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You Might Be Able to Continue This Session by Freeing Disk Space on the Relevant Volume

  • There is no more space for virtual disk by turning on POS device.


    NOTE: After 2 days to schedule a daily backup of a critical server, WTP device is off and throw the foregoing pushed error while it turn. I understood that VDP device disk space is less than the amount of data backup pd. kindly suggest me how to overcome this problem.

    (physical host 3 + 1 environment SAN, VDP is located on one of the host's local storage physical there not on the SAN)

    looking for your kind suggestions/solutions.

    Kind regards


    ... VDP is located on one of the host's local storage physical there not on the SAN

    According to the error message, local storage of the physical host has run out of disk space due to unit VDP growing (thin provisioned) data disc "Data Protection 6.0_1.vmdk". Backups require more than currently available disk space, so there is not a lot of options available. You must either increase the data store to which this virtual disk is stored, or migrate to another, more department store of data if you want to continue to run backup jobs as they are currently configured.


  • Removal of all the snapshots--> error: more space for virtual disk...

    Hello everyone

    I'm quite new to VMware and has failed to find a solution for my problem. If someone could help me, it would be awesome!

    During the migration of a SBS2003 guest at a new SBS2008 customer, I made some shots. I have now finished, the new SBS2008 works well and is already in production. Now I wanted to free up the space occupied by all these snapshots and finished with this error:

    There is no more space for disk virtual hercules2.mydomain.local - 000005.vmdk. You might be able to continue this session by the release of disk space on the relevant volume, and then click Retry.

    The SBS2008 still seems to work very well. All snapshots in the Snapshot Manager left... but when you browse the data store the snapshot files are still there.

    How to proceed now?

    Thanks in advance everybody!


    If you have another store of data with extra space, you can clone the virtual computer to the another data store.

  • There is no more space for disk virtual virtual machine

    Good afternoon,

    Minha maquina virtual funcionar parou, segue o erro:

    Ecovs message: there is no more space for disk virtual ecodw - 000002.vmdk. You may be able to continue this session by freeing up disk space on the relevant volume, by clicking on button.retry.

    Click on button.abort to end this session.  Info 11/05/2014 14:49:03

    When reservei memoria renew a funcionar, mas depois duas horas trava e exibe mesmo erro.



    Fled no edition does hd e ele esta apontando para o ecodw_2 - 000001.vmdk. Awesoe nao esta sendo used ecodw_2.vmdk o' e esta ocupado Espaço. Esse maintains seria um snpshot? Posso deletar esse maintains that não prejudica minha maquina virtual e volto a ter Espaço?

    NAO remove os archives, POIS eles do parte da County of nightclubs do snapshot, mesmo a Máquina apontando pro ecodw_2 - 000001.vmdk, avaliable as a VM vai buscar dados no original land.

    Como desde o inicio, a Solução e criar um novo snapshot falei e depois instant of from usar an option Delete All para todos os archives melting.

  • There is no more space for recovery logs


    When I try and view my virtual servers (ESXi 3.5) or just the server (Server 2008), I have 2 machines virtual is a bit slow (Server 2003 SP2), but he did subsequently load, I get the above error.

    I had a quick glance in the snapshot section and there was a snapshot, I tried to delete it and its been at 95% for an hour.

    Could someone help me it is the database server and I do not know if I must rebuild or y at - there a way to check the size of the disk allocated.

    The server itself works 6 gig ram

    Server 2008 3 gig ram

    Server 2003 SP2 2 gig RAm

    Both use a data store of what looks like 600 GB on the server itself and that is the statement that there are 26 free concerts.

    Any help appreciated.


    Nice. How long did take to remove the snapshot? The reason for the difference in speed is that it is so more writing to a snapshot (who must develop in increments of 16 MB - also causing a lot of locking / SCSI reservations on your VMFS volume). This would have also affected the other virtual machines on the same data store.

    Please answer one of the "correct".

  • Get the error code 0 x 80070070, "a snapshot cannot be created for the following reason. There is not enough space on the disk

    Original title: I get a "not enough space on the disk for the snapshot" msg... whart is a "cliché" how much space do I need? 1. on the drive, I'm backup? 2. the disk I'm backup to?

    I can't do a backup. the msg I get is:

    "Cannot create a shadow copy for the following reason."

    "There is not enough space on the disk (08 x 80070070).

    that is exactly a "cliché"?

    How much space do I need?

    1. on the drive, I'm backup?

    (I have 3,41 GB free on 224gigs)

    2. the disk I'm backup to?

    (I have 636 concerts!)

    Thanks for any clarification you can give,



    1. what operating system is installed on the computer?

    2. you have any third-party backup software installed on the computer?

    Start the shadow copy volume service and see if the problem persists.
    a: click Start > run
    : type Services.msc in the start search box and click on enter.
    c: Are now looking for a shadow copy volumeservice, double-click it to open it.
    d: make sure that the Service is started and set to Automatic.

    Shadow copy is a technology included in Microsoft Windows that allows taking manual or automatic backup copies or snapshots of data, even if it has a lock on a volume that is specific to a precise moment in time on regular intervals.
    There should be more space on the backup destination media to take successfully no matter what data should be backed up from the source backup media.

    Hope this information helps.

  • Try Powershell Copy-Item, get the message "there is not enough space on the disk.

    I'm using Powershell 2.

    I'm trying to copy a file, not very complicated.

    Copy-item D:\Outgoing\tsc.sqb D:\Incoming

    I get this:

    Copy-Item: there is not enough space on the disk.
    On line: 1 char: 10
    + Copy-item<  d:\outgoing\tsc.sqb="">
    + CategoryInfo: NotSpecified: (:)) [Copy-Item], IOException)
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId: System.IO.IOException, Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.CopyItemCommand

    If I replace Copy-Item by Move-Item, everything works fine. I didn't ' t want to move the file, however, simply copy it.

    Any ideas? Files is 230 KB or more.

    Hi BarryFreeman,

    You can ask your question in the TechNet next to all the script help forum:

  • The video file can be published to the specified location. Check that the publishing location is still available, that there is enough free space on the disk, and then republish the movie again.

    It happened once before, but it somehow went away after I restarted my laptop. I restarted my laptop, this time, but it has not worked.


    OK, so I just finished put a video together. It consists of a Hypercam 2 record (which means it's a .avi file), a PNG image, text and a song (which is a WMA file).


    I save the file, and then click Publish Movie. Everything goes well until the last step where the video is actually published. The window made a break for a while before you receive the following message;


    "Cannot complete the movie publish .

    The video file cannot be published to the specified location. "Check that the publishing location is still available, that there is enough free space on the disk and then republish the movie again."


    I know there are a lot of free space on the drive on my laptop (it's an Inspiron 1520), and that there is nothing wrong with any of my files. I tried to change places without result. It simply doesn't get it. It would be a great help to me if someone could tell me what is the problem :)


    Thank you very much


    Microsoft Windows Movie Maker is not to let me publish my movies


    I suggest you try the steps mentioned in the link given below.

    Error message when you try to publish a movie using Windows Movie Maker in Windows Vista: "cannot complete publish movie.

    Additional information:

    Solve problems with publishing a movie to your computer

  • The list of all virtual machines with more than 2 virtual disks


    I want to list all virtual machines in a data center vCenter, who got more than 2 virtual disks. Here's the workflow, I am working on that:

    1 get the view of data center

    2. get the Cluster Data Center view like the 'begine_entity '.

    3. for each view cluster overview the VirtualMachine bit cluster seen as 'begin_entity '.

    4. for each VM view, this information: VirtualMachine-> config-> hardware-> device of

    Above information is a table.

    I need help in order to extract information from this table disk, then run an if condition where the VM who got more than 2 discs should print.

    Could help you. I wrote the script to the point 4. just need advice for the posterior.

    Thank you.

    You can try one of the following values-

    1 If ($vm-> {'summary.config.numVirtualDisks'} > 2) {...}

    2 $diskCnt = grep {$_-> isa ('VirtualDisk')} @{$vm-> {'config.hardware.device'}};

    The above assumes that you've got your $vm with a filter property as follows:

    $vms = Vim::find_entity_views (view_type-online 'VirtualMachine'), the properties-online ['summary.config.numVirtualDisks', 'name', 'config.hardware.device'];

    my $vm foreach (@{$vms}) {}



  • I have problems of space on my iPhone 6. I have only 21 photos and 2 videos on my phone. However, I am on a discussion group on whatsapp. How can I create more space for my phone? I also have very few applications on my phone.

    I have problems of space on my iPhone 6, I have only 21 photos and 2 videos on my phone. However, I am part of a chart group on whatsapp. The problem now is that my storage space is almost full. How can I create more space for photos and everything?

    You cannot create more space for everything.  All you can do is remove apps, photos and especially videos to make room for other pictures and videos.

  • can I get more space for my site?

    can I get more space for my site?  I see that the default value for a site of WebCommerce is 1 GB...

    Business catalyst !


    Yes, you can, to see how, please check this

    Accounts of the FAQ questions

    Let me know if you have any question.

  • Aspire R3 - 131T, need more space for windows update

    I tried to update windows and a dialog box appears, see attached untitled.bmp, said windows needs more space.  The update is upgraded to Windows 10 Home, version 1511, 10586

    I cleaned the system files and temporary files using built in application windows, disk cleanup

    There are only 8 GB available for use on the hard disk provided with this new computer.  Thank you for any advice or support

    8 GB and a 16 GB SD card + should be enough for the upgrade. Update of what? 8.1 or a previous Win10?

    PS I don't see attachment.

  • Add more space to virtual win 7 to macbook

    I have VMware 8.1.1 on my macbook pro which is running OSX EL capitan 10.11.5. I recently purchase a 256 GB Transcend Jetdrive. Now, I installed in my Macbook pro and created 2 volumes. I try to devote one volume to install virtual machines on and these machines use this space for registration of documents and applications. I couldn't find a way to do it, if anyone knows or can help me id much appreciate it

    By default, your Virtual Machine files are created and saved in the virtual computers folder in your Documents folder. You can simply move the folder and VM files it contains to according to the partition on the new disk, you prefer and execute them for the first time in Fusion using File > Open. If you are prompted if the VM was copied or moved, choose 'moved '. However, unless there is a reason why you want to isolate files of the virtual machine of everything what goes in the other partition, you might be better off going back to the single partition in the Jetdrive, and leave the VM folder contain files of the virtual machine.

    If you want to increase the size of the volume that Windows 7 thinks it works, follow these instructions after developing the VM file in settings > hard drive in Fusion. Do you need extra space to support the expansion process and the virtual machine must be turned off and have some snapshots.

  • More than 40 Virtual Disk-000... created the vmdk files

    In the host, under all my files, there are more than 40 hard of virtual disk files and it seems that the number becomes larger.

    I don't know if I should organize everything in one folder or remove them? (New to Fusion 8 Pro)

    They are counted as Virtual Disk-000... Vmdk, Virtual Disk 05.Marco - 000.001.vmdk, etc.

    I have attached a picture of what looks like this message.

    Thanks and much gratitude for any help!


    You should not reorganize and certainly not to delete them.

    These files are your virtual disk. If you move or delete them as your virtual machine will get corrupted and the chances of data loss figure in your virtual machine or top.

    There is the possibility of having your virtual disk consisting of a single file. However, the thing is that while that may seem better on your eyes, it also means that common tasks like shrinking your disks or deletion of snapshots become more difficult.

    Rather than try to list all the reasons on what you are currently experiencing is the best way to have your virtual disk, I don't want to point you to this site:

    as this was a good list.

    Personally, I've removed "All My Files" from the Finder (uncheck in preferences) that I didn't like it and had nothing to do with the virtual disks. Down here, they don't show same under there.



  • Why Time Machine will not erase old backups when it needs more space for a new backup?

    I have problems with Time Machine.  I am running on an iMac (21.5 inch, end 2012) with a processor Intel Core i7 3.1 GHz and 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 memory.  My OS is El Capitan, 10.11.3 version (15 d 21).

    Since a few days I received the following Time machine error message:

    Time Machine could not complete the backup "IoSafe.

    Backup disc neds 47,49 GB for backup, but only 39,98 GB are available.  Select a larger drive for backup or do

    the smaller by excluding the backup files.

    I thought that Time Machine was supposed to automatically delete older backups when there was not enough space on the backup drive.  Am I missing something?  Is that what I can do to diagnose the underlying problem?

    -Is [Larry] is-

    When you enter Time Machine, you see windows cascading over time. The foreground window represents the current state of the data and those behind it successive snapshots of data taken by Time Machine. Is there only a snapshot (i.e. one behind the windshield), or more than one?

