job of stitching all of these pieces together, putting everything in the right place, filling in any placeholder addresses, and generating the executable file sumRange that we can actually run is given to the linker ld.

The whole process looks like this:

        sumRange.c (source code)    |    v [preprocessor (cpp)]    |    v preprocessed version of sumRange.c    |    v [compiler (gcc)]    |    v sumRange.s (assembly code)    |    v [assembler (as)]    |    v sumRange.o (machine code)    |    v [linker (ld)] <- system library (glibc.a)    |    v sumRange (executable)      

The good news is, you don't actually have to run all of these steps yourself; instead, gcc (which you may be calling as c99) will take care of everything for you, particularly for simple programs like sumRange.c that fit in a single file.

Numeric data types

All data stored inside a computer is ultimately represented as a sequence of bits, 0 or 1 values, typically organized into words consisting of several 8-bit bytes.6

A typical desktop computer might have enough RAM to store 232 bytes (4 gigabytes); the Zoo machines store 235 bytes (32 gigabytes). However, the address space of a process might be much larger: on a 64-bit machine, the address space is 264 bytes. There's no way to store 264 different addresses in 235 bytes of RAM; instead, a memory mapper, typically built in to the CPU, translates the large addresses of the parts of the address space that are actually used into smaller addresses corresponding to actual RAM locations. In some cases, regions of memory that have not been used in a while will be swapped out to disk, leaving more RAM free for other parts of the process (or other processes). This technique is known as virtual memory and is usually invisible to the programmer. The use of virtual memory can increase the available space beyond the size of the RAM a little bit, but if you try to run a process that is actively using significantly more space that can be stored in RAM, it will slow down dramatically, because disk drives are roughly ten million times slower than memory.

The most basic kind of data represents integer values from some bounded range. C supports several integer data types, varying in their size (and thus range), and whether or not they are considered to be signed. These are described in more detail below.

For numerical computation, integer data types can be inconvenient. So C also supports floating-point types that consist of a fixed-size mantissa, which is essentially an integer, together with an exponent that is used to multiply the mantissa by 2 x for some x . These allow very small or very large values to be represented with small relative error, but do not allow exact computation because of the limited precision of the mantissa. Floating-point types are also described below.

All other data is represented by converting it to either integer or floating-point numbers. For example, text characters in C are represented as small integer values, so that the character constant 'z' representation a lower-case "z" is exactly the same as the integer constant 122 (which is the ASCII code for "z"). A string like "hi there" is represented by a sequence of 8-bit ASCII characters, with a special 0 character to mark the end of the string. Strings that go beyond the English characters available in the ASCII encoding are typically represented using Unicode and encoded as sequences of bytes using a particular representation called UTF-8. The color of a pixel in an image might be represented as three 8-bit integers representing the intensity of red, green, and blue in the color, while an image itself might be a long sequence of such 3-byte RGB values. At the bottom, every operation applied to these more complex data types translates into a whole lot of copies and arithmetic operations on individual bytes and words.

From the CPU's point of view, even much of this manipulation consists of operating on integers that happen to represent addresses instead of data. So when a C program writes a zero to the 19th entry in a sequence of 4-byte integers, somewhere in the implementation of this operation the CPU will be adding 4 ⋅ 19 to a base address for the sequence to computer where to write this value. Unlike many higher-level languages, C allows the program direct access to address computations via pointer types, which are tricky enough to get their own chapter. Indeed, most of the structured types that C provides for representing more complicated data can best be understood as a thin layer of abstraction on top of pointers. We will see examples of these in later chapters as well.

For now, we concentrate on integer and floating-point types, and on the operations that can be applied to them.

Integer types in C

Most variables in C programs tend to hold integer values, and indeed most variables in C programs tend to be the default-width integer type int. Declaring a variable to have a particular integer type controls how much space is used to store the variable (any values too big to fit will be truncated) and specifies that the arithmetic on the variable is done using integer operations.

Basic integer types

The standard C integer types are:

Name Typical size Signed by default?
char 8 bits unspecified
short 16 bits signed
int 32 bits signed
long 32 bits signed
long long 64 bits signed

The typical size is for architectures like the Intel x86, which is the architecture used in most desktop and server machines. Some 64-bit machines might have 64-bit ints and longs, and some microcontrollers have 16-bit ints. Particularly bizarre architectures might have even wilder sizes, but you are not likely to see this unless you program vintage 1970s supercomputers. The general convention is that int is the most convenient size for whatever computer you are using and should be used by default.

Many compilers also support a long long type that is usually twice the length of a long (making it 64 bits on x86 machines). This type was not officially added to the C standard prior to C99, so it may or may not be available if you insist on following the ANSI specification strictly.

If you need to know the exact size of each type, you can use the sizeof operator, which returns the number of chars in a type. For example, on a typical machine, sizeof(int) will evaluate to 4, and sizeof(long long) will evaluate to 8. You can multiply by the constant CHAR_BIT, usually defined in /usr/include/limits.h, to translate these number to bits. However, if you are looking for a type that holds a particular number of bits, you are better off using a C99 fixed-width type like int32_t.

Each of these types comes in signed and unsigned variants.
This controls the interpretation of some operations (mostly comparisons and shifts) and determines the range of the type: for example, an unsigned char holds values in the range 0 through 255 while a signed char holds values in the range -128 through 127, and in general an unsigned n -bit type runs from 0 through 2 n  − 1 while the signed version runs from  − 2 n − 1 through 2 n − 1 − 1. The representation of signed integers uses two's-complement notation, which means that a positive value x is represented as the unsigned value x while a negative value  −x is represented as the unsigned value 2 n  −x . For example, if we had a peculiar implementation of C that used 3-bit ints, the binary values and their interpretation as int or unsigned int would look like this:

bits as unsigned int as int
000 0 0
001 1 1
010 2 2
011 3 3
100 4 -4
101 5 -3
110 6 -2
111 7 -1

The reason we get one extra negative value for a signed integer type is this allows us to interpret the first bit as the sign, which makes life a little easier for whoever is implementing our CPU. Two useful features of this representation are:

  1. We can convert freely between signed and unsigned values as long as we are in the common range of both, and
  2. Addition and subtraction work exactly the same we for both signed and unsigned values. For example, on our hypothetical 3-bit machine, 1 + 5 represented as 001 + 101 = 110 gives the same answer as 1 + ( − 3) = 001 + 101 = 110. In the first case we interpret 110 as 6, while in the second we interpret it as  − 2, but both answers are right in their respective contexts.

Note that in order to make this work, we can't detect overflow: when the CPU adds two 3-bit integers, it doesn't know if we are adding 7 + 6 = 111 + 110 = 1101 = 13 or ( − 1) + ( − 2) = 111 + 110 = 101 = ( − 3). In both cases the result is truncated to 101, which gives the incorrect answer 5 when we are adding unsigned values.

This can often lead to surprising uncaught errors in C programs, although using more than 3 bits will make overflow less likely. It is usually a good idea to pick a size for a variable that is substantially larger than the largest value you expect the variable to hold (although most people just default to int), unless you are very short on space or time (larger values take longer to read and write to memory, and may make some arithmetic operations take longer).

Taking into account signed and unsigned versions, the full collection of integer types looks like this:

char signed char unsigned char
short unsigned short
int unsigned int
long unsigned long
long long unsigned long long

So these are all examples of declarations of integer variables:

For chars, whether the character is signed ( − 128…127) or unsigned (0…255) is at the whim of the compiler. If it matters, declare your variables as signed char or unsigned char. For storing actual 8-bit characters that you aren't doing arithmetic on, it shouldn't matter.

There is a slight gotcha with character processing with the input functions getchar and getc. These return the special value EOF (defined in stdio.h to be  − 1) to indicate end of file. But 255, which represents 'ÿ' in the ISO Latin-1 alphabet and in Unicode, and which may also appear quite often in binary files, will map to  − 1 if you put it in a char. So you should store the output of these functions in an int if you need to test for end of file. After you have done this test, it's safe to store a non-end-of-file character in a char.

Overflow and the C standards

So far we have been assuming that overflow implicitly applies a (mod 2 b ) operation, where b is the number of bits in our integer data type. This works on many machines, but as of the C11 standard, this is defined behavior only for unsigned integer types. For signed integer types, the effect of overflow is undefined. This means that the result of adding two very large signed ints could be arbitrary, and not only might depend on what CPU, compiler, and compiler options you are using, but might even vary from one execution of your program to another. In many cases this is not an issue, but undefined behavior is often exploited by compilers to speed up compiled code by omitting otherwise necessary instructions to force a particular outcome. This is especially true if you turn on the optimizer using the -O flag.

This means that you should not depend on reasonable behavior for overflow of signed types. Usually this is not a problem, because signed computations often represent real-world values where overflow will produce bad results anyway. For unsigned computations, the implicit modulo operation applied to overflow can be useful for some applications.

C99 fixed-width types

C99 provides a stdint.h header file that defines integer types with known size independent of the machine architecture. So in C99, you can use int8_t instead of signed char to guarantee a signed type that holds exactly 8 bits, or uint64_t instead of unsigned long long to get a 64-bit unsigned integer type. The full set of types typically defined are int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, and int64_t for signed integers and uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, and uint64_t for unsigned integers. There are also types for integers that contain the fewest number of bits greater than some minimum (e.g., int_least16_t is a signed type with at least 16 bits, chosen to minimize space) or that are the fastest type with at least the given number of bits (e.g., int_fast16_t is a signed type with at least 16 bits, chosen to minimize time). The stdint.h file also defines constants giving the minimum and maximum values of these and standard integer types; for example, INT_MIN and INT_MAX give the smallest and largest values that can be stored in an int.

All of these types are defined as aliases for standard integer types using typedef; the main advantage of using stdint.h over defining them yourself is that if somebody ports your code to a new architecture, stdint.h should take care of choosing the right types automatically. The main disadvantage is that, like many C99 features, stdint.h is not universally available on all C compilers. Also, because these fixed-width types are a late addition to the language, the built-in routines for printing and parsing integers, as well as the mechanisms for specifying the size of an integer constant, are not adapted to deal with them.

If you do need to print or parse types defined in stdint.h, the larger inttypes.h header defines macros that give the corresponding format strings for printf and scanf. The inttypes.h file includes stdint.h, so you do not need to include both. Below is an example of a program that uses the various features provided by inttypes.h and stdint.h.

size_t and ptrdiff_t

The type aliases size_t and ptrdiff_t are provided in stddef.h to represent the return types of the sizeof operator and pointer subtraction. On a 32-bit architecture, size_t will be equivalent to the unsigned 32-bit integer type uint32_t (or just unsigned int) and ptrdiff_t will be equivalent to the signed 32-bit integer type int32_t (int). On a 64-bit architecture, size_t will be equivalent to uint64_t and ptrdiff_t will be equivalent to int64_t.

The place where you will most often see size_t is as an argument to malloc, where it gives the number of bytes to allocate.

Because stdlib.h includes stddef.h, it is often not necessary to include stddef.h explicitly.

Integer constants

Constant integer values in C can be written in any of four different ways:

  • In the usual decimal notation, e.g.0, 1, -127, 9919291, 97.
  • In octal or base 8, when the leading digit is 0, e.g.01 for 1, 010 for 8, 0777 for 511, 0141 for 97. Octal is not used much any more, but it is still conventional for representing Unix file permissions.
  • In hexadecimal or base 16, when prefixed with 0x. The letters a through f are used for the digits 10 through 15. For example, 0x61 is another way to write 97.
  • Using a character constant, which is a single ASCII character or an escape sequence inside single quotes. The value is the ASCII value of the character: 'a' is 97.7 Unlike languages with separate character types, C characters are identical to integers; you can (but shouldn't) calculate 972 by writing 'a'*'a'. You can also store a character in a location with any integer type.

Except for character constants, you can insist that an integer constant is unsigned or long by putting a u or l after it. So 1ul is an unsigned long version of 1. By default integer constants are (signed) ints. For long long constants, use ll, e.g., the unsigned long long constant 0xdeadbeef01234567ull. It is also permitted to write the l as L, which can be less confusing if the l looks too much like a 1.

Some examples:

'a' int
97 int
97u unsigned int
0xbea00d1ful unsigned long, written in hexadecimal
0777s short, written in octal

A curious omission is that there is no way to write a binary integer directly in C. So if you want to write the bit pattern 00101101, you will need to encode it in hexadecimal as 0x2d (or octal as 055). Another potential trap is that leading zeros matter: 012 is an octal value representing the number most people call 10.

Naming constants

Having a lot of numeric constants in your program—particularly if the same constant shows up in more than one place—is usually a sign of bad programming. There are a few constants, like 0 and 1, that make sense on their own, but many constant values are either mostly arbitrary, or might change if the needs of the program change. It's helpful to assign these constants names that explain their meaning, instead of requiring the user to guess why there is a 37 here or an 0x1badd00d there. This is particularly important if the constants might change in later versions of the program, since even though you could change every 37 in your program into a 38, this might catch other 37 values that have different intended meanings.

For example, suppose that you have a function (call it getchar) that needs to signal that sometimes it didn't work. The usual way is to return a value that the function won't normally return. Now, you could just tell the user what value that is:

and now the user can write

But then somebody reading the code has to remember that -1 means "end of file" and not "signed version of 0xff" or "computer room on fire, evacuate immediately." It's much better to define a constant EOF that happens to equal -1, because among other things if you change the special return value from getchar later then this code will still work (assuming you fixed the definition of EOF):

So how do you declare a constant in C? The traditional approach is to use the C preprocessor, the same tool that gets run before the compiler to expand out #include directives. To define EOF, the file /usr/include/stdio.h includes the text

What this means is that whenever the characters EOF appear in a C program as a separate word (e.g. in 1+EOF*3 but not in appurtenancesTherEOF), then the preprocessor will replace them with the characters (-1). The parentheses around the -1 are customary to ensure that the -1 gets treated as a separate constant and not as part of some larger expression. So from the compiler's perspective, EOF really is -1, but from the programmer's perspective, it's end-of-file. This is a special case of the C preprocessor's macro mechanism.

In general, any time you have a non-trivial constant in a program, it should be #defined. Examples are things like array dimensions, special tags or return values from functions, maximum or minimum values for some quantity, or standard mathematical constants (for example, /usr/include/math.h defines M_PI as the mathematical constant pi to umpteen digits). This allows you to write

instead of

which is just an invitation to errors (including the one in the area computation).

Like typedefs, #defines that are intended to be globally visible are best done in header files; in large programs you will want to #include them in many source files. The usual convention is to write #defined names in all-caps to remind the user that they are macros and not real variables.

Integer operators

Arithmetic operators

The usual + (addition), - (negation or subtraction), and * (multiplication) operators work on integers pretty much the way you'd expect. The only caveat is that if the result lies outside of the range of whatever variable you are storing it in, it will be truncated instead of causing an error:

This can be a source of subtle bugs if you aren't careful. The usual giveaway is that values you thought should be large positive integers come back as random-looking negative integers.

Division (/) of two integers also truncates: 2/3 is 0, 5/3 is 1, etc. For positive integers it will always round down.

Prior to C99, if either the numerator or denominator was negative, the behavior was unpredictable and depended on what your processor chose to do. In practice this meant you should never use / if one or both arguments might be negative. The C99 standard specified that integer division always removes the fractional part, effectively rounding toward 0; so (-3)/2 is -1, 3/-2 is -1, and (-3)/-2 is 1.

There is also a remainder operator % with e.g. 2%3 = 2, 5%3 = 2, 27 % 2 = 1, etc. The sign of the modulus is ignored, so 2%-3 is also 2. The sign of the dividend carries over to the remainder: (-3)%2 and (-3)%(-2) are both -1. The reason for this rule is that it guarantees that y == x*(y/x) + y%x is always true.

Bitwise operators

In addition to the arithmetic operators, integer types support bitwise logical operators that apply some Boolean operation to all the bits of their arguments in parallel. What this means is that the i-th bit of the output is equal to some operation applied to the i-th bit(s) of the input(s). The bitwise logical operators are ~ (bitwise negation: used with one argument as in ~0 for the all-1's binary value), & (bitwise AND), '|' (bitwise OR), and '^' (bitwise XOR, i.e. sum mod 2). These are mostly used for manipulating individual bits or small groups of bits inside larger words, as in the expression x & 0x0f, which strips off the bottom four bits stored in x.


x y expression value
0011 0101 x&y 0001
0011 0101 x|y 0111
0011 0101 x^y 0110
0011 0101 ~x 1100

The shift operators << and >> shift the bit sequence left or right: x << y produces the value x ⋅ 2 y (ignoring overflow); this is equivalent to shifting every bit in x y positions to the left and filling in y zeros for the missing positions. In the other direction, x >> y produces the value x ⋅ 2 y by shifting x y positions to the right. The behavior of the right shift operator depends on whether x is unsigned or signed; for unsigned values, it shifts in zeros from the left end always; for signed values, it shifts in additional copies of the leftmost bit (the sign bit). This makes x >> y have the same sign as x if x is signed.

If y is negative, the behavior of the shift operators is undefined.

Examples (unsigned char x):

x y x << y x >> y
00000001 1 00000010 00000000
11111111 3 11111000 00011111

Examples (signed char x):

x y x << y x >> y
00000001 1 00000010 00000000
11111111 3 11111000 11111111

Shift operators are often used with bitwise logical operators to set or extract individual bits in an integer value. The trick is that (1 << i) contains a 1 in the i-th least significant bit and zeros everywhere else. So x & (1<<i) is nonzero if and only if x has a 1 in the i-th place. This can be used to print out an integer in binary format (which standard printf won't do).

The following program gives an example of this technique. For example, when called as ./testPrintBinary 123, it will print 111010 followed by a newline.

In the other direction, we can set the i-th bit of x to 1 by doing x | (1 << i) or to 0 by doing x & ~(1 << i). See the section on bit manipulation. for applications of this to build arbitrarily-large bit vectors.

Logical operators

To add to the confusion, there are also three logical operators that work on the truth-values of integers, where 0 is defined to be false and anything else is defined by be true. These are && (logical AND), ||, (logical OR), and ! (logical NOT). The result of any of these operators is always 0 or 1 (so !!x, for example, is 0 if x is 0 and 1 if x is anything else). The && and || operators evaluate their arguments left-to-right and ignore the second argument if the first determines the answer (this is the only place in C where argument evaluation order is specified); so

is in a very weak sense perfectly safe code to run.

Watch out for confusing & with &&. The expression 1 & 2 evaluates to 0, but 1 && 2 evaluates to 1. The statement 0 & executeProgrammer(); is also unlikely to do what you want.

Yet another logical operator is the ternary operator ?:, where x ? y : z equals the value of y if x is nonzero and z if x is zero. Like && and ||, it only evaluates the arguments it needs to:

Most uses of ?: are better done using an if-then-else statement.

Relational operators

Logical operators usually operate on the results of relational operators or comparisons: these are == (equality), != (inequality), < (less than), > (greater than), <= (less than or equal to) and >= (greater than or equal to). So, for example,

tests if size is in the (inclusive) range [MIN_SIZE..MAX_SIZE].

Beware of confusing == with =. The code

is perfectly legal C, and will set x to 5 rather than testing if it's equal to 5. Because 5 happens to be nonzero, the body of the if statement will always be executed. This error is so common and so dangerous that gcc will warn you about any tests that look like this if you use the -Wall option. Some programmers will go so far as to write the test as 5 == x just so that if their finger slips, they will get a syntax error on 5 = x even without special compiler support.

Converting to and from strings

To input or output integer values, you will need to convert them from or to strings. Converting from a string is easy using the atoi or atol functions declared in stdlib.h; these take a string as an argument and return an int or long, respectively. C99 also provides atoll for converting to long long. These routines have no ability to signal an error other than returning 0, so if you do atoi("Sweden"), 0 is what you will get.

Output is usually done using printf (or sprintf if you want to write to a string without producing output). Use the %d format specifier for ints, shorts, and chars that you want the numeric value of, %ld for longs, and %lld for long longs.

A contrived program that uses all of these features is given below:

Floating-point types

Real numbers are represented in C by the floating point types float, double, and long double. Just as the integer types can't represent all integers because they fit in a bounded number of bytes, so also the floating-point types can't represent all real numbers. The difference is that the integer types can represent values within their range exactly, while floating-point types almost always give only an approximation to the correct value, albeit across a much larger range. The three floating point types differ in how much space they use (32, 64, or 80 bits on x86 CPUs; possibly different amounts on other machines), and thus how much precision they provide. Most math library routines expect and return doubles (e.g., sin is declared as double sin(double), but there are usually float versions as well (float sinf(float)).

Floating point basics

The core idea of floating-point representations (as opposed to fixed point representations as used by, say, ints), is that a number x is written as m ⋅b e where m is a mantissa or fractional part, b is a base, and e is an exponent. On modern computers the base is almost always 2, and for most floating-point representations the mantissa will be scaled to be between 1 and b . This is done by adjusting the exponent, e.g.

1 = 1 ⋅ 20
2 = 1 ⋅ 21
0.375 = 1.5 ⋅ 2 − 2


The mantissa is usually represented in base 2, as a binary fraction. So (in a very low-precision format), $1 would be 1.000 ⋅ 20 , 2 would be 1.000 ⋅ 21 , and 0.375 = 3/8 would be 1.100 ⋅ 2 − 2 , where the first 1 after the decimal point counts as 1/2, the second as 1/4, etc. Note that for a properly-scaled (or normalized) floating-point number in base 2 the digit before the decimal point is always 1. For this reason it is usually dropped to save space (although this requires a special representation for 0).

Negative values are typically handled by adding a sign bit that is 0 for positive numbers and 1 for negative numbers.

Floating-point constants

Any number that has a decimal point in it will be interpreted by the compiler as a floating-point number. Note that you have to put at least one digit after the decimal point: 2.0, 3.75, -12.6112. You can specific a floating point number in scientific notation using e for the (base 10) exponent: 6.022e23.


Floating-point types in C support most of the same arithmetic and relational operators as integer types; x > y, x / y, x + y all make sense when x and y are floats. If you mix two different floating-point types together, the less-precise one will be extended to match the precision of the more-precise one; this also works if you mix integer and floating point types as in 2 / 3.0. Unlike integer division, floating-point division does not discard the fractional part (although it may produce round-off error: 2.0/3.0 gives 0.66666666666666663, which is not quite exact). Be careful about accidentally using integer division when you mean to use floating-point division: 2/3 is 0. Casts can be used to convert integer values to floating-point values to force floating-point division (see below).

Some operators that work on integers will not work on floating-point types. These are % (use modf from the math library if you really need to get a floating-point remainder) and all of the bitwise operators ~, <<, >>, &, ^, and |.

Conversion to and from integer types

Mixed uses of floating-point and integer types will convert the integers to floating-point. So 1 / 2.0 will give 0.5.

You can convert floating-point numbers to and from integer types explicitly using casts. A typical use might be:

If we didn't put in the (double) to convert sum to a double, we'd end up doing integer division, which would truncate the fractional part of our average. Note that casts bind tighter than arithmetic operations, so the (double) applies to just sum, and not the whole expression sum / n.

In the other direction, we can write:

to convert a float f to int i. This conversion loses information by throwing away the fractional part of f: if f was 3.2, i will end up being just 3.

The math library contains a pile of functions for converting values of type double to integer values of type double that give more control over the rounding: see for example the descriptions of floor, ceil, round, trunc, and nearbyint in the GNU libc reference manual.

The IEEE-754 floating-point standard

C does not require a specific implementation of floating-point numbers, but unless you are running on very old or very odd hardware, you will probably find that float, double, and long double types are represented using the IEEE-754 floating-point standard. The standard is designed so that floating-point operations generally behave the way one would expect. This means that for most applications, you don't need to know the details of the representation, but it is worth knowing about limits on accuracy of results, and about some extra floating-point values provided by IEEE-754 like NaN ("not a number") or inf (positive infinity).

IEEE-754 defines several standard representations of floating-point numbers, all of which have the following basic pattern (the specific layout here is for a 32-bit float):

        bit  31 30    23 22                    0      S  EEEEEEEE MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM      

The bit numbers are counting from the least-significant bit. The first bit is the sign (0 for positive, 1 for negative). The following 8 bits are the exponent in excess-127 binary notation; this means that the binary pattern 01111111 = 127 represents an exponent of 0, 10000000 = 128 represents 1, 01111110 = 126 represents -1, and so forth. The mantissa fits in the remaining 24 bits, with its leading 1 stripped off as described above.

Certain numbers have a special representation. Because 0 cannot be represented in the standard form (there is no 1 before the decimal point), it is given the special representation 0 00000000 00000000000000000000000. (There is also a -0 = 1 00000000 00000000000000000000000, which looks equal to +0 but prints differently.) Numbers with exponents of 11111111 = 255 = 2128 represent non-numeric quantities such as "not a number" (NaN), returned by operations like (0.0/0.0) and positive or negative infinity. A table of some typical floating-point numbers (generated by the program float.c) is given below:

                  0 =                        0 = 0 00000000 00000000000000000000000         -0 =                       -0 = 1 00000000 00000000000000000000000      0.125 =                    0.125 = 0 01111100 00000000000000000000000       0.25 =                     0.25 = 0 01111101 00000000000000000000000        0.5 =                      0.5 = 0 01111110 00000000000000000000000          1 =                        1 = 0 01111111 00000000000000000000000          2 =                        2 = 0 10000000 00000000000000000000000          4 =                        4 = 0 10000001 00000000000000000000000          8 =                        8 = 0 10000010 00000000000000000000000      0.375 =                    0.375 = 0 01111101 10000000000000000000000       0.75 =                     0.75 = 0 01111110 10000000000000000000000        1.5 =                      1.5 = 0 01111111 10000000000000000000000          3 =                        3 = 0 10000000 10000000000000000000000          6 =                        6 = 0 10000001 10000000000000000000000        0.1 =      0.10000000149011612 = 0 01111011 10011001100110011001101        0.2 =      0.20000000298023224 = 0 01111100 10011001100110011001101        0.4 =      0.40000000596046448 = 0 01111101 10011001100110011001101        0.8 =      0.80000001192092896 = 0 01111110 10011001100110011001101      1e+12 =             999999995904 = 0 10100110 11010001101010010100101      1e+24 =   1.0000000138484279e+24 = 0 11001110 10100111100001000011100      1e+36 =   9.9999996169031625e+35 = 0 11110110 10000001001011111001110        inf =                      inf = 0 11111111 00000000000000000000000       -inf =                     -inf = 1 11111111 00000000000000000000000        nan =                      nan = 0 11111111 10000000000000000000000      

What this means in practice is that a 32-bit floating-point value (e.g. a float) can represent any number between 1.17549435e-38 and 3.40282347e+38, where the e separates the (base 10) exponent. Operations that would create a smaller value will underflow to 0 (slowly—IEEE 754 allows "denormalized" floating point numbers with reduced precision for very small values) and operations that would create a larger value will produce inf or -inf instead.

For a 64-bit double, the size of both the exponent and mantissa are larger; this gives a range from 1.7976931348623157e+308 to 2.2250738585072014e-308, with similar behavior on underflow and overflow.

Intel processors internally use an even larger 80-bit floating-point format for all operations. Unless you declare your variables as long double, this should not be visible to you from C except that some operations that might otherwise produce overflow errors will not do so, provided all the variables involved sit in registers (typically the case only for local variables and function parameters).

Round-off error

In general, floating-point numbers are not exact: they are likely to contain round-off error because of the truncation of the mantissa to a fixed number of bits. This is particularly noticeable for large values (e.g.1e+12 in the table above), but can also be seen in fractions with values that aren't powers of 2 in the denominator (e.g. 0.1). Round-off error is often invisible with the default float output formats, since they produce fewer digits than are stored internally, but can accumulate over time, particularly if you subtract floating-point quantities with values that are close (this wipes out the mantissa without wiping out the error, making the error much larger relative to the number that remains).

The easiest way to avoid accumulating error is to use high-precision floating-point numbers (this means using double instead of float). On modern CPUs there is little or no time penalty for doing so, although storing doubles instead of floats will take twice as much space in memory.

Note that a consequence of the internal structure of IEEE 754 floating-point numbers is that small integers and fractions with small numerators and power-of-2 denominators can be represented exactly—indeed, the IEEE 754 standard carefully defines floating-point operations so that arithmetic on such exact integers will give the same answers as integer arithmetic would (except, of course, for division that produces a remainder). This fact can sometimes be exploited to get higher precision on integer values than is available from the standard integer types; for example, a double can represent any integer between  − 253 and 253 exactly, which is a much wider range than the values from 2 − 31  to231 − 1 that fit in a 32-bitint orlong.  (A 64-bitlong long does better.)  Sodouble should be considered for applications where large precise integers are needed (such as calculating the net worth in pennies of a billionaire.)

One consequence of round-off error is that it is very difficult to test floating-point numbers for equality, unless you are sure you have an exact value as described above. It is generally not the case, for example, that (0.1+0.1+0.1) == 0.3 in C. This can produce odd results if you try writing something like for(f = 0.0; f <= 0.3; f += 0.1): it will be hard to predict in advance whether the loop body will be executed with f = 0.3 or not. (Even more hilarity ensues if you write for(f = 0.0; f != 0.3; f += 0.1), which after not quite hitting 0.3 exactly keeps looping for much longer than I am willing to wait to see it stop, but which I suspect will eventually converge to some constant value of f large enough that adding 0.1 to it has no effect.) Most of the time when you are tempted to test floats for equality, you are better off testing if one lies within a small distance from the other, e.g. by testing fabs(x-y) <= fabs(EPSILON * y), where EPSILON is usually some application-dependent tolerance. This isn't quite the same as equality (for example, it isn't transitive), but it usually closer to what you want.

Reading and writing floating-point numbers

Any numeric constant in a C program that contains a decimal point is treated as a double by default. You can also use e or E to add a base-10 exponent (see the table for some examples of this.) If you want to insist that a constant value is a float for some reason, you can append F on the end, as in 1.0F.

For I/O, floating-point values are most easily read and written using scanf (and its relatives fscanf and sscanf) and printf. For printf, there is an elaborate variety of floating-point format codes; the easiest way to find out what these do is experiment with them. For scanf, pretty much the only two codes you need are "%lf", which reads a double value into a double *, and "%f", which reads a float value into a float *. Both these formats are exactly the same in printf, since a float is promoted to a double before being passed as an argument to printf (or any other function that doesn't declare the type of its arguments). But you have to be careful with the arguments to scanf or you will get odd results as only 4 bytes of your 8-byte double are filled in, or—even worse—8 bytes of your 4-byte float are.

Non-finite numbers in C

The values nan, inf, and -inf can't be written in this form as floating-point constants in a C program, but printf will generate them and scanf seems to recognize them. With some machines and compilers you may be able to use the macros INFINITY and NAN from <math.h> to generate non-finite quantities. The macros isinf and isnan can be used to detect such quantities if they occur.

The math library

(See also K&R Appendix B4.)

Many mathematical functions on floating-point values are not linked into C programs by default, but can be obtained by linking in the math library. Examples would be the trigonometric functions sin, cos, and tan (plus more exotic ones), sqrt for taking square roots, pow for exponentiation, log and exp for base-e logs and exponents, and fmod for when you really want to write x%y but one or both variables is a double. The standard math library functions all take doubles as arguments and return double values; most implementations also provide some extra functions with similar names (e.g., sinf) that use floats instead, for applications where space or speed is more important than accuracy.

There are two parts to using the math library. The first is to include the line

somewhere at the top of your source file. This tells the preprocessor to paste in the declarations of the math library functions found in /usr/include/math.h.

The second step is to link to the math library when you compile. This is done by passing the flag -lm to gcc after your C program source file(s). A typical command might be:

        c99 -o program program.c -lm      

If you don't do this, you will get errors from the compiler about missing functions. The reason is that the math library is not linked in by default, since for many system programs it's not needed.

Operator precedence

Operator precedence in C controls the interpretation of ambiguous expressions like 2+3*4, which could in principle be parsed either as 2+(3*4) (the right way) or as (2+3)*4 (the cheap calculator way). For the most part, C parses unparenthesized expressions the right way, but if you are not sure what it will do with an expression, you can always put in parentheses to force it to do the right thing.

There is a table on page 53 of Kernighan and Ritchie that shows the precedence of all operators in C, which we reproduce below.

The interpretation of this table is that higher entries bind tighter than lower ones; so the fact that * has higher precedence that + and both have higher precedence that > means that 2+3*4 > 5 gets parsed as (2+(3*4)) > 5.

Associativity controls how an expression with multiple operators of the same precedence is interpreted. The fact that + and - associate left-to-right means that the expression 2+3-4-5 is interpreted as (((2+3)-4)-5): the leftmost operation is done first. Unary operators, ternary ?: and assignment operators are the only ones that associate right-to-left. For assignment operators, this is so x = y = 0 is interpreted as x = (y = 0) (assigning 0 to both x and y) and not (x = y) = 0 (which would give an error because (x = y) isn't something you can assign to). For unary operators, this mostly affects expressions like *p++, which is equivalent to *(p++) (increment the pointer first then dereference it) rather than (*p)++ (increment the thing that p points to).

() [] -> . function calls and indexing
! ~ - (unary) * (unary) &(unary) ++ -- ( type ) sizeof unary operators (associate right-to-left)
* (binary) / % multiplication and division
+ (binary) - (binary) addition and subtraction
<< >> shifts
< <= >= > inequalities
== != equality
& (binary) bitwise AND
^ bitwise XOR
| bitwise OR
&& logical AND
|| logical OR
?: ternary if (associates right-to-left)
= += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= assignment (associate right-to-left)
, comma

Programming style

The C programming language imposes very few constraints on how programs are formatted and organized. Both of the following are legitimate C programs, which compile to exactly the same machine code using gcc with a high enough optimization level:

The difference between these programs is that the first is designed to be easy to read and understand while the second is not. Though the compiler can't tell the difference between them, the second will be much harder to debug or modify to accomplish some new task.

Certain formatting and programming conventions have evolved over the years to make C code as comprehensible as possible, and as we introduce various features of C, we will talk about how best to use them to make your programs understood by both computers and humans.

Submitted assignments may be graded for style in addition to correctness. Below is a checklist that has been used in past versions of the course to identify some of the more egregious violations of reasonable coding practice. For more extreme examples of what not to do, see the International Obfuscated C Code Contest.

        Style grading checklist Score is 20 points minus 1 for each box checked (but never less than 0)  Comments  [ ] Undocumented module. [ ] Undocumented function other than main. [ ] Underdocumented function: return value or args not described. [ ] Undocumented program input and output (when main is provided). [ ] Undocumented struct or union components. [ ] Undocumented #define. [ ] Failure to cite code taken from other sources. [ ] Insufficient comments. [ ] Excessive comments.  Naming  [ ] Meaningless function name. [ ] Confusing variable name. [ ] Inconsistent variable naming style (UgLyName, ugly_name, NAME___UGLY_1). [ ] Inconsistent use of capitalization to distinguish constants.  Whitespace  [ ] Inconsistent or misleading indentation. [ ] Spaces not used or used misleadingly to break up complicated expressions. [ ] Blank lines not used or used misleadingly to break up long function bodies.  Macros  [ ] Non-trivial constant with no symbolic name. [ ] Failure to parenthesize expression in macro definition. [ ] Dependent constant not written as expression of earlier constant. [ ] Underdocumented parameterized macro.  Global variables  [ ] Inappropriate use of a global variable.  Functions  [ ] Kitchen-sink function that performs multiple unrelated tasks. [ ] Non-void function that returns no useful value. [ ] Function with too many arguments.  Code organization  [ ] Lack of modularity. [ ] Function used in multiple source files but not declared in header file. [ ] Internal-use-only function not declared static. [ ] Full struct definition in header files when components should be hidden. [ ] #include "file.c" [ ] Substantial repetition of code.  Miscellaneous  [ ] Other obstacle to readability not mentioned above.      


Variables in C are a direct abstraction of physical memory locations. To understand how variables work, it helps to start by understanding how computer memory works.


Memory consists of many bytes of storage, each of which has an address which is itself a sequence of bits. Though the actual memory architecture of a modern computer is complex, from the point of view of a C program we can think of as simply a large address space that the CPU can store things in (and load things from), provided it can supply an address to the memory. Because we don't want to have to type long strings of bits all the time, the C compiler lets us give names to particular regions of the address space, and will even find free space for us to use.

Variables as names

A variable is a name given in a program for some region of memory. Each variable has a type, which tells the compiler how big the region of memory corresponding to it is and how to treat the bits stored in that region when performing various kinds of operations (e.g. integer variables are added together by very different circuitry than floating-point variables, even though both represent numbers as bits). In modern programming languages, a variable also has a scope (a limit on where the name is meaningful, which allows the same name to be used for different variables in different parts of the program) and an extent (the duration of the variable's existence, controlling when the program allocates and deallocates space for it).

Variable declarations

Before you can use a variable in C, you must declare it. Variable declarations show up in three places:

  • Outside a function. These declarations declare global variables that are visible throughout the program (i.e. they have global scope). Use of global variables is almost always a mistake.
  • In the argument list in the header of a function. These variables are parameters to the function. They are only visible inside the function body (local scope), exist only from when the function is called to when the function returns (bounded extent—note that this is different from what happens in some garbage-collected languages like Scheme), and get their initial values from the arguments to the function when it is called.
  • Inside a function. (Before C99, only at the start of a block delimited by curly braces.) Such variables are visible only within the block in which they are declared (local scope again) and exist only when the containing function is active (bounded extent). The convention in C is has generally been to declare all such local variables at the top of a function; this is different from the convention in C++ or Java, which encourage variables to be declared when they are first used. This convention may be less strong in C99 code, since C99 adopts the C++ rule of allowing variables to be declared anywhere (which can be particularly useful for index variables in for loops).

Another feature of function parameters and local variables is that if a function is called more than once (even if the function calls itself), each copy of the function gets its own local variables.

Variable declarations consist of a type name followed by one or more variable names separated by commas and terminated by a semicolon (except in argument lists, where each declaration is terminated by a comma). I personally find it easiest to declare variables one per line, to simplify documenting them. It is also possible for global and local variables (but not function arguments) to assign an initial value to a variable by putting in something like = 0 after the variable name. It is good practice to put a comment after each variable declaration that explains what the variable does (with a possible exception for conventionally-named loop variables like i or j in short functions). Below is an example of a program with some variable declarations in it:

Variable names

C is pretty generous about what you can use in a variable name: generally any sequence of digits, letters, and the underscore character _ can be used, so long as the first character is not a digit. Very old versions of C may limit the length of external variables (those that can be reference from other files, like library routines) to 6 characters, but modern versions don't. (This explains the compact form of many standard library routine names like malloc, printf, or strlen.)

Older languages were more restrictive, and variable names have evolved over the years:

Physical addresses represented as bits.
Typical assembly language address represented in hexadecimal to save typing (and because it's easier for humans to distinguish #A7 from #B6 than to distinguish 10100111 from 10110110.)
A string variable in BASIC, back in the old days where BASIC variables were one uppercase letter, optionally followed by a number, optionally followed by $ for a string variable and % for an integer variable. These type tags were used because BASIC interpreters didn't have a mechanism for declaring variable types.
A typical FORTRAN variable name, back in the days of 6-character all-caps variable names. The I at the start means it's an integer variable. The rest of the letters probably abbreviate some much longer description of what the variable means. The default type based on the first letter was used because FORTRAN programmers were lazy, but it could be overridden by an explicit declaration.
i, j, c, count, top_of_stack, accumulatedTimeInFlight
Typical names from modern C programs. There is no type information contained in the name; the type is specified in the declaration and remembered by the compiler elsewhere. Note that there are two different conventions for representing multi-word names: the first is to replace spaces with underscores (snake case), and the second is to capitalize the first letter of each word after the first (camel case). You should pick one of these two conventions and stick to it.

An example of Hungarian notation, a style of variable naming in which the type of the variable is encoded in the first few character. The type is now back in the variable name again. This is not enforced by the compiler: even though iNumberOfStudents is supposed to be an int, there is nothing to prevent you from declaring float iNumberOfStudents if you are teaching a class on improper chainsaw handling and want to allow for the possibility of fractional students. See this MSDN page for a much more detailed explanation of the system.

Not clearly an improvement on standard naming conventions, but it is popular in some programming shops.

In C, variable names are called identifiers. These are also used to identify things that are not variables, like functions and user-defined types.

An identifier in C must start with a lower or uppercase letter or the underscore character _. Typically variables starting with underscores are used internally by system libraries, so it's dangerous to name your own variables this way. Subsequent characters in an identifier can be letters, digits, or underscores. So for example a, ____a___a_a_11727_a, AlbertEinstein, aAaAaAaAaAAAAAa, and ______ are all legal identifiers in C, but $foo and 01 are not.

The basic principle of variable naming is that a variable name is a substitute for the programmer's memory. It is generally best to give identifiers names that are easy to read and describe what the variable is used for. Such variables are called self-documenting. None of the variable names in the preceding list are any good by this standard. Better names would be total_input_characters, dialedWrongNumber, or stepsRemaining. Non-descriptive single-character names are acceptable for certain conventional uses, such as the use of i and j for loop iteration variables, or c for an input character. Such names should only be used when the scope of the variable is small, so that it's easy to see all the places where it is used at the same time.

C identifiers are case-sensitive, so aardvark, AArDvARK, and AARDVARK are all different variables. Because it is hard to remember how you capitalized something before, it is important to pick a standard convention and stick to it. The traditional convention in C goes like this:

  • Ordinary variables and functions are lowercased or camel-cased: count, countOfInputBits.
  • User-defined types (and in some conventions global variables) are capitalized: Stack, TotalBytesAllocated.
  • Constants created with #define or enum are written in all-caps: MAXIMUM_STACK_SIZE, BUFFER_LIMIT.

Using variables

Ignoring pointers for the moment, there are essentially two things you can do to a variable. You can assign a value to it using the = operator, as in:

or you can use its value in an expression:

The assignment operator is an ordinary operator, and assignment expressions can be used in larger expressions:

This feature is usually only used in certain standard idioms, since it's confusing otherwise.

There are also shorthand operators for expressions of the form variable = variable operator expression. For example, writing x += y is equivalent to writing x = x + y, x /= y is the same as x = x / y, etc.

For the special case of adding or subtracting 1, you can abbreviate still further with the ++ and -- operators. These come in two versions, depending on whether you want the result of the expression (if used in a larger expression) to be the value of the variable before or after the variable is incremented:

The intuition is that if the ++ comes before the variable, the increment happens before the value of the variable is read (a preincrement; if it comes after, it happens after the value is read (a postincrement). This is confusing enough that it is best not to use the value of preincrement or postincrement operations except in certain standard idioms. But using x++ or ++x by itself as a substitute for x = x+1 is perfectly acceptable style.8


It is a serious error to use the value of a variable that has never been assigned to, because you will get whatever junk is sitting in memory at the address allocated to the variable, and this might be some arbitrary leftover value from a previous function call that doesn't even represent the same type.9

Fortunately, C provides a way to guarantee that a variable is initialized as soon as it is declared. Many of the examples in the notes do not use this mechanism, because of bad habits learned by the instructor using early versions of C that imposed tighter constraints on initialization. But initializing variables is a good habit to get in the practice of doing.

For variables with simple types (that is, not arrays, structs, or unions), an initializer looks like an assignment:

For ordinary local variables, the initializer value can be any expression, including expressions that call other functions. There is an exception for variables allocated when the program starts (which includes global variables outside functions and static variables inside functions), which can only be initialized to constant expressions.

The last two examples show how initializers can set the values of variables that are declared to be const (the variable greeting is both constant itself, because of const greeting, and points to data that is also constant, because it is of type const char). This is the only way to set the values of such variables without cheating, because the compiler will complain if you try to do an ordinary assignment to a variable declared to be constant.

For fixed-size arrays and structs, it is possible to supply an initializer for each component, by enclosing the initializer values in braces, separated by commas. For example:

Storage class qualifiers

It is possible to specify additional information about how a variable can be used using storage class qualifiers, which usually go before the type of a variable in a declaration.

Scope and extent

Most variables that you will use in C are either parameters to functions or local variables inside functions. These have local scope, meaning the variable names can only be used in the function in which they are declared, and automatic extent, meaning the space for the variable is allocated, typically on the stack, when the function is called, and reclaimed when the function exits. (If the function calls itself, you get another copy of all the local variables; see recursion.)

On very rare occasions you might want to have a variable that survives the entire execution of a program (has static extent) or that is visible throughout the program (has global scope). C provides a mechanism for doing this that you shold never use under normal circumstances. Pretty much the only time you are going to want to have a variable with static extent is if you are keeping track of some piece of information that (a) you only need one instance of, (b) you need to survive between function calls, and (c) it would be annoying to pass around as an extra argument to any function that uses it. An example would be the internal data structures used by malloc, or the count variable in the function below:

To declare a local variable with static extent, use the static qualifier as in the above example. To declare a global variable with static extent, declare it outside a function. In both cases you should provide an initializer for the variable.

Additional qualifiers for global variables

It is possible to put some additional constraints on the visibility of global variables. By default, a global variable will be visible everywhere, but functions files other than the one in which it is defined won't necessarily know what type it has. This latter problem can be fixed using an extern declaration, which says that there is a variable somewhere else of a particular type that we are declaring (but not defining, so no space is allocated). In contrast, the static keyword (on a global variable) specifies that it will only be visible in the current file, even if some other file includes a declaration of a global variable of the same name.

Here are three variable declarations that illustrate how this works:

(Note the convention of putting capital letters on global variables to distinguish them from local variables.)

Typically, an extern definition would appear in a header file so that it can be included in any function that uses the variable, while an ordinary global variable definition would appear in a C file so it only occurs once.

Marking variables as constant

The const qualifier declares a variable to be constant:

It is an error to apply any sort of assignment (=, +=, ++, etc.) to a variable qualified as const.

Pointers to const

A pointer to a region that should not be modified should be declared with const type:

The const in the declaration above applies to the characters that string points to: string is not const itself, but is instead a pointer to const . It is still possible to make string point somewhere else, say by doing an assignment:

If you want to make it so that you can't assign to string, put const right before the variable name:

Now string is a const pointer to const: you can neither modify string nor the values it points to.

Note that const only restricts what you can do using this particular variable name. If you can get at the memory that something points to by some other means, say through another pointer, you may be able to change the values in these memory locations anyway:

Input and output

Input and output from C programs is typically done through the standard I/O library, whose functions etc. are declared in stdio.h. A detailed descriptions of the functions in this library is given in Appendix B of Kernighan and Ritchie. We'll talk about some of the more useful functions and about how input-output (I/O) works on Unix-like operating systems in general.

Character streams

The standard I/O library works on character streams, objects that act like long sequences of incoming or outgoing characters. What a stream is connected to is often not apparent to a program that uses it; an output stream might go to a terminal, to a file, or even to another program (appearing there as an input stream).

Three standard streams are available to all programs: these are stdin (standard input), stdout (standard output), and stderr (standard error). Standard I/O functions that do not take a stream as an argument will generally either read from stdin or write to stdout. The stderr stream is used for error messages. It is kept separate from stdout so that you can see these messages even if you redirect output to a file:

        $ ls no-such-file > /tmp/output ls: no-such-file: No such file or directory      

Reading and writing single characters

To read a single character from stdin, use getchar:

The getchar routine will return the special value EOF (usually -1; short for end of file) if there are no more characters to read, which can happen when you hit the end of a file or when the user types the end-of-file key control-D to the terminal. Note that the return value of getchar is declared to be an int since EOF lies outside the normal character range.

To write a single character to stdout, use putchar:

Even though putchar can only write single bytes, it takes an int as an argument. Any value outside the range 0..255 will be truncated to its last byte, as in the usual conversion from int to unsigned char.

Both getchar and putchar are wrappers for more general routines getc and putc that allow you to specify which stream you are using. To illustrate getc and putc, here's how we might define getchar and putchar if they didn't exist already:

Note that putc, putchar2 as defined above, and the original putchar all return an int rather than void; this is so that they can signal whether the write succeeded. If the write succeeded, putchar or putc will return the value written. If the write failed (say because the disk was full), then putc or putchar will return EOF.

Here's another example of using putc to make a new function putcerr that writes a character to stderr:

A rather odd feature of the C standard I/O library is that if you don't like the character you just got, you can put it back using the ungetc function. The limitations on ungetc are that (a) you can only push one character back, and (b) that character can't be EOF. The ungetc function is provided because it makes certain high-level input tasks easier; for example, if you want to parse a number written as a sequence of digits, you need to be able to read characters until you hit the first non-digit. But if the non-digit is going to be used elsewhere in your program, you don't want to eat it. The solution is to put it back using ungetc.

Here's a function that uses ungetc to peek at the next character on stdin without consuming it:

Formatted I/O

Reading and writing data one character at a time can be painful. The C standard I/O library provides several convenient routines for reading and writing formatted data. The most commonly used one is printf, which takes as arguments a format string followed by zero or more values that are filled in to the format string according to patterns appearing in it.

Here are some typical printf statements:

For a full list of formatting codes see Table B-1 in Kernighan and Ritchie, or run man 3 printf.

The inverse of printf is scanf. The scanf function reads formatted data from stdin according to the format string passed as its first argument and stuffs the results into variables whose addresses are given by the later arguments. This requires prefixing each such argument with the & operator, which takes the address of a variable.

Format strings for scanf are close enough to format strings for printf that you can usually copy them over directly. However, because scanf arguments don't go through argument promotion (where all small integer types are converted to int and floats are converted to double), you have to be much more careful about specifying the type of the argument correctly. For example, while printf("%f", x) will work whether x is a float or a double, scanf("%f", &x) will work only if x is a float, which means that scanf("%lf", &x) is needed if x is in fact a double.

Some examples:

                      scanf("%c", &c);            /* like c = getchar(); c must be a char; will NOT put EOF in c */                scanf("%d", &n);            /* read an int formatted in decimal */                scanf("%u", &n);            /* read an unsigned int formatted in decimal */                scanf("%o", &n);            /* read an unsigned int formatted in octal */                scanf("%x", &n);            /* read an unsigned int formatted in hexadecimal */                scanf("%f", &x);            /* read a float */                scanf("%lf", &x);            /* read a double */                         /* read total (an int) and average (a float) on two lines with labels */                        /* (will also work if input is missing newlines or uses other whitespace, see below) */                scanf("Total: %d            \n            Average: %f            \n            ", &total, &average);        

For a full list of formatting codes, run man 3 scanf.

The scanf routine usually eats whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines, etc.) in its input whenever it sees a conversion specification or a whitespace character in its format string. The one exception is that a %c conversion specifier will not eat whitespace and will instead return the next character whether it is whitespace or not. Non-whitespace characters that are not part of conversion specifications must match exactly. To detect if scanf parsed everything successfully, look at its return value; it returns the number of values it filled in, or EOF if it hits end-of-file before filling in any values.

The printf and scanf routines are wrappers for fprintf and fscanf, which take a stream as their first argument, e.g.:

This sends the output to the standard error output handle stderr. Note the use of "%%" to print a single percent in the output.

Rolling your own I/O routines

Since we can write our own functions in C, if we don't like what the standard routines do, we can build our own on top of them. For example, here's a function that reads in integer values without leading minus signs and returns the result. It uses the peekchar routine we defined above, as well as the isdigit routine declared in ctype.h.

Here's another implementation that does almost the same thing:

The difference is that readNumber2 will consume any whitespace before the first digit, which may or may not be what we want.

More complex routines can be used to parse more complex input. For example, here's a routine that uses readNumber to parse simple arithmetic expressions, where each expression is either a number or of the form ( expression + expression ) or ( expression * expression ). The return value is the value of the expression after adding together or multiplying all of its subexpressions. (A complete program including this routine and the others defined earlier that it uses can be found examples/IO/calc.c.

Because this routine calls itself recursively as it works its way down through the input, it is an example of a recursive descent parser. Parsers for more complicated languages like C are usually not written by hand like this, but are instead constructed mechanically using a parser generator.

File I/O

Reading and writing files is done by creating new streams attached to the files. The function that does this is fopen. It takes two arguments: a filename, and a flag that controls whether the file is opened for reading or writing. The return value of fopen has type FILE * and can be used in putc, getc, fprintf, etc. just like stdin, stdout, or stderr. When you are done using a stream, you should close it using fclose.

Here's a program that reads a list of numbers from a file whose name is given as argv[1] and prints their sum:

To write to a file, open it with fopen(filename, "w"). Note that as soon as you call fopen with the "w" flag, any previous contents of the file are erased. If you want to append to the end of an existing file, use "a" instead. You can also add + onto the flag if you want to read and write the same file (this will probably involve using fseek).

Some operating systems (Windows) make a distinction between text and binary files. For text files, use the same arguments as above. For binary files, add a b, e.g. fopen(filename, "wb") to write a binary file.

Statements and control structures

The bodies of C functions (including the main function) are made up of statements. These can either be simple statements that do not contain other statements, or compound statements that have other statements inside them. Control structures are compound statements like if/then/else, while, for, and do..while that control how or whether their component statements are executed.

Simple statements

The simplest kind of statement in C is an expression (followed by a semicolon, the terminator for all simple statements). Its value is computed and discarded. Examples:

Most statements in a typical C program are simple statements of this form.

Other examples of simple statements are the jump statements return, break, continue, and goto. A return statement specifies the return value for a function (if there is one), and when executed it causes the function to exit immediately. The break and continue statements jump immediately to the end of a loop (or switch; see below) or the next iteration of a loop; we'll talk about these more when we talk about loops. The goto statement jumps to another location in the same function, and exists for the rare occasions when it is needed. Using it in most circumstances is a sin.

Compound statements

Compound statements come in two varieties: conditionals and loops.


These are compound statements that test some condition and execute one or another block depending on the outcome of the condition. The simplest is the if statement:

The body of the if statement is executed only if the expression in parentheses at the top evaluates to true (which in C means any value that is not 0).

The braces are not strictly required, and are used only to group one or more statements into a single statement. If there is only one statement in the body, the braces can be omitted:

This style is recommended only for very simple bodies. Omitting the braces makes it harder to add more statements later without errors.

In the example above, the lack of braces means that the hideInBunker() statement is not part of the if statement, despite the misleading indentation. This sort of thing is why I generally always put in braces in an if.

An if statement may have an else clause, whose body is executed if the test is false (i.e. equal to 0).

A common idiom is to have a chain of if and else if branches that test several conditions:

This can be inefficient if there are a lot of cases, since the tests are applied sequentially. For tests of the form <expression> == <small constant>, the switch statement may provide a faster alternative. Here's a typical switch statement:

This prints the string "cow" if there is one cow, "cowen" if there are two cowen, and "cows" if there are any other number of cows. The switch statement evaluates its argument and jumps to the matching case label, or to the default label if none of the cases match. Cases must be constant integer values.

The break statements inside the block jump to the end of the block. Without them, executing the switch with numberOfCows equal to 1 would print all three lines. This can be useful in some circumstances where the same code should be used for more than one case:

or when a case "falls through" to the next:

Note that it is customary to include a break on the last case even though it has no effect; this avoids problems later if a new case is added. It is also customary to include a default case even if the other cases supposedly exhaust all the possible values, as a check against bad or unanticipated inputs.

Though switch statements are better than deeply nested if/else-if constructions, it is often even better to organize the different cases as data rather than code. We'll see examples of this when we talk about function pointers.

Nothing in the C standards prevents the case labels from being buried inside other compound statements. One rather hideous application of this fact is Duff's device.


There are three kinds of loops in C.

The while loop

A while loop tests if a condition is true, and if so, executes its body. It then tests the condition is true again, and keeps executing the body as long as it is. Here's a program that deletes every occurrence of the letter e from its input.

Note that the expression inside the while argument both assigns the return value of getchar to c and tests to see if it is equal to EOF (which is returned when no more input characters are available). This is a very common idiom in C programs. Note also that even though c holds a single character, it is declared as an int. The reason is that EOF (a constant defined in stdio.h) is outside the normal character range, and if you assign it to a variable of type char it will be quietly truncated into something else. Because C doesn't provide any sort of exception mechanism for signalling unusual outcomes of function calls, designers of library functions often have to resort to extending the output of a function to include an extra value or two to signal failure; we'll see this a lot when the null pointer shows up in the chapter on pointers.

The do..while loop

The do..while statement is like the while statement except the test is done at the end of the loop instead of the beginning. This means that the body of the loop is always executed at least once.

Here's a loop that does a random walk until it gets back to 0 (if ever). If we changed the do..while loop to a while loop, it would never take the first step, because pos starts at 0.

The do..while loop is used much less often in practice than the while loop.

It is theoretically possible to convert a do..while loop to a while loop by making an extra copy of the body in front of the loop, but this is not recommended since it's almost always a bad idea to duplicate code.

The for loop

The for loop is a form of syntactic sugar that is used when a loop iterates over a sequence of values stored in some variable (or variables). Its argument consists of three expressions: the first initializes the variable and is called once when the statement is first reached. The second is the test to see if the body of the loop should be executed; it has the same function as the test in a while loop. The third sets the variable to its next value. Some examples:

                      /* count from 0 to 9 */                        for(i =            0; i <            10; i++) {         printf("%d            \n            ", i);     }                  /* and back from 10 to 0 */                        for(i =            10; i >=            0; i--) {         printf("%d            \n            ", i);     }              /* this loop uses some functions to move around */                        for(c = firstCustomer(); c != END_OF_CUSTOMERS; c = customerAfter(c)) {         helpCustomer(c);     }              /* this loop prints powers of 2 that are less than n*/                        for(i =            1; i < n; i *=            2) {         printf("%d            \n            ", i);     }              /* this loop does the same thing with two variables by using the comma operator */                        for(i =            0, power =            1; power < n; i++, power *=            2) {         printf("2^%d = %d            \n            ", i, power);     }              /* Here are some nested loops that print a times table */                        for(i =            0; i < n; i++) {             for(j =            0; j < n; j++) {             printf("%d*%d=%d ", i, j, i*j);         }         putchar('\n');     }        

A for loop can always be rewritten as a while loop.

Loops with break, continue, and goto

The break statement immediately exits the innermmost enclosing loop or switch statement.

The continue statement skips to the next iteration. Here is a program with a loop that iterates through all the integers from -10 through 10, skipping 0:

Occasionally, one would like to break out of more than one nested loop. The way to do this is with a goto statement.

The target for the goto is a label, which is just an identifier followed by a colon and a statement (the empty statement ; is ok).

The goto statement can be used to jump anywhere within the same function body, but breaking out of nested loops is widely considered to be its only genuinely acceptable use in normal code.

Choosing where to put a loop exit

Choosing where to put a loop exit is usually pretty obvious: you want it after any code that you want to execute at least once, and before any code that you want to execute only if the termination test fails.

If you know in advance what values you are going to be iterating over, you will most likely be using a for loop:

Most of the rest of the time, you will want a while loop:

The do..while loop comes up mostly when you want to try something, then try again if it failed:

Finally, leaving a loop in the middle using break can be handy if you have something extra to do before trying again:

(Note the empty for loop header means to loop forever; while(1) also works.)


A function, procedure, or subroutine encapsulates some complex computation as a single operation. Typically, when we call a function, we pass as arguments all the information this function needs, and any effect it has will be reflected in either its return value or (in some cases) in changes to values pointed to by the arguments. Inside the function, the arguments are copied into local variables, which can be used just like any other local variable—they can even be assigned to without affecting the original argument.

Function definitions

A typical function definition looks like this:

The part outside the braces is called the function declaration; the braces and their contents is the function body.

Like most complex declarations in C, once you delete the type names the declaration looks like how the function is used: the name of the function comes before the parentheses and the arguments inside. The ints scattered about specify the type of the return value of the function (before the function name) and of the parameters (inside the parentheses after the function name); these are used by the compiler to determine how to pass values in and out of the function and (usually for more complex types, since numerical types will often convert automatically) to detect type mismatches.

If you want to define a function that doesn't return anything, declare its return type as void. You should also declare a parameter list of void if the function takes no arguments.

It is not strictly speaking an error to omit the second void here. Putting void in for the parameters tells the compiler to enforce that no arguments are passed in. If we had instead declared helloWorld as

it would be possible to call it as

without causing an error. The reason is that a function declaration with no arguments means that the function can take an unspecified number of arguments, and it's up to the user to make sure they pass in the right ones. There are good historical reasons for what may seem like obvious lack of sense in the design of the language here, and fixing this bug would break most C code written before 1989. But you shouldn't ever write a function declaration with an empty argument list, since you want the compiler to know when something goes wrong.

When to write a function

As with any kind of abstraction, there are two goals to making a function:

  • Encapsulation: If you have some task to carry out that is simple do describe from the outside but messy to understand from the inside, wrapping it in a function lets somebody carry out this task without having to know the details. This is also useful if you want to change the implementation later.
  • Code re-use: If you find yourself writing the same lines of code in several places (or worse, are tempted to copy a block of code to several places), you should probably put this code in a function (or perhaps more than one function, if there is no succinct way to describe what this block of code is doing).

Both of these goals may be trumped by the goal of making your code understandable. If you can't describe what a function is doing in a single, simple sentence, this is a sign that maybe you need to restructure your code. Having a function that does more than one thing (or does different thing depending on its arguments) is likely to lead to confusion. So, for example, this is not a good function definition:

Better would be to write two functions:

At the same time, it's possible for a function to be too simple. Suppose I write the function

It's pretty clear from the name what this function does. But since anybody who has been using C for a while has seen printf("%d\n", ...) over and over again, it's usually more clear to expand out the definition:

As with all caveats, this caveat comes with its own caveat: what might justify a function like this is if you want to be able to do some kind of specialized formatting that should be consistent for all values of a particular form. So you might write a printDistance function like the above as a stub for a fancier function that might use different units at different scales or something.

A similar issue will come up with non-syntactic macros, which also tend to fail the "does this make my code more or less understandable" test. Usually it is a bad idea to try to replace common C idioms.

Calling a function

A function call consists of the function followed by its arguments (if any) inside parentheses, separated by comments. For a function with no arguments, call it with nothing between the parentheses. A function call that returns a value can be used in an expression just like a variable. A call to a void function can only be used as an expression by itself:

The return statement

To return a value from a function, write a return statement, e.g.

The argument to return can be any expression. Unlike the expression in, say, an if statement, you do not need to wrap it in parentheses. If a function is declared void, you can do a return with no expression, or just let control reach the end of the function.

Executing a return statement immediately terminates the function. This can be used like break to get out of loops early.

Function declarations and modules

By default, functions have global scope: they can be used anywhere in your program, even in other files. If a file doesn't contain a declaration for a function someFunc before it is used, the compiler will assume that it is declared like int someFunc() (i.e., return type int and unknown arguments). This can produce infuriating complaints later when the compiler hits the real declaration and insists that your function someFunc should be returning an int and you are a bonehead for declaring it otherwise.

The solution to such insulting compiler behavior errors is to either (a) move the function declaration before any functions that use it; or (b) put in a declaration without a body before any functions that use it, in addition to the declaration that appears in the function definition. (Note that this violates the no separate but equal rule, but the compiler should tell you when you make a mistake.) Option (b) is generally preferred, and is the only option when the function is used in a different file.

To make sure that all declarations of a function are consistent, the usual practice is to put them in an include file. For example, if distSquared is used in a lot of places, we might put it in its own file distSquared.c:

The file distSquared.c above uses #include to include a copy of the following header file distSquared.h:

Note that the declaration in distSquared.h doesn't have a body. Instead, it's terminated by a semicolon, like a variable declaration. It's also worth noting that we moved the documenting comment to distSquared.h: the idea is that distSquared.h is the public face of this (very small one-function) module, and so the explanation of how to use the function should be there.

The reason distSquared.c includes distSquared.h is to get the compiler to verify that the declarations in the two files match. But to use the distSquared function, we also put #include "distSquared.h" at the top of the file that uses it:

The #include on line 1 uses double quotes instead of angle brackets; this tells the compiler to look for distSquared.h in the current directory instead of the system include directory (typically /usr/include).

Static functions

By default, all functions are global; they can be used in any file of your program whether or not a declaration appears in a header file. To restrict access to the current file, declare a function static, like this:

The function hello will be visible everywhere. The function helloHelper will only be visible in the current file.

It's generally good practice to declare a function static unless you intend to make it available, since not doing so can cause namespace conflicts, where the presence of two functions with the same name either prevent the program from linking or—even worse—cause the wrong function to be called. The latter can happen with library functions, since C allows the programmer to override library functions by defining a new function with the same name. Early on in my career as a C programmer, I once had a program fail in a spectacularly incomprehensible way because I'd written a select function without realizing that select is a core library function in Unix.

Local variables

A function may contain definitions of local variables, which are visible only inside the function and which survive only until the function returns. These may be declared at the start of any block (group of statements enclosed by braces), but it is conventional to declare all of them at the outermost block of the function.

Mechanics of function calls

Several things happen under the hood when a function is called. Since a function can be called from several different places, the CPU needs to store its previous state to know where to go back. It also needs to allocate space for function arguments and local variables.

Some of this information will be stored in registers, memory locations built into the CPU itself, but most will go on the stack, a region of memory that on typical machines grows downward, even though the most recent additions to the stack are called the "top" of the stack. The location of the top of the stack is stored in the CPU in a special register called the stack pointer.

So a typical function call looks like this internally:

  1. The current instruction pointer or program counter value, which gives the address of the next line of machine code to be executed, is pushed onto the stack.
  2. Any arguments to the function are copied either into specially designated registers or onto new locations on the stack. The exact rules for how to do this vary from one CPU architecture to the next, but a typical convention might be that the first few arguments are copied into registers and the rest (if any) go on the stack.
  3. The instruction pointer is set to the first instruction in the code for the function.
  4. The code for the function allocates additional space on the stack to hold its local variables (if any) and to save copies of the values of any registers it wants to use (so that it can restore their contents before returning to its caller).
  5. The function body is executed until it hits a return statement.
  6. Returning from the function is the reverse of invoking it: any saved registers are restored from the stack, the return value is copied to a standard register, and the values of the instruction pointer and stack pointer are restored to what they were before the function call.

From the programmer's perspective, the important point is that both the arguments and the local variables inside a function are stored in freshly-allocated locations that are thrown away after the function exits. So after a function call the state of the CPU is restored to its previous state, except for the return value. Any arguments that are passed to a function are passed as copies, so changing the values of the function arguments inside the function has no effect on the caller. Any information stored in local variables is lost.

Under very rare circumstances, it may be useful to have a variable local to a function that persists from one function call to the next. You can do so by declaring the variable static. For example, here is a function that counts how many times it has been called:

Static local variables are stored outside the stack with global variables, and have unbounded extent. But they are only visible inside the function that declares them. This makes them slightly less dangerous than global variables—there is no fear that some foolish bit of code elsewhere will quietly change their value—but it is still the case that they usually aren't what you want. It is also likely that operations on static variables will be slightly slower than operations on ordinary ("automatic") variables, since making them persistent means that they have to be stored in (slow) main memory instead of (fast) registers.


Pointers provided an abstraction for memory addresses. A pointer value specifies a location, but also has a type associated with it at compile time that allows the compiler to keep track of what is stored at that memory address. C uses pointers for a variety of tasks that are handled more abstractly in other programming languages, like returning extra values from functions or constructing arrays.

Memory and addresses

Memory in a typical modern computer is divided into two classes: a small number of registers, which live on the CPU chip and perform specialized functions like keeping track of the location of the next machine code instruction to execute or the current stack frame, and main memory, which (mostly) lives outside the CPU chip and which stores the code and data of a running program. When the CPU wants to fetch a value from a particular location in main memory, it must supply an address: a 32-bit or 64-bit unsigned integer on typical current architectures, referring to one of up to 232 or 264 distinct 8-bit locations in the memory. These integers can be manipulated like any other integer; in C, they appear as pointers, a family of types that can be passed as arguments, stored in variables, returned from functions, etc.

Pointer variables

A pointer variable is a variable that holds a pointer, just like an int variable is a variable that holds an int.

Declaring a pointer variable

The convention is C is that the declaration of a complex type looks like its use. To declare a pointer-valued variable, write a declaration for the thing that it points to, but include a * before the variable name:

These declarations create four pointer variables, named pointerToInt, pointerToDouble, pointerToChar, and pointerToPointerToChar. On a typical 64-bit machine, each will be allocated 8 bytes, enough to represent an address in memory.

The contents of these variables are initially arbitrary. To use them safely, you will need to compute the address of something and assign it to the variable.

Assigning to pointer variables

Declaring a pointer-valued variable allocates space to hold the pointer but not to hold anything it points to. Like any other variable in C, a pointer-valued variable will initially contain garbage—in this case, the address of a location that might or might not contain something important. To initialize a pointer variable, you have to assign to it the address of something that already exists. Typically this is done using the & (address-of) operator:

Using a pointer

Pointer variables can be used in two ways. The simplest way is to get their value as with any other variable. This value will be an address, which can be stored in another pointer variable of the same type.

But more often you will want to work on the value stored at the location pointed to. You can do this by using the * (dereference) operator, which acts as an inverse of the address-of operator:

The * operator binds very tightly, so you can usually use *p anywhere you could use the variable it points to without worrying about parentheses. However, a few operators, such as the -- and ++ operators and the . operator used to unpack structs, bind tighter. These require parentheses if you want the * to take precedence.

Printing pointers

You can print a pointer value using printf with the %p format specifier. To do so, you should convert the pointer to the generic pointer type void * first using a cast, although on machines that don't have different representations for different pointer types, this may not be necessary.

Here is a short program that prints out some pointer values:

                          #include                            <stdio.h>              #include                            <stdlib.h>                            int              G =              0;              /* a global variable, stored in BSS segment */                            int              main(int              argc,              char              **argv) {               static              int              s;              /* static local variable, stored in BSS segment */                            int              a;              /* automatic variable, stored on stack */                            int              *p;              /* pointer variable for malloc below */                             /* obtain a block big enough for one int from the heap */                  p = malloc(sizeof(int));      printf("&G   = %p              \n              ", (void              *) &G);     printf("&s   = %p              \n              ", (void              *) &s);     printf("&a   = %p              \n              ", (void              *) &a);     printf("&p   = %p              \n              ", (void              *) &p);     printf("p    = %p              \n              ", (void              *) p);     printf("main = %p              \n              ", (void              *) main);      free(p);                return              0; }          


When I run this on a Mac OS X 10.6 machine after compiling with gcc, the output is:

        &G   = 0x100001078 &s   = 0x10000107c &a   = 0x7fff5fbff2bc &p   = 0x7fff5fbff2b0 p    = 0x100100080 main = 0x100000e18      

The interesting thing here is that we can see how the compiler chooses to allocate space for variables based on their storage classes. The global variable G and the static local variable s both persist between function calls, so they get placed in the BSS segment (see .bss) that starts somewhere around 0x100000000, typically after the code segment containing the actual code of the program. Local variables a and p are allocated on the stack, which grows down from somewhere near the top of the address space. The block returned from malloc that p points to is allocated off the heap, a region of memory that may also grow over time and starts after the BSS segment. Finally, main appears at 0x100000e18; this is in the code segment, which is a bit lower in memory than all the global variables.

The null pointer

The special value 0, known as the null pointer, may be assigned to a pointer of any type. It may or may not be represented by the actual address 0, but it will act like 0 in all contexts (e.g., it has the value false in an if or while statement). Null pointers are often used to indicate missing data or failed functions. Attempting to dereference a null pointer can have catastrophic effects, so it's important to be aware of when you might be supplied with one.

Pointers and functions

A simple application of pointers is to get around C's limit on having only one return value from a function. Because C arguments are copied, assigning a value to an argument inside a function has no effect on the outside. So the doubler function below doesn't do much:

However, if instead of passing the value of y into doubler we pass a pointer to y, then the doubler function can reach out of its own stack frame to manipulate y itself:

Generally, if you pass the value of a variable into a function (with no &), you can be assured that the function can't modify your original variable. When you pass a pointer, you should assume that the function can and will change the variable's value. If you want to write a function that takes a pointer argument but promises not to modify the target of the pointer, use const, like this:

The const qualifier tells the compiler that the target of the pointer shouldn't be modified. This will cause it to return an error if you try to assign to it anyway:

Passing const pointers is mostly used when passing large structures to functions, where copying a 32-bit pointer is cheaper than copying the thing it points to.

If you really want to modify the target anyway, C lets you "cast away const":

There is usually no good reason to do this. The one exception might be if the target of the pointer represents an abstract data type, and you want to modify its representation during some operation to optimize things somehow in a way that will not be visible outside the abstraction barrier, making it appear to leave the target constant.

Note that while it is safe to pass pointers down into functions, it is very dangerous to pass pointers up. The reason is that the space used to hold any local variable of the function will be reclaimed when the function exits, but the pointer will still point to the same location, even though something else may now be stored there. So this function is very dangerous:

An exception is when you can guarantee that the location pointed to will survive even after the function exits, e.g. when the location is dynamically allocated using malloc (see below) or when the local variable is declared static:

Usually returning a pointer to a static local variable is not good practice, since the point of making a variable local is to keep outsiders from getting at it. If you find yourself tempted to do this, a better approach is to allocate a new block using malloc (see below) and return a pointer to that. The downside of the malloc method is that the caller has to promise to call free on the block later, or you will get a storage leak.

Pointer arithmetic and arrays

Because pointers are just numerical values, one can do arithmetic on them. Specifically, it is permitted to

  • Add an integer to a pointer or subtract an integer from a pointer. The effect of p+n where p is a pointer and n is an integer is to compute the address equal to p plus n times the size of whatever p points to (this is why int * pointers and char * pointers aren't the same).
  • Subtract one pointer from another. The two pointers must have the same type (e.g. both int * or both char *). The result is a signed integer value of type ptrdiff_t, equal to the numerical difference between the addresses divided by the size of the objects pointed to.
  • Compare two pointers using ==, !=, <, >, <=, or >=.
  • Increment or decrement a pointer using ++ or --.


The main application of pointer arithmetic in C is in arrays. An array is a block of memory that holds one or more objects of a given type. It is declared by giving the type of object the array holds followed by the array name and the size in square brackets:

Declaring an array allocates enough space to hold the specified number of objects (e.g. 200 bytes for a above and 400 for cp—note that a char * is an address, so it is much bigger than a char). The number inside the square brackets must be a constant whose value can be determined at compile time.

The array name acts like a constant pointer to the zeroth element of the array. It is thus possible to set or read the zeroth element using *a. But because the array name is constant, you can't assign to it:

More common is to use square brackets to refer to a particular element of the array. The expression a[n] is defined to be equivalent to *(a+n); the index n (an integer) is added to the base of the array (a pointer), to get to the location of the n-th element of a. The implicit * then dereferences this location so that you can read its value (in a normal expression) or assign to it (on the left-hand side of an assignment operator). The effect is to allow you to use a[n] just as you would any other variable of type int (or whatever type a was declared as).

Note that C doesn't do any sort of bounds checking. Given the declaration int a[50];, only indices from a[0] to a[49] can be used safely. However, the compiler will not blink at a[-12] or a[10000]. If you read from such a location you will get garbage data; if you write to it, you will overwrite god-knows-what, possibly trashing some other variable somewhere else in your program or some critical part of the stack (like the location to jump to when you return from a function). It is up to you as a programmer to avoid such buffer overruns, which can lead to very mysterious (and in the case of code that gets input from a network, security-damaging) bugs. The valgrind program can help detect such overruns in some cases.

Another curious feature of the definition of a[n] as identical to *(a+n) is that it doesn't actually matter which of the array name or the index goes inside the braces. So all of a[0], *a, and 0[a] refer to the zeroth entry in a. Unless you are deliberately trying to obfuscate your code, it's best to write what you mean.

Arrays and functions

Because array names act like pointers, they can be passed into functions that expect pointers as their arguments. For example, here is a function that computes the sum of all the values in an array a of size n:

Note the use of const to promise that sumArray won't modify the contents of a.

Another way to write the function header is to declare a as an array of unknown size:

This has exactly the same meaning to the compiler as the previous definition. Even though normally the declarations int a[10] and int *a mean very different things (the first one allocates space to hold 10 ints, and prevents assigning a new value to a), in a function argument int a[] is just syntactic sugar for int *a. You can even modify what a points to inside sumArray by assigning to it. This will allow you to do things that you usually don't want to do, like write this hideous routine:

Multidimensional arrays

Arrays can themselves be members of arrays. The result is a multidimensional array, where a value in row i and column j is accessed by a[i][j].

There are actually two different ways to do this that both support the a[i][j] syntax. With standard C multidimensional arrays, the array is an array of one-dimensional arrays, each of which has the same fixed size. With an array of pointers, the array is an array of pointers, each of which points to the first element of a one-dimensional array. The standard approach is simpler to set up and avoids some extra time and space complexity, but it breaks down for very large arrays or when the rows of the array may have different lengths. We'll describe how to do both, as well as a third option that represents a two-dimensional array directly as a one-dimensional array, at the cost of losing the standard a[i][j] lookup syntax.

Using built-in C arrays

Declaration is similar to one-dimensional arrays:

This declaration produces an array of 18 int values, packed contiguously in memory. The interpretation is that a is an array of 3 objects, each of which is an array of 6 ints.

If we imagine the array to contain increasing values like this:

                  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17      

the actual positions in memory will look like this:

                  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17  ^                 ^                 ^ a[0]              a[1]              a[2]      

To look up a value, we do the usual array-indexing magic. Suppose we want to find a[1][4]. The name a acts as a pointer to the base of the array.The name a[1] says to skip ahead 1 times the size of the things pointed to by a, which are arrays of 6 ints each, for a total size of 24 bytes assuming 4-byte ints. For a[1][4], we start at a[1] and move forward 4 times the size of the thing pointed to by a[1], which is an int; this puts us 24+16 bytes from a, the position of 10 in the picture above.

It's useful to understand what is happening in this example, and for small arrays of fixed size there is no particular reason not to use C's built-in arrays, but as soon as you start dealing with large arrays or arrays whose size is not fixed, you are better off doing something else. (This is true even if you use C99-style variable-length arrays.) Two possible approaches that you could try are using an malloc'd array of pointers to malloc'd rows, which has the advantage of preserving the a[i][j] syntax; and packing a two-dimensional array into a malloc'd one-dimensonal array, which has the advantage of preserving contiguity. Both approaches are described below.

Using an array of pointers to rows

Here we allocate each row separately using malloc and building a master list of pointers to rows, of type int **. The downside of this approach is that the array is no longer contiguous (which may affect cache performance) and it requires reading a pointer to find the location of a particular value, instead of just doing address arithmetic starting from the base address of the array. But elements can still be accessed using the a[i][j] syntax.

The naive way to do this is to allocate each row with a separate call to malloc. But since we know the total size of all of the rows, we can save both time and space by allocating one giant block and partitioning this block into rows ourselves. This may also help with cache performance since the array contents are all stored in one place, although we still have to follow a row pointer.

Note this can work even if the rows have different lengths (for example, if each is a null-terminated string), as long as we are careful to add up the lengths correctly and set the pointers to the right places.

Two examples of this approach are given below. The first builds a two-dimensional array of ints for any given number of rows and columns, while the second copies a collection of null-terminated strings into a single malloc'd block.

                          /* Demo program for malloc'd two-dimensional arrays */                            #include                            <stdio.h>              #include                            <stdlib.h>                            /* frees a 2d array created by malloc2d */              void              free2d(void              **a) {               /* free the rows */                  free(a[0]);                /* then free array of pointers */                  free(a); }               /* returns a two-dimensional array with numRows rows and                                            * rowSize bytes per row, or 0 on allocation failure.                              * The caller is responsible for freeing the result with free2d. */              void              ** malloc2d(size_t              numRows,              size_t              rowSize) {               void              **a;               size_t              i;                /* a is an array of void * pointers that point to the rows */                  a = malloc(sizeof(void              *) * numRows);               if(a ==              0) {               /* malloc failed */                            return              0;     }                /* now allocate the actual rows */                            /* the trick here is that we only allocate one big block */                  a[0] = malloc(rowSize * numRows);               if(a[0] ==              0) {         free(a);               return              0;     }                // fill in remaining row pointers                            for(i =              1; i < numRows; i++) {               // compute offset to start of row i by hand                      a[i] = a[0] + rowSize * i;     }                return              a; }               int              main(int              argc,              char              **argv) {               int              rows;               int              cols;               int              **a;               int              i;               int              j;                if(argc !=              3) {         fprintf(stderr,              "Usage: %s rows cols              \n              ", argv[0]);               return              1;     }               /* else */                   rows = atoi(argv[1]);     cols = atoi(argv[2]);                /* note that void ** is not converted automatically,                              * so we need an explicit cast */                  a = (int              **) malloc2d(rows, cols *              sizeof(int));               if(a ==              0) {         fprintf(stderr,              "malloc2d failed, exiting              \n              ");               return              2;     }                for(i =              0; i < rows; i++) {               for(j =              0; j < cols; j++) {             a[i][j] = i - j;         }     }                for(i =              0; i < rows; i++) {               for(j =              0; j < cols; j++) {             printf("%4d", a[i][j]);         }         putchar('\n');     }      free2d((void              **) a);              /* always clean up */                             return              0; }          


Using a one-dimensional array

A third approach is to store a two-dimensional array in a one-dimensional array, and do the indexing arithmetic ourselves. Since this requires keeping track of the dimensions of the array as well as the contents, it helps to be able to wrap up these values in a struct (see Structs), and possibly even hide the details of the construction behind an abstract data type. Typically we will provide operations to create an array with given dimensions, to destroy an array (freeing any space we malloc'd), and to obtain a pointer to a particular location in an array, which we can then use to operate on that location.

The advantages of this approach are that the contents of the array are packed contiguously and that address lookup doesn't require following multiple pointers, which becomes particularly helpful if we generalize to more than two dimensions. We can also enforce bounds checking for safety (although at the cost of some time). The main disadvantage is that we lose access to the a[i][j] syntax.

An example of a simple implementation of a two-dimensional array is given below.

                          /* Demo program for packed two-dimensional arrays */                            #include                            <stdio.h>              #include                            <stdlib.h>              #include                            <assert.h>                            struct              flat2d {               size_t              rows;              // number of rows                            size_t              cols;              // number of columns                            int              data[];              // data, stored at end of struct              };               // malloc and return flat2d of given dimensions              // array is not initialized!              struct              flat2d * flat2dCreate(size_t              rows,              size_t              cols) {               struct              flat2d *a;      a = malloc(sizeof(struct              flat2d) +              sizeof(int) * rows * cols);      assert(a);      a->rows = rows;     a->cols = cols;                return              a; }               // free space used by a              void              flat2dDestroy(struct              flat2d *a) {     free(a); }               // return a pointer to a[i][j]              // or 0 if i or j is out of bounds              int              * flat2dRef(struct              flat2d *a,              size_t              i,              size_t              j) {               if(i >= a->rows || j >= a->cols) {               return              0;     }              else              {               return              &a->data[i * a->cols + j];     } }               int              main(int              argc,              char              **argv) {               int              rows;               int              cols;               struct              flat2d *a;               int              i;               int              j;                if(argc !=              3) {         fprintf(stderr,              "Usage: %s rows cols              \n              ", argv[0]);               return              1;     }               /* else */                   rows = atoi(argv[1]);     cols = atoi(argv[2]);      a = flat2dCreate(rows, cols);                for(i =              0; i < rows; i++) {               for(j =              0; j < cols; j++) {             *flat2dRef(a, i, j) = i - j;         }     }                for(i =              0; i < rows; i++) {               for(j =              0; j < cols; j++) {             printf("%4d", *flat2dRef(a, i, j));         }         putchar('\n');     }      flat2dDestroy(a);                return              0; }          


Variable-length arrays

C99 adds the feature of variable-length arrays, where the size of the array is determined at run-time. These can only appear as local variables in procedures (automatic variables) or in argument lists. In the case of variable-length arrays in argument lists, it is also necessary that the length of the array be computable from previous arguments.

For example, we could make the length of the array explicit in our sumArray function:

This doesn't accomplish much, because the length of the array is not used. However, it does become useful if we have a two-dimensional array, as otherwise there is no way to compute the length of each row:

Here the fact that each row of m is known to be an array of cols many ints makes the implicit pointer computation in a[i][j] actually work. It is considerably more difficult to to this in ANSI C; the simplest approach is to pack m into a one-dimensional array and do the address computation explicitly:

Variable-length arrays can sometimes be used for run-time storage allocation, as an alternative to malloc and free (see below). A variable-length array allocated as a local variable will be deallocated when the containing scope (usually a function body, but maybe just a compound statement marked off by braces) exits. One consequence of this is that you can't return a variable-length array from a function.

Here is an example of code using this feature:

Why you shouldn't use variable-length arrays

While using variable-length arrays can simplify code in some cases, as a general programming practice it is extremely dangerous. The reason is that, unlike allocations through malloc, variable-length array allocations are typically allocated on the stack (which is often more constrainted than the heap) and have no way of reporting failure. So if there isn't enough room for your variable-length array, odds are you won't find out until a segmentation fault occurs somewhere later in your code when you try to use it.

(As an additional annoyance, gdb is confused by two-dimensional variable-length arrays.)

Here's a safer version of the above routine, using malloc and free.

Pointers to void

A special pointer type is void *, a "pointer to void". Such pointers are declared in the usual way:

Unlike ordinary pointers, you can't dereference a void * pointer or do arithmetic on it, because the compiler doesn't know what type it points to. However, you are allowed to use a void * as a kind of "raw address" pointer value that you can store arbitrary pointers in. It is permitted to assign to a void * variable from an expression of any pointer type; conversely, a void * pointer value can be assigned to a pointer variable of any type. An example is the return value of malloc or the argument to free, both of which are declared as void *. (Note that K&R suggests using an explicit cast for the return value of malloc. This has since been acknowledged by the authors to be an error, which arose from the need for a cast prior to the standardization of void * in ANSI C.)

If you need to use a void * pointer as a pointer of a particular type in an expression, you can cast it to the appropriate type by prefixing it with a type name in parentheses, like this:

Usually if you have to start writing casts, it's a sign that you are doing something wrong, and you run the danger of violating the type system—say, by tricking the compiler into treating a block of bits that are supposed to be an int as four chars. But violating the type system like this will be necessary for some applications, because even the weak type system in C turns out to be too restrictive for writing certain kinds of "generic" code that work on values of arbitrary types.


One issue with casting pointers to and from void * is that you may violate the alignment restrictions for a particular kind of pointer on some architectures.

Back in the 8-bit era of the 1970s, a single load or store operation would access a single byte of memory, and because some data (chars) are still only one byte wide, C pointers retain the ability to address individual bytes. But present-day memory architectures typically have a wider data path, and the CPU may load or store as many as 8 bytes (64 bits) in a single operation. This makes it natural to organize memory into 4-byte or 8-byte words even though addresses still refer to individual bytes. The effect of the memory architecture is that the address of memory words must be aligned to a multiple of the word size: so with 4-byte words, the address 0x1037ef44 (a multiple of 4) could refer to a full word, but 0x1037ef45 (one more than a multiple of 4) could only be used to refer to a byte within a word.

What this means for a C program depends on your particular CPU and compiler. If you try to use something like 0x1037ef45 as an int *, one of three things might happen:

  1. The CPU might load the 4 bytes starting at this address, using two accesses to memory to piece together the full int out of fragments of words. This is done on Intel architectures, but costs performance.
  2. The CPU might quietly zero out the last two bits of the address, loading from 0x1037ef44 even though you asked for 0x1037ef45. This happens on some other architectures, notably ARM.
  3. The CPU might issue a run-time exception.

All of these outcomes are bad, and the C standard does not specify what happens if you try to dereference a pointer value that does not satisfy the alignment restrictions of its target type. Fortunately, unless you are doing very nasty things with casts, this is unlikely to come up, because any pointer value you will see in a typical program is likely to arise in one of three ways:

  1. By taking the address of some variable. This pointer will be appropriately aligned, because the compiler allocates space for each variable (including fields within structs) with appropriate alignment.
  2. By computing an offset address using pointer arithmetic either explicitly (p + n) or implicitly (p[n]). In either case, as long as the base pointer is correctly aligned, the computed pointer will also be correctly aligned.
  3. By obtaining a pointer to an allocated block of memory using malloc or a similar function. Here malloc is designed to always return blocks with the maximum possible required alignment, just to avoid problems when you use the results elsewhere.

On many compilers, you can use __alignof( type ) to get the alignment restriction for a particular type. This was formalized in C11 without the underscores: alignof. Usually if your code needs to include __alignof or alignof something has already gone wrong.

The other place where alignment can create issues is that if you make a struct with components with different alignment restrictions, you may end up with some empty space. For example, on a machine that enforces 4-byte alignment for ints, building a struct that contains a char and an int will give you something bigger than you might expect:

        $ c99 -Wall -o structPacking structPacking.c $ ./structPacking sizeof(struct ci) == 8 sizeof(struct ic) == 8      

In both cases, the compiler packs in an extra 3 bytes to make the size of the struct a multiple of the worst alignment of any of its components. If it didn't do this, you would have trouble as soon as you tried to make an array of these things.

Run-time storage allocation using malloc

C does not generally permit arrays to be declared with variable sizes. C also doesn't let local variables outlive the function they are declared in. Both features can be awkward if you want to build data structures at run time that have unpredictable (perhaps even changing) sizes and that are intended to persist longer than the functions that create them. To build such structures, the standard C library provides the malloc routine, which asks the operating system for a block of space of a given size (in bytes). With a bit of pushing and shoving, this can be used to obtain a block of space that for all practical purposes acts just like an array.

To use malloc, you must include stdlib.h at the top of your program. The declaration for malloc is

where size_t is an integer type (often unsigned long). Calling malloc with an argument of n allocates and returns a pointer to the start of a block of n bytes if possible. If the system can't give you the space you asked for (maybe you asked for more space than it has), malloc returns a null pointer. It is good practice to test the return value of malloc whenever you call it.

Because the return type of malloc is void *, its return value can be assigned to any variable with a pointer type. Computing the size of the block you need is your responsibility—and you will be punished for any mistakes with difficult-to-diagnose buffer overrun errors—but this task is made slightly easier by the built-in sizeof operator that allows you to compute the size in bytes of any particular data type. A typical call to malloc might thus look something like this:

If you don't want to do the multiplication yourself, or if you want to guarantee that the allocated data is initialized to zero, you can use calloc instead of malloc. The calloc function is also declared in stdlib.h and takes two arguments: the number of things to allocate, and the size of each thing. Here's a version of makeIntArray that uses calloc.

If you know that you want to initialize your data to zero (which means all zero bytes, which will translate to a zero or null value for typical C data types), calloc can be significantly more efficient than malloc. The reason is that zero-value memory pages can often be requested from the operating system without actually allocating space for them until they are written, so allocating huge blocks using calloc doesn't take much more time than allocating small ones. If we used malloc and then initialized the blocks by hand, we would have to pay both the time cost of filling in all the initial values and the space cost of allocating pages that we might not actually need. So calloc is often a better choice in these cases. However, if you are planning on filling in all the data eventually, calloc just shifts the cost to the time when you write to the pages, so the difference mostly just affects whether you pay a big cost up front or spread it out over the execution of your program.

Whichever of malloc or calloc you use, when you are done with a block, you should return its space to the storage allocator using the free routine, also defined in stdlib.h. If you don't do this, your program may quickly run out of space. The free routine takes a void * as its argument and returns nothing. It is good practice to write a matching destructor that de-allocates an object for each constructor (like makeIntArray) that makes one.

It is a serious error to do anything at all with a block after it has been freed. This is not necessarily because free modifies the contents of the block (although it might), but because when you free a block you are granting the storage allocator permission to hand the same block out in response to a future call to malloc, and you don't want to step on whatever other part of your program is now trying to use that space.

It is also possible to grow or shrink a previously allocated block. This is done using the realloc function, which is declared as

The realloc function returns a pointer to the resized block. It may or may not allocate a new block. If there is room, it may leave the old block in place and return its argument. But it may allocate a new block and copy the contents of the old block, so you should assume that the old pointer has been freed.

Here's a typical use of realloc to build an array that grows as large as it needs to be:

Because errors involving malloc and its friends can be very difficult to spot, it is recommended to test any program that uses malloc using valgrind.

Function pointers

A function pointer, internally, is just the numerical address for the code for a function. When a function name is used by itself without parentheses, the value is a pointer to the function, just as the name of an array by itself is a pointer to its zeroth element. Function pointers can be stored in variables, structs, unions, and arrays and passed to and from functions just like any other pointer type. They can also be called: a variable of type function pointer can be used in place of a function name.

Function pointers are not used as much in C as in functional languages, but there are many common uses even in C code.

Function pointer declarations

A function pointer declaration looks like a function declaration, except that the function name is wrapped in parentheses and preceded by an asterisk. For example:

As with function declarations, the names of the arguments can be omitted.

Here's a short program that uses function pointers:


A callback is when we pass a function pointer into a function so that that function can call our function when some event happens or it needs to compute something.

A classic example is the comparison argument to qsort, from the standard library:

This is a generic sorting routine that will sort any array in place. It needs to know (a) the base address of the array; (b) how many elements there are; (c) how big each element is; and (d) how to compare two elements. The only tricky part is supplying the comparison, which could involve arbitrarily-complex code. So we supply this code as a function with an interface similar to strcmp.

Other examples might include things like registering an error handler for a library, instead of just having it call abort() or something equally catastrophic, or providing a cleanup function for freeing data passed into a data structure.

Dispatch tables

Dispatch tables are an alternative to gigantic if/else if or switch statements. The idea is to build an array of function pointers (or, more generally, some sort of dictionary data structure), and use the value we might otherwise be feeding to switch as an index into this array. Here is a simple example, which echoes most of the characters in its input intact, except for echoing every lowercase vowel twice:

And here is the program translating Shakespeare into mock-Swedish:

        $ c99 -Wall -pedantic -g3 -o dispatchTable dispatchTable.c  $ echo Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of York. | ./dispatchTable  Noow iis thee wiinteer oof oouur diiscoonteent maadee glooriioouus suummeer by thiis suun oof Yoork.      

In this particular case, we did a lot of work to avoid just writing a switch statement. But being able to build a dispatch table dynamically can be very useful sometimes. An example might be a graphical user interface where each button has an associated function. If buttons can be added by different parts of the program, using a table mapping buttons to functions allows a single dispatch routine to figure out where to route button presses.

(For some applications, we might want to pass additional information in to the function to change its behavior. This can be done by replacing the function pointers with closures.)

The restrict keyword

In C99, it is possible to declare that a pointer variable is the only way to reach its target as long as it is in scope. This is not enforced by the compiler; instead, it is a promise from the programmer to the compiler that any data reached through this point will not be changed by other parts of the code, which allows the compiler to optimize code in ways that are not possible if pointers might point to the same place (a phenomenon called pointer aliasing). For example, consider the following short function:

For this function, the output of c99 -O3 -S includes one more instruction if the restrict qualifiers are removed. The reason is that if dst and src may point to the same location, src needs to be re-read for the return statement, in case it changed. But if they are guaranteed to point to different locations, the compiler can re-use the previous value it already has in one of the CPU registers.

For most code, this feature is useless, and potentially dangerous if someone calls your routine with aliased pointers. However, it may sometimes be possible to increase performance of time-critical code by adding a restrict keyword. The cost is that the code might no longer work if called with aliased pointers.

Curiously, C assumes that two pointers are never aliased if you have two arguments with different pointer types, neither of which is char * or void *.10 This is known as the strict aliasing rule and cannot be overridden from within the program source code: there is no unrestrict keyword. You probably only need to worry about this if you are casting pointers to different types and then passing the cast pointers around in the same context as the original pointers.


Processing strings of characters is one of the oldest application of mechanical computers, arguably predating numerical computation by at least fifty years. Assuming you've already solved the problem of how to represent characters in memory (e.g. as the C char type encoded in ASCII), there are two standard ways to represent strings:

  • As a delimited string, where the end of a string is marked by a special character. The advantages of this method are that only one extra byte is needed to indicate the length of an arbitrarily long string, that strings can be manipulated by simple pointer operations, and in some cases that common string operations that involve processing the entire string can be performed very quickly. The disadvantage is that the delimiter can't appear inside any string, which limits what kind of data you can store in a string.
  • As a counted string, where the string data is prefixed or supplemented with an explicit count of the number of characters in the string. The advantage of this representation is that a string can hold arbitrary data (including delimiter characters) and that one can quickly jump to the end of the string without having to scan its entire length. The disadvantage is that maintaining a separate count typically requires more space than adding a one-byte delimiter (unless you limit your string length to 255 characters) and that more care needs to be taken to make sure that the count is correct.

C strings

Because delimited strings are simpler and take less space, C went for delimited strings. A string is a sequence of characters terminated by a null character '\0'. Looking back from almost half a century later, this choice may have been a mistake in the long run, but we are pretty much stuck with it.

Note that the null character is not the same as a null pointer, although both appear to have the value 0 when used in integer contexts. A string is represented by a variable of type char *, which points to the zeroth character of the string. The programmer is responsible for allocating and managing space to store strings, except for explicit string constants, which are stored in a special non-writable string space by the compiler.

If you want to use counted strings instead, you can build your own using a struct. Most scripting languages written in C (e.g. Perl, Python_programming_language, PHP, etc.) use this approach internally. (Tcl is an exception, which is one of many good reasons not to use Tcl).

String constants

A string constant in C is represented by a sequence of characters within double quotes. Standard C character escape sequences like \n (newline), \r (carriage return), \a (bell), \0x17 (character with hexadecimal code 0x17), \\ (backslash), and \" (double quote) can all be used inside string constants. The value of a string constant has type const char *, and can be assigned to variables and passed as function arguments or return values of this type.

Two string constants separated only by whitespace will be concatenated by the compiler as a single constant: "foo" "bar" is the same as "foobar". This feature is not much used in normal code, but shows up sometimes in macros.

String encodings

Standard C strings are assumed to be in ASCII, a 7-bit code developed in the 1960s to represent English-language text. If you want to write text that includes any letters not in the usual 26-letter Latin alphabet, you will need to use a different encoding. C does not provide very good support for this, but for fixed strings, you can often get away with using Unicode as long as both your text editor and your terminal are set to use the UTF-8 encoding.

The reason this works is that UTF-8 encodes each Unicode character as one or more 8-bit characters, and does this in a way that guarantees that you never accidentally create a null. So a C string containing UTF-8 characters looks like an ordinary C string to all the C library routines. This also works if you include a Unicode string with a UTF-8 encoding in a comment, as illustrated in the file unicode.c. But this use of Unicode in C is very limited.

Some issues you will quickly run into if you are trying to do something more sophisticated:

  1. You cannot use non-ASCII letters anywhere outside a string constant or comment without confusing the C compiler. So variable names that use non-ASCII characters are forbidden.
  2. If you include a UTF-8 encoded string somewhere, even though both your text editor and terminal are likely to display the multi-byte characters correctly, they are still spread across multiple bytes in the encoded string. This can be trouble if you try to change some letter in a UTF-8-encoded string to something else whose encoding has a different width.
  3. You can't generally put a multibyte character into a char variable, or write it as a char constant.
  4. You may find out that some other tools have their own ideas about what encodings to expect, causing Unicode characters to turn into gibberish or cause other errors.

There exists libraries for working with Unicode strings in C, but they are clunky. If you need to handle a lot of non-ASCII text, you may be better of working with a different language. However, even moving away from C is not always a panacea, and Unicode support in other tools may be hit-or-miss.

String buffers

The problem with string constants is that you can't modify them. If you want to build strings on the fly, you will need to allocate space for them. The traditional approach is to use a buffer, an array of chars. Here is a particularly painful hello-world program that builds a string by hand:

Note that the buffer needs to have size at least 3 in order to hold all three characters. A common error in programming with C strings is to forget to leave space for the null at the end (or to forget to add the null, which can have comical results depending on what you are using your surprisingly long string for).

String buffers and the perils of gets

Fixed-size buffers are a common source of errors in older C programs, particularly ones written with the library routine gets. The problem is that if you do something like

the strcpy function will happily keep copying characters across memory long after it has passed the end of smallBuffer. While you can avoid this to a certain extent when you control where bigString is coming from, the situation becomes particularly fraught if the string you are trying to store comes from the input, where it might be supplied by anybody, including somebody who is trying to execute a buffer overrun attack to seize control of your program.

If you do need to read a string from the input, you should allocate the receiving buffer using malloc and expand it using realloc as needed. Below is a program that shows how to do this, with some bad alternatives commented out:

Operations on strings

Unlike many programming languages, C provides only a rudimentary string-processing library. The reason is that many common string-processing tasks in C can be done very quickly by hand.

For example, suppose we want to copy a string from one buffer to another. The library function strcpy declared in string.h will do this for us (and is usually the right thing to use), but if it didn't exist we could write something very close to it using a famous C idiom.

The externally visible difference between strcpy2 and the original strcpy is that strcpy returns a char * equal to its first argument. It is also likely that any implementation of strcpy found in a recent C library takes advantage of the width of the memory data path to copy more than one character at a time.

Most C programmers will recognize the while(*dest++ = *src++); from having seen it before, although experienced C programmers will generally be able to figure out what such highly abbreviated constructions mean. Exposure to such constructions is arguably a form of hazing.

Because C pointers act exactly like array names, you can also write strcpy2 using explicit array indices. The result is longer but may be more readable if you aren't a C fanatic.

An advantage of using a separate index in strcpy2a is that we don't trash dest, so we can return it just like strcpy does. (In fairness, strcpy2 could have saved a copy of the original location of dest and done the same thing.)

Note that nothing in strcpy2, strcpy2a, or the original strcpy will save you if dest points to a region of memory that isn't big enough to hold the string at src, or if somebody forget to tack a null on the end of src (in which case strcpy will just keep going until it finds a null character somewhere). As elsewhere, it's your job as a programmer to make sure there is enough room. Since the compiler has no idea what dest points to, this means that you have to remember how much room is available there yourself.

If you are worried about overrunning dest, you could use strncpy instead. The strncpy function takes a third argument that gives the maximum number of characters to copy; however, if src doesn't contain a null character in this range, the resulting string in dest won't either. Usually the only practical application to strncpy is to extract the first k characters of a string, as in

Another quick and dirty way to extract a substring of a string you don't care about (and can write to) is to just drop a null character in the middle of the sacrificial string. This is generally a bad idea unless you are certain you aren't going to need the original string again, but it's a surprisingly common practice among C programmers of a certain age.

A similar operation to strcpy is strcat. The difference is that strcat concatenates src on to the end of dest; so that if dest previous pointed to "abc" and src to "def", dest will now point to "abcdef". Like strcpy, strcat returns its first argument. A no-return-value version of strcat is given below.

Decoding this abomination is left as an exercise for the reader. There is also a function strncat which has the same relationship to strcat that strncpy has to strcpy.

As with strcpy, the actual implementation of strcat may be much more subtle, and is likely to be faster than rolling your own.

Finding the length of a string

Because the length of a string is of fundamental importance in C (e.g., when deciding if you can safely copy it somewhere else), the standard C library provides a function strlen that counts the number of non-null characters in a string. Note that if you are allocating space for a copy of a string, you will need to add one to the value returned by strlen to account for the null.

Here's a possible implementation:

Note the use of the comma operator in the increment step. The comma operator applied to two expressions evaluates both of them and discards the value of the first; it is usually used only in for loops where you want to initialize or advance more than one variable at once.

Like the other string routines, using strlen requires including string.h.

The strlen tarpit

A common mistake is to put a call to strlen in the header of a loop; for example:

The problem is that strlen has to scan all of src every time the test is done, which adds time proportional to the length of src to each iteration of the loop. So copyEvenCharactersBadVersion takes time proportional to the square of the length of src.

Here's a faster version:

Because it doesn't call strlen all the time, this version of copyEvenCharacters will run much faster than the original even on small strings, and several million times faster if src is megabytes long.

Comparing strings

If you want to test if strings s1 and s2 contain the same characters, writing s1 == s2 won't work, since this tests instead whether s1 and s2 point to the same address. Instead, you should use strcmp, declared in string.h. The strcmp function walks along both of its arguments until it either hits a null on both and returns 0, or hits two different characters, and returns a positive integer if the first string's character is bigger and a negative integer if the second string's character is bigger (a typical implementation will just subtract the two characters). A straightforward implementation might look like this:

To use strcmp to test equality, test if the return value is 0:

You may sometimes see this idiom instead:

My own feeling is that the first version is more clear, since !strcmp always suggested to me that you were testing for the negation of some property (e.g. not equal). But if you think of strcmp as telling you when two strings are different rather than when they are equal, this may not be so confusing.

Formatted output to strings

You can write formatted output to a string buffer with sprintf just like you can write it to stdout with printf or to a file with fprintf. Make sure when you do so that there is enough room in the buffer you are writing to, or the usual bad things will happen.

Dynamic allocation of strings

When allocating space for a copy of a string s using malloc, the required space is strlen(s)+1. Don't forget the +1, or bad things may happen.11

Because allocating space for a copy of a string is such a common operation, many C libraries provide a strdup function that does exactly this. If you don't have one (it's not required by the C standard), you can write your own like this:

Exercise: Write a function strcatAlloc that returns a freshly-malloc'd string that concatenates its two arguments. Exactly how many bytes do you need to allocate?

Command-line arguments

Now that we know about strings, we can finally do something with argc and argv.

Recall that argv in main is declared as char **; this means that it is a pointer to a pointer to a char, or in this case the base address of an array of pointers to char, where each such pointer references a string. These strings correspond to the command-line arguments to your program, with the program name itself appearing in argv[0] 12

The count argc counts all arguments including argv[0]; it is 1 if your program is called with no arguments and larger otherwise.

Here is a program that prints its arguments. If you get confused about what argc and argv do, feel free to compile this and play with it:

Like strings, C terminates argv with a null: the value of argv[argc] is always 0 (a null pointer to char). In principle this allows you to recover argc if you lose it.

Structured data types

C has two kinds of structured data types: structs and unions. A struct holds multiple values in consecutive memory locations, called fields, and implements what in type theory is called a product type: the set of possible values is the Cartesian product of the sets of possible values for its fields. In contrast, a union has multiple fields but they are all stored in the same location: effectively, this means that only one field at a time can hold a value, making a union a sum type whose set of possible values is the union of the sets of possible values for each of its fields. Unlike what happens in more sensible programming languages, unions are not tagged: unless you keep track of this somewhere else, you can't tell which field in a union is being used, and you can store a value of one type in a union and try to read it back as a different type, and C won't complain.13


A struct is a way to define a type that consists of one or more other types pasted together. Here's a typical struct definition:

This defines a new type struct string that can be used anywhere you would use a simple type like int or float. When you declare a variable with type struct string, the compiler allocates enough space to hold both an int and a char *.

Note that this declaration has a semicolon after the close brace. This can be confusing, since most close braces in C appear at the end of function bodies or compound statements, and are not followed by a semicolon. If you get strange error messages for lines following a struct definition, it's worth checking to make sure that the semicolon is there.

You can get at the individual components of a struct using the . operator, like this:

Variables of type struct can be assigned to, passed into functions, returned from functions, just like any other type. Each such operation is applied componentwise; for example, s1 = s2; is equivalent to s1.length = s2.length; =;.

These operations are not used as often as you might think: typically, instead of copying around entire structures, C programs pass around pointers, as is done with arrays. Pointers to structs are common enough in C that a special syntax is provided for dereferencing them.14 Suppose we have:

We can then refer to elements of the struct string that sp points to (i.e.s) in either of two ways:

The second is more common, since it involves typing fewer parentheses. It is an error to write * in this case; since . binds tighter than *, the compiler will attempt to evaluate first and generate an error, since sp doesn't have a data field.

Pointers to structs are commonly used in defining abstract data types, since it is possible to declare that a function returns e.g. a struct string * without specifying the components of a struct string. (All pointers to structs in C have the same size and structure, so the compiler doesn't need to know the components to pass around the address.) Hiding the components discourages code that shouldn't look at them from doing so, and can be used, for example, to enforce consistency between fields.

For example, suppose we wanted to define a struct string * type that held counted strings that could only be accessed through a restricted interface that prevented (for example) the user from changing the string or its length. We might create a file myString.h that contained the declarations:

and then the actual implementation in myString.c would be the only place where the components of a struct string were defined:

In practice, we would probably go even further and replace all the struct string * types with a new name declared with typedef.

Operations on structs

What you can do to structs is pretty limited: you can look up or set individual components in a struct, you can pass structs to functions or as return values from functions (which makes a copy of the original struct), and you can assign the contents of one struct to another using s1 = s2 (which is equivalent to copying each component separately).

One thing that you can't do is test two structs for equality using ==; this is because structs may contain extra space holding junk data. If you want to test for equality, you will need to do it componenti by component.

Layout in memory

The C99 standard guarantees that the components of a struct are stored in memory in the same order that they are defined in: that is, later components are placed at higher address. This allows sneaky tricks like truncating a structure if you don't use all of its components. Because of alignment restrictions, the compiler may add padding between components to put each component on its prefered alignment boundary.

You can find the position of a component within a struct using the offsetof macro, which is defined in stddef.h. This returns the number of bytes from the base of the struct that the component starts at, and can be used to do various terrifying non-semantic things with pointers.

                          #include                            <stdio.h>              #include                            <stdlib.h>              #include                            <stddef.h>              #include                            <assert.h>                            int              main(int              argc,              char              **argv) {               struct              foo {               int              i;               char              c;               double              d;               float              f;               char              *s;     };      printf("i is at %lu              \n              ", offsetof(struct              foo, i));     printf("c is at %lu              \n              ", offsetof(struct              foo, c));     printf("d is at %lu              \n              ", offsetof(struct              foo, d));     printf("f is at %lu              \n              ", offsetof(struct              foo, f));     printf("s is at %lu              \n              ", offsetof(struct              foo, s));                return              0; }          


Bit fields

It is possible to specify the exact number of bits taken up by a member of a struct of integer type. This is seldom useful, but may in principle let you pack more information in less space. Bit fields are sometimes used to unpack data from an external source that uses this trick, but this is dangerous, because there is no guarantee that the compiler will order the bit fields in your struct in any particular order (at the very least, you will need to worry about endianness.


This defines a struct that (probably) occupies only one byte, and supplies four 2-bit fields, each of which can hold values in the range 0-3.


A union is just like a struct, except that instead of allocating space to store all the components, the compiler only allocates space to store the largest one, and makes all the components refer to the same address. This can be used to save space if you know that only one of several components will be meaningful for a particular object. An example might be a type representing an object in a LISP-like language like Scheme:

Now if you wanted to make a struct lispObject that held an integer value, you might write

Here TYPE_INT has presumably been defined somewhere. Note that nothing then prevents you from writing

The effects of this will be strange, since it's likely that the bit pattern representing 27 as an int represents something very different as a double. Avoiding such mistakes is your responsibility, which is why most uses of union occur inside larger structs that contain enough information to figure out which variant of the union applies.


C provides the enum construction for the special case where you want to have a sequence of named constants of type int, but you don't care what their actual values are, as in

This will assign the value 0 to RED, 1 to BLUE, and so on. These values are effectively of type int, although you can declare variables, arguments, and return values as type enum color to indicate their intended interpretation.

Despite declaring a variable enum color c (say), the compiler will still allow c to hold arbitrary values of type int.
So the following ridiculous code works just fine:

                          #include                            <stdio.h>              #include                            <stdlib.h>                            enum              foo { FOO };              enum              apple { MACINTOSH, CORTLAND, RED_DELICIOUS };              enum              orange { NAVEL, CLEMENTINE, TANGERINE };               int              main(int              argc,              char              **argv) {               enum              foo x;                if(argc !=              1) {         fprintf(stderr,              "Usage: %s              \n              ", argv[0]);               return              1;     }      printf("FOO = %d              \n              ", FOO);     printf("sizeof(enum foo) = %d              \n              ",              sizeof(enum              foo));      x =              127;      printf("x = %d              \n              ", x);                /* note we can add apples and oranges */                  printf("%d              \n              ", RED_DELICIOUS + TANGERINE);                return              0; }          


Specifying particular values

It is also possible to specify particular values for particular enumerated constants, as in

Anything that doesn't get a value starts with one plus the previous value; so the above definition would set TURQUOISE to 6. This may result in two names mapping to the same value.

What most people do

In practice, enums are seldom used, and you will more commonly see a stack of #defines:

The reason for this is partly historical—enum arrived late in the evolution of C—but partly practical: a table of #defines makes it much easier to figure out which color is represented by 3, without having to count through a list. But if you never plan to use the numerical values, enum may be a better choice, because it guarantees that all the values will be distinct.

Using enum with union

A natural place to use an enum is to tag a union with the type being used. For example, a Lisp-like language might implement the following multi-purpose data type:

Here we don't care what the numeric values of TYPE_INT, TYPE_DOUBLE, and TYPE_STRING are, as long as we can apply switch to typeCode to figure out what to do with one of these things.

Type aliases using typedef

Suppose that you want to represent character strings as

If you later change the representation to, say, traditional null-terminated char * strings or some even more complicated type (union string **some_string[2];), you will need to go back and replace ever occurrence of struct string * in every program that uses it with the new type. Even if you don't expect to change the type, you may still get tired of typing struct string * all the time, especially if your fingers slip and give you struct string sometimes.

The solution is to use a typedef, which defines a new type name:

The syntax for typedef looks like a variable declaration preceded by typedef, except that the variable is replaced by the new type name that acts like whatever type the defined variable would have had. You can use a name defined with typedef anywhere you could use a normal type name, as long as it is later in the source file than the typedef definition. Typically typedefs are placed in a header file (.h file) that is then included anywhere that needs them.

You are not limited to using typedefs only for complex types. For example, if you were writing numerical code and wanted to declare overtly that a certain quantity was not just any double but actually a length in meters, you could write

Unfortunately, C does not do type enforcement on typedef'd types: it is perfectly acceptable to the compiler if you pass a value of type AreaInSquareMeters as the first argument to rectangleArea, since by the time it checks it has replaced by AreaInSquareMeters and LengthInMeters by double. So this feature is not as useful as it might be, although it does mean that you can write rectangleArea(2.0, 3.0) without having to do anything to convert 2.0 and 3.0 to type LengthInMeters.

Opaque structs

There are certain cases where the compiler needs to know the definition of a struct:

  1. When the program accesses its components.
  2. When the compiler needs to know its size. This may be because you are building an array of these structs, because they appear in a larger struct, when you are passing the struct as an argument or assigning it to a variable, or just because you applied sizeof to the struct.

But the compiler does not need to know the definition of a struct to know how create a pointer to it. This is because all struct pointers have the same size and structure.

This allows a trick called an opaque struct, which can be used for information hiding, where one part of your program is allowed to see the definition of a struct but other parts are not.

The idea is to create a header file that defines all the functions that might be used to access the struct, but does not define the struct itself. For example, suppose we want to create a counter, where the user can call a function increment that acts like ++ in the sense that it increments the counter and returns the new value, but we don't want to allow the user to change the value of the counter in any other way. This header file defines the interface to the counter.

Here is the header file:

We can now write code that uses the struct counter * type without knowing what it is actually pointing to:

To make this work, we do have to provide an implementation. The obvious way to do it is have a struct counter store the counter value in an int, but one could imagine other (probably bad) implementations that did other things, as long as from the outside they acted like we expect.

We only put the definition of a struct counter in this file. This means that only functions in this file can access a counter's components, compute the size of a counter, and so forth. While we can't absolutely prevent some other function from extracting or modifying the contents of a counter (C doesn't provide that kind of memory protection), we can at least hint very strongly that the programmer shouldn't be doing this.

We will see this trick used over and over again when we build abstract data types.


See K&R Appendix A12.3 for full details on macro expansion in ANSI C and for documentation on what gcc supports.

The short version: the command

causes any occurrence of the word FOO in your source file to be replaced by (12) by the preprocessor. To count as a word, FOO can't be adjacent to other alphanumeric characters, so for example FOOD will not expand to (12)D.

Macros with arguments

To create a macro with arguments, put them in parentheses separated by commas after the macro name, e.g.

Now if you write Square(foo) it will expand as ((foo)*(foo)). Note the heavy use of parentheses inside the macro definition to avoid trouble with operator precedence; if instead we had written

then BadSquare(3+4) would give 3+4*3+4, which evaluates to 19, which is probably not what we intended. The general rule is that macro arguments should always be put in parentheses if you are using them in an expression where precedence might be an issue.

Multiple arguments

You can have multiple arguments to a macro, e.g.

The usual caveats about using lots of parentheses apply.

Perils of repeating arguments

Macros can have odd effects if their arguments perform side-effects. For example, Square(++x) expands to ((++x)*(++x)); if x starts out equal to 1, this expression may evaluate to any of 2, 6, or 9 depending on when the ++ operators are evaluated, and will definitely leave 3 in x instead of the 2 the programmer probably expects. For this reason it is generally best to avoid side-effects in macro arguments, and to mark macro names (e.g. by capitalization) to clearly distinguish them from function names, where this issue doesn't come up.

Variable-length argument lists

C99 added variadic macros that may have a variable number of arguments; these are mostly useful for dealing with variadic functions (like printf) that also take a variable number of arguments.

To define a variadic macro, define a macro with arguments where the last argument is three periods: ... . The macro __VA_ARGS__ then expands to whatever arguments matched this ellipsis in the macro call.

For example:

It is possible to mix regular arguments with ..., as long as ... comes last:

Macros vs. inline functions

It is sometimes tempting to use a macro to avoid having to retype some small piece of code that does not seem big enough to justify a full-blown function, especially if the cost of the body of the function is small relative to the cost of a function call. Inline functions are a mechanism that is standard in C99 (and found in some compilers for older variants of C) that give you the ability to write a function that will never pay this function call overhead; instead, any call to an inline function is effectively replaced by the body of the function. Unlike parameterized macros, inline functions do not suffer from issues with duplicated parameters or weird text-substitution oddities.

To take a simple example, the distSquared function that we used to illustrate function definitions doesn't do very much: just two multiplications and an addition. If we are doing a lot of distSquared computations, we could easily double the cost of each computation with function call overhead. One alternative might be to use a macro:

but this suffers from the parameter-duplication problem, which could be particularly unfortunate if we compute DistSquared(expensiveFunctionWithManySideEffects(), 12). A better alternative is to use an inline function.

Like macros, inline functions should be defined in header files. Ordinary functions always go in C files because (a) we only want to compile them once, and (b) the linker will find them in whatever .o file they end up in anyway. But inline functions generally don't get compiled independently, so this doesn't apply.

Here is a header file for an inline version of distSquared:

This looks exactly like the original distSquared, except that we added static inline. We want this function to be declared static because otherwise some compilers will try to emit a non-inline definition for it in ever C file this header is included in, which could have bad results.15

The nice thing about this approach is that if we do decide to make distSquared an ordinary function (maybe it will make debugging easier, or we realize we want to be able to take its address), then we can just move the definition into a .c file and take the static inline off. Indeed, this is probably the safest thing to start with, since we can also do the reverse if we find that function call overhead on this particular function really does account for a non-trivial part of our running time (see profiling).

Macros that include other macros

One macro can expand to another; for example, after defining

it will be the case that FOO will expand to BAR which will then expand to (12). For obvious reasons, it is a bad idea to have a macro expansion contain the original macro name.

More specialized macros

Some standard idioms have evolved over the years to deal with issues that come up in defining complex macros. Usually, having a complex macro is a sign of bad design, but these tools can be useful in some situations.

Multiple expressions in a macro

Use the comma operator, e.g.

The comma operator evaluates both of its operands and returns the value of the one on the right-hand side.

You can also choose between alternatives using the ternary ?: operator, as in

(but see the warning about repeated parameters above).

Non-syntactic macros

Suppose you get tired of writing

all the time. In principle, you can write a macro

and then write

in place of your former for loop headers. This is generally a good way to make your code completely unreadable. Such macros are called non-syntactic because they allow code that doesn't look like syntactically correct C.

Sometimes, however, it makes sense to use non-syntactic macros when you want something that writes to a variable without having to pass it to a function as a pointer. An example might be something like this malloc wrapper:

(Strictly speaking, this is probably more of a "non-semantic" macro.)

Whether the confusion of having a non-syntactic macro is worth the gain in safety or code-writing speed is a judgment call that can only be made after long and painful experience. If in doubt, it's probably best not to do it.

Multiple statements in one macro

If you want to write a macro that looks like a function call but contains multiple statements, the correct way to do it is like

This can safely be used in place of single statements, like this:16

Note that no construct except do..while will work here. Just using braces will cause trouble with the semicolon before the else, and no other compound statement besides do..while expects to be followed by a semicolon in this way.

String expansion

Let's rewrite NoisyInc to include the variable name:

Will this do what we want? No. The C preprocessor is smart enough not to expand macro parameters inside strings, so BadNoisyInc2(y) will expand to (puts("Incrementing x"), y++). Instead, we have to write

Here #x expands to whatever the value of x is wrapped in double quotes. The resulting string constant is then concatenated with the adjacent string constant according to standard C string constant concatenation rules.

To concatenate things that aren't strings, use the ## operator, as in

This lets you write FakeArray(12) instead of fakeArrayVariableNumber12. Note that there is generally no good reason to ever do this.

Where this feature does become useful is if you want to be able to refer to part of the source code of your program. For example, here is short program that includes a macro that prints the source code and value of an expression:

When run, this program prints

        2+2 = 4      

Without using a macro, there is no way to capture the text string "2+2" so we can print it.

This sort of trickery is mostly used in debugging. The assert macro is a more sophisticated version, which uses the built-in macros __FILE__ (which expands to the current source file as a quoted string) and __LINE__ (which expands to the current source line number, not quoted) to not only print out an offending expression, but also the location of it in the source.

Big macros

Nothing restricts a macro expansion to a single line, although you must put a backslash at the end of each line to keep it going. Here is a macro that declares a specialized sorting routine for any type that supports <:

A typical use might be

Do this too much and you will end up reinventing C++ templates, which are a more or less equivalent mechanism for generating polymorphic code that improve on C macros like the one above by letting you omit the backslashes.

Conditional compilation

In addition to generating code, macros can be used for conditional compiliation, where a section of the source code is included only if a particular macro is defined. This is done using the #ifdef and #ifndef preprocessor directives. In its simplest form, writing #ifdef NAME includes all code up to the next